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Cavalier Lightning There were always lots of "team" photographs.  This was the Cavalier Lightning team posing after arrival on a mountaintop location.  As a supporting linguist for various teams, I was often gone for weeks at a time.
Team Picture Here is another team photo.  That's a pretty scary-looking group, if you ask me.
Boat Trip Well, there I go, on the road again.  Or in this case, on the seas again.  How long will we gone this time?  Packing a bag gets to be a habit.  I definitely got to see Korea, and speaking the language allowed me to meet people and make friends.
Catching Sun After a chilly night, the sun feels good.
A game of Chuk-Gu (Korean soccer / volleyball) is always a good way to pass some time and get some exercise.  The idea is to get the ball back and forth over the net without using your hands.  Okay, so I don't have form or style!
Doggie Dinner Don't get too friendly with these dogs.  They'll be joining us for dinner soon enough.
Adjusting the Compass Mike, I think it would work better if you looked through the other end!  Notice the bundles of rice stocks behind us.
Radio Test Hello, mom?  Yea, I'm fine.  I'm just sitting around running some test with soldiers from the 102nd at Camp Hovey.
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