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12-Nymph Pool Legend has it that maidens were lowered down from Heaven to bathe in this secluded pool in Mount Sorak.  A woodcutter saw this and stole the youngest one's cloths so she couldn't return and would have to marry him.  Years later, after having two children, she tricked him into returning her cloths and she returned to Heaven.  There is more to the story..., and there are many more wonderful folktales of Korea.
This is my favorite mountain (or rock) and it is called UlSan Pawei (or Ulsan Rock).  It is located on Korea's east coast near Sorak mountain and the city of SokCho.
I photographed this mountain (UlSan) dozens of times to try and capture it.  I could never get a photo to do it justice.
Favorite "Pit Stop" This is a favorite "pit stop" about half-way up one mountain.  It is not only beautiful, but there is something about the sound of a flowing mountain stream that just makes you want to become one with nature.
Chinese Tunnel This is known as the "Chinese Tunnel" because it was built by the Chinese during the war.  On one side is a huge cliff that drops down into the river and on the other side is only mountains.  The Chinese were trapped and blasted this tunnel through the mountain to escape.
Rest Stop This was a convenient rest stop located not too far from the Chinese Tunnel.
Fishing Inner-Tube Len and I just having some fun exploring during some free time.  We found this fishing inner-tube and pulled it up out of the sea.  I do enjoy Korea's scenic views.
Vulcan 20mm Anti-aircraft gun I'll bet my gun is bigger than your gun!  This is a Vulcan 20mm radar-guided anti-aircraft gun.  We were working near here and these soldiers let us pose for pictures sitting on it.
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