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Putting on Chains

"When the going gets tough, the tough chain up their Chevy trucks and keep on truckin'."  
Actually, treacherous mountain roads can be safer than our freeways.  At least you are in control of your own destiny (for the most part).

4-Wheeling is More Fun!!! I have a lot of respect for Chevy trucks.  Even with chains on all 4 wheels, the truck did a lot of bucking trying to get out of here the first time. I was thinking I was glad I had a 2-way radio in case I needed to call for help!
Load that truck

Let's finish getting that truck loaded!  We've been stuck on this mountain top for how long now? -- I want some HOT water for a shower.  How do these Korean soldiers do it? -- I'm tired of kimchi and rice and fish-head soup.  I'm going to order the biggest T-bone steak when we get to the NCO club. -- How long before we're in TongDuChon? -- Chuck, quit your whinning!

Truck wash

It looks like the car wash is open today!  What a picturesque place to have to do some work.  Korea is a beautiful country.

Driving School

We got stuck behind a convoy from the driving school near KaPyong (again!).  One soldier stands up in the back of the truck with his signal flags.  He watches the truck in front and signals so those behind him will know what to expect.

To market, to market...

This sort-of has to do with trucking.  In front of us is a small truck with dogs in a cage.  Trust me when I tell you they are not going to the local pet store.

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