Correspondence regarding City of Renton exceeding 1% tax limit -
taking advantage of a loophole in I-747 (aka tax scam)
Link Main Index of Correspondence
03/01/02Inez Petersen letter to mayor and council members regarding the impending legal challenge to I-747
03/04/02Terry Persson to the City Clerk asking that the council reject Mayor Tanner's suggestion that Renton challenge I-747 [includes Clerk's reply also]
03/04/02Terry Persson Letter to Editor (South County Journal) regarding double-digit property tax increases, with CC to Councilmembers Koelker-Wheeler, Parker, and Don Persson,
03/06/02Inez Petersen to Kathy Koelker-Wheeler, asking why she is silent on the property tax issue (subject: You did good)
03/08/02Terry Persson to Renton Senior Center Advisory Committee
03/08/02Inez Petersen to mayor and council regarding their their paid ad in the Renton Reporter indicating property taxes were decreasing (a big lie!)
03/09/02Inez Petersen letter to editor (Renton Reporter) regarding the City's paid ad (aka lie) in the RR
03/09/02Inez Petersen letter to Councilman Persson asking if the City is violating its own ordinance (copies to mayor and other council members)
03/09/02Inez Petersen regarding 02/28/02 Council Retreat, the city business plan, and property taxes
03/09/02Inez Petersen to mayor and council regarding goal of Municipal Court to be self-supporting financially [the true motivation for writing tickets]
03/10/02Councilman Clawson speaks and Inez Petersen replies
03/10/02Vote for "the other guy"
03/10/02Letter from Inez Petersen to Councilmembers Parker, Koelker-Wheeler, Nelson, and Persson regarding their silence on the property tax issue
03/11/02Councilman Clawson responds to Inez Petersen's letter of March 10, 2002 (in his usual style)
03/11/02Paul Guppy instructs Councilman Clawson regarding property taxes
03/11/02Terry Persson to Councilman Clawson regarding Clawson's reply to Inez Petersen (Note: So as not to confuse the Persson's, Terry Persson is the concerned citizen and Don Persson is the councilmember)
03/11/02Inez Petersen replies to Councilman Clawson's ridiculous letter
03/11/02Inez Petersen's Property Tax 101 presented to City Council on 3/11/2002
03/12/02Councilman Clawson to Terry Persson. You've got to read this one and then wonder how the voters ever elected this man!
03/12/02Inez Petersen to Council, one more time with Property Tax 101 (a follow-up to her presentation at the 3/11/02 council meeting) AND no she didn't use the F-word or anything akin to it as the mayor would have you believe!
03/12/02Councilman Clawson to Terry Persson about the unspent money the Council wants to carry over to 2002 (this is nothing more than posturing on the part of Councilman Clawson)
03/12/02Jim and Shawn Curry's letter regarding property taxes
03/13/02Mayor Tanner's 1991 campaign promises come back "to bite him in the ass"
03/14/02City's Recreation Director consulting city attorney to determine if seniors at Renton Senior Center can hear a presentation regarding understanding their property tax statements; is this hilarious or what?
03/14/02Councilman Persson responds but doesn't answer the question asked (see Terry Persson's remarks and Rob McKenna's article)
03/15/02Letter to Editor from Betty Rock, Nobody cares about seniors (South County Journal, 3/13/02)
03/15/02Inez Petersen passes Betty Rock's Letter to Editor onto the mayor and city council, so that they can't plead ignorance
03/17/02Terry Persson discusses news article, "Renton leaders discuss ways to spend $5 million budget balance," which will actually put us deeper into debt, rather than spending surplus funds only
03/19/02Terry Persson to King Parker, request for a meeting to discuss Bonding, City Debt and City Levy Rates
April 2002Discontinued posting.
Feb 2003Same story, different year.

Subject: Initiative I-747 Legal Challenge
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 15:02:00 -0700
From: Ine Petersen
To:,,,,,, ,

Dear mayor and council members:

I was appalled to read the minutes of the last council meeting (Feb 25, 2002) where this entry can be found:
"At the request of Mayor Tanner, an electronic letter (see below) was read from Municipal Government Analyst Sheila Gall, Association of Washington Cities . . . asking if Renton is planning to be co-plaintiff in the anticipated challenge of I-747 that is expected to be filed soon." Toni Nelson made a motion for the Committee of the Whole to consider participating in this legal challenge; it was seconded by Randy Corman and all council members voted yes.

Are you all out of your minds? It is bad enough that, because of a loophole, you passed an ordinance increasing our property taxes by 6% when the intent of I-747 was to hold increases to 1% without voter approval. And it is bad enough that individuals are really facing increases of over 10% in the city portion of their property taxes. Now you're considering wasting our tax money on a court challenge to I-747? Shame on you all!

