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Last modified: 01/14/2015 21:33:53
Version 2.5.1

Throwing Pedestrians off Car Roofs | Locks & Doors on Vehicles | Pitstops

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Throwing Pedestrians off Car Roofs

This is a somewhat modified version of the rules seen in the Car Wars Compendium. It was necessary to create these rules due to the zany actions of a maniac with a hatchet attacking the roof of a car.

Any hazardous event or maneuver may throw riders off the top of a vehicle. When a vehicle undergoes any D2 or greater hazard or any D3 or greater maneuver, anyone on board must roll to stay on. The base roll is 3 or better on 2 dice modified by the list below.

A sloped vehicle moving at 50 mph with breached top armour and a rider hanging on by only one hand would require a 9 or better for the rider to remain on if the vehicle did a D3 maneuver.

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Locks & Doors on Vehicles

When a conscious crew member is in a vehicle, the doors are considered locked. When there are no crew members in the vehicle, the doors are considered unlocked; there is no way of counteracting this. When all the crew members in a vehicle become unconscious, the doors become unlocked (sort of a safety feature).

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AVRO pit stops are full combat areas -- players are welcome to fire into and out of the pits. No dropped weapons in the pits however. Pitstops offer the following: fire extinguishing, refueling and tire changing. Sorry, no armour or engine repair. No medical services are provided. Also, no weapon reloads allowed. Only service with a smile.

Vehicles do not need to stop for the fire extinguishing: while inside the pits, the vehicle will be allowed a 4 in 6 chance of extinguishing the fire or fire modifiers per phase while inside the pits (roll at end of phase if still inside).

For refueling or tire changing, the vehicle must be stopped entirely inside the pits and request the activity (no firing action). Both can occur simultaneously. It takes five full phases to completely refuel a vehicle; the vehicle is not in any additional fire danger due to the refueling.

For a tire change (free), it takes 20 phases to replace any or all of the tires: 1 second to remove nuts, 1 second to remove tire or remains of a tire, 1 second to put on new tire, and 1 second to tighten nuts. Note that an intact wheel must be present for a tire change. Tires that are not damaged will not be replaced. Tires may be targeted by opponents while the tire is being changed. If the tire was destroyed and only the wheel was left, the wheel would still be vulnerable for the time to remove the nuts and to take off the tire remains.

Vehicles may move before the pit activity is completed. However, the consequences are too ugly to mention.

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Comments or suggestions? Contact Bruce at blam@arrowweb.com

Car Wars, AADA, Autoduel, Uncle Albert's, and the AADA logo are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All names of other products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are registered trademarks or trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license.

Reprinted by the Seattle Washington Autoduel Team, January 20, 2015
Updated May 27, 2023
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