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What a lot of people don't realize is that making movies is hard work and can be dangerous.  The actress is well-known in Korea.  Miss Korea also played a part in the movie.
Movie Sailor If you are working in the studio, production can drag on all night.  Here I am playing the part of a sailor.  In the movie there is a cool scene that looks like I really got knocked out.  Man that's an ugly wig I'm wearing!!!
Tae Won Gun The movie this was a part of was called, "Tae Won Gun" or Great Kings of Korea.  It was a mini-series on TV.  Here we are playing the British who wanted to open Korea up to trade and change.
Warrior Costume MBC (MunWha Broadcasting Corp.) always has some of the best costumes.  I played about three different roles in the same movie.  Most of it was filmed at historic locations.  We were warned to keep our mouths open during large pyrotechnic explosions to avoid possible concussions. 
Makeup MBC not only has the best costumes, they also have some of the best makeup artist.  It was a lot of fun.  Besides, who can fuss about being made over by a pretty girl?
Silver Stallion This outfit was seen in the movie Silver Stallion that won top place in the film festival.  The scenes were more realistic than actual Army training and you had to be good because you were being filmed.  Imagine having your rifle on your shoulder, carrying a rubber raft across a river beach with your squad while under fire, paddling across the small river, jumping out, running a few feet and diving down on the beach to return fire.  Whew!  We were good!
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