Inez P. Petersen
Moderator - Renton Political Action Network Newsgroup

From: Sheila Gall,
To: FaxBroadcast
Date: 2/25/02 3:27 pm
Subject: Initiative 747 Legal Challenge

To Mayors and City managers/Administrators:

Mark Erickson, the city attorney of Olympia, requested that the Association of Washington Cities find out if any jurisdictions were planning to be co-plaintiffs in the anticipated legal challenge of Initiative 747 that is expected to be filed soon.

It is anticipated that a lawsuit initiated with one of the firms involved in the previous initiative challenges, Foster Pepper & Shefelman, will be filed soon.

If possible, please respond by March 6 to Sheila Gall of AWC at (360) 753-4137 or

If your city has questions about this request or the legal challenge, please contact Mark Erickson, Olympia City Attorney, at (360) 753-8325.

Sheila Gall
Municipal Government Analyst
Association of Washington Cities
1076 Franklin Street SE
Olympia, WA 98501-1346
Telno (360) 753-4137
Fax (360) 753-0149

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Subject: Request for non-support of Challenge to I-747
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 07:49:16 -0800
From: terrypersson
To: "City Clerk"
CC: "McKenna, Rob" Rob.McKenna@METROKC.GOV, "Inez Petersen

Jessie Tanner at the last City Council Meeting asked that The City consider becoming co-plaintiffs in the court challenge to I-747. As you know the majority of the Citizens in Renton overwhelming supported it's passage. I would be in your best interest and the interests of the Citizens of Renton (for those of you who intend to run for office again) if you reject Tanner's request. The Renton property owners are still rebounding from the double-digit tax increases that was authorized by everyone of you on the council.

Thanks for your consideration

Terry Persson
2821 N.E. 8th Place
Renton, Wash. 98056
Home Phone: 425-228-5848

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From: Bonnie Walton
Cc: Jay Covington; Julia Medzegian
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: Request for non-support of Challenge to I-747

Dear Mr. [Terry] Persson:

Thank you for your e-mail regarding the Initiative 747 legal challenge. Copy has been forwarded to Mayor Tanner and members of Council for their review. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Bonnie Walton
City Clerk

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Subject: Renton's Double-digit Property Tax increase
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 10:51:54 -0800
From: "terrypersson"
To: "Inez Petersen"
CC: "wheeler Kathy", "KING PARKER", "Don Persson", "McKenna, Rob" Rob.McKenna@METROKC.GOV

Inez, attached is the letter to the editor that speaks to the subject of taxes here in the city of Renton. I included a cc to Kathy Wheeler, Don Persson, and King Parker. Maybe one of these days they will respond to our questions as to why they authorized these unprecedented large Property tax increases.

To: South County Journal Editor
[Kathy Fehlings: Per our conversation, Thanks Terry Persson ]
Subject: Renton's Double-digit Property tax increases

Double-digit property tax increases authorized by the Renton Mayor and City Council are here now and will continue to be the wave of the future in Renton, if we don't do something about it. The average property tax increase for 2002 was an unacceptable 10.5%

The Mayor said he and the Council were lowering the city tax levy rate. He keeps pointing to the lower Renton 2002 tax rate because it implies that the tax burden will decrease. The property tax is budget-based, rather than a rate-based system. In other words, Tanner's budget drives our property tax increases. His lack of knowledge of how the County taxing process works leaves a lot to be desired, or could he be pleading ignorance for a purpose? When valuations are rising, the Renton tax rate can go down, and we will still pay more. When the Renton Mayor continues to make statements that the increases in property tax collections is due to the County Assessor's revaluations of your property, please take his statements as inaccurate and deceptive. The motive of the mayor and City Council is to leave you with the impression that taxes are decreasing when they are actually rising.

The Washington Policy Center stated in their publication; "Renton claims the honor of imposing the highest tax increases of any city they surveyed". You must not sit idly by while your taxes continue to increase at an astronomical rate. Please contact Mayor Tanner and every member of the City Council and make you views known.

Terry Persson
2821 N.E. 8th Place
Renton, Washington 98056
Home Phone 425-228-5848 \

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Subject: You did good
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 07:15:36 -0700
From: Ine Petersen
To: Kathy Wheeler

Why are you silent on the property tax issue?

Inez sent the above note to Councilmember Koelker-Wheeler in response to a note that Kathy had sent to Inez circa 9/27/01. Councilmember Kathy Koelker-Wheeler said in her note:

Thanks for your support. It's really nice to hear positive comments from people in the community.

I ask lots of questions because I want to know what's going on. I also believe that asking