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Over looking PanMunJom I've spent some time in the PanMunJom area.  Here I am posing as a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Military Police (MP).  Behind me is what we call "propaganda village" in North Korea.
Guard Post Oulette This place is called Guard Post Oulette and is well fortified.  Soldiers sleep underground in case of an attack.  I don't imagine they would last long if hostilities broke out.
This is the place politicians come to around November.  They come here and spend 30 minutes for publicity and "troop morale," then they forget everything they have seen and go about their Christmas shopping before returning from their "official trip."
Freedom Bridge Freedom Bridge crosses the ImJin River.  It is at the southern edge of the DMZ, about 2 kilometers South of PMJ and the Demarcation Line.  The whole area is heavily patrolled and access is restricted.
Bombed Bridge It's kind of eerie crossing Freedom Bridge and seeing the remains of the bridge that was bombed during the war.  Explorers can still see some war relics sitting around in the bushes in some places.
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