AVRO Logo Rules Logo AVRO Duelling Standards

Last modified: 01/14/2015 21:33:34
Version 2.5.1

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Vehicular Standards

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Engines & Power Plants






Personal Equipment

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Crew Standards

Skill Points | Number of Crew | Damage Points | Encumbrance

Skill Points

Each player (not crew member) has 60 skill points. A maximum of 30 points may go into any one skill. Running is given free at Base 0 level.

Number of Crew

Each player may have up to a total of two crew: driver & gunner. No passengers allowed. This rule does apply to cycles. Skill points may be split any way between the crew.

Damage Points

Crew are usually 3 DP and 150 lbs. However, the alternate DP, space & weight rules for crew in ADQ 8-3 on page 17 are permitted.


The Alternate Encumbrance rules will be used. Running speed will be affected. Personal equipment weight will apply to vehicle's weight limit.
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Other Standards

  1. Vehicles with gas engines can only have a single gas tank. There must be enough gas for 150 miles.

  2. Vehicle submissions must be in 2 days before an event & must be checked by the President.

  3. There is a no firing/ramming period of 3 entire seconds (start firing in turn 4) at the start of each event.

  4. The starting speed of each vehicle is set at 30 mph (can change speeds in turn 1)

  5. Exterior descriptions of opponent's vehicles will be available at the before the start of the event.

  6. At least 4 stock vehicles will be available for use at each event.

  7. The President will always compete with a stock vehicle. Which stock vehicle will be revealed at the start of the event.

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Kills & Point Systems

Maneuver Kills | Firepower Kills | Regaining Kill Points
Exiting Vehicles & Arenas | Surrendering

Maneuver Kills

Maneuver kills are awarded when a player's vehicle is unable to move under its own power. Rocket boosters are not considered legitimate for this classification. Preventing a vehicle from moving for the rest of the duel is another way of gaining a maneuver kill.

Exception: if a player maneuver kills oneself, then the maneuver kill points are considered lost. Maneuver kill points may still be awarded to an opponent if direct cause & effect for a maneuver kill can be proved.

    Examples of Maneuver Kills
  1. Losing the wheels on two corners.
  2. Gas tank destroyed.
  3. Ran out of gas (this will only occur if the tank was breached once and nitrous oxide was then used) -- points go to person who first breached the tank.
  4. Engine destroyed
  5. Lost control & rolled onto roof due to avoiding an oncoming ram or a slick of oil -- points go to the opponent involved


Firepower Kills

The ruling of firepower kills has always been a tricky subject. After numerous deliberations (i.e. numerous sessions of head banging), I have been able to come up with a balanced way of distributing the points. These rules make it easier to deal with dedicated ram cars, last rounds, and cars with useless weapons.

Before Event
Player must determine how one wants one's firepower kill points to depend on -- either on the vehicular weapons or on the vehicles' mobility.

Based on mobility
Killing a player's vehicle mobility gains both the mobility and the firepower points of said player.

Based on Weapons
Firepower points are awarded when the vehicular weapons cannot meaningfully affect the other players. (e.g. destroyed weapons, unable to fire weapons)

Only weapons that can kill other players can be used for the vehicular firepower classification. (e.g. smokescreens are not permitted; spike droppers are permitted)

Shooting all the shots of one's firepower weapons transfers the basis of the firepower points to the vehicle's mobility instead (i.e. a moving car is still a deadly weapon). If the vehicle is already mobility killed, points are awarded to the player who had mobility killed it.

Pedestrians are normally considered cannon fodder and cannot be used for this firepower kill definition.

Exception: fools who enter arenas without a vehicle. In this case, kill points are awarded by getting surrenders or blowing the fools away.


Regaining Kill Points

Players can regain their points from the players who "killed" them by commandeering other vehicles. One second is required to open the door, two seconds to remove a body (if present), one second to enter the vehicle and one second to close the door.

In the case of a gunner commandeering a vehicle, the firepower & maneuver kill points become split between the crew. For example, if the driver's vehicle is killed, the opponent would get only half the maneuver & firepower kill points. In order to get full points, both driver and gunner would have to be eliminated from play.

Player 1's car was killed by Player 2. Player 1 then goes over to an Player 3's empty vehicle and commandeers it. Player 1 then regains the points lost to Player 2. Player 3 and whoever killed Player 3 do not lose any points.


Exiting Vehicles & Arenas

When a player exits a vehicle, the firepower & maneuver kill points of the vehicle are left with the vehicle. These points are removed from the player's score until the player returns to the vehicle or commandeers another vehicle. These points can be captured by opponents who kill the player's empty vehicle (player can still commandeer other vehicles).

When a vehicle exits an arena, the firepower & maneuver kill points of the vehicle is removed from the player's score. If an opponent can prove direct cause & relationship for the player's leaving (i.e. player practically destroyed), then the points may be awarded to the opponent; however, an extremely strong case must be proved.



In AVRO, surrenders are only allowed if the player's vehicle is killed. This will prevent the player from commandeering any other vehicle. No points are awarded in this transaction.

This rule was instituted after a wave of ridiculous surrenders where players were surrendering to others just to prevent someone from winning. That type of nonsense is not tolerated.

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Reprinted by the Seattle Washington Autoduel Team, January 20, 2015
Updated May 27, 2023
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