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As President of SENCO, Senior Non-Commissioned Officers organization, my wife and I were given the honor of being seated at the head table.  SUSLAK stands for Special U.S. Liaison Advisor - Korea.  We had a ball - literally!

As a Korean linguist and translator, I attended many official functions and meetings.  Here, our visit to a Korean military site was formally documented by a group picture with commanders and leaders.
I cannot begin to count the number of times I participated in feasts and celebrations with our Korean counterparts.  The unit's mess hall area was not only used for eating, but also for special events and singing.  Special meals on site were usually something all troops could enjoy.
Other times, these social events were only enjoyed by the Americans and a privileged few from the Korean side.  Here, our hosts invited us to quit working early, drive down from the mountaintop, and enjoy a picnic by a beautiful stream.  Many will agree that was a non-forgettable day in many ways.
Library meeting Here we are in the library discussing our plans.  We also slept on the wood platform where we are sitting.  In all cases, whether formal or informal, official or unofficial, the translator is never truly "off-duty."
Turn the Page Out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away.  Every ounce of energy, you try to give away.  As the sweat pours out your body like the music that you play.  Here I am, on the road again.  Here I am, up on the stage.  Turn the Page - Bob Seager (Office Theme Song)  Doug singing in Korean.
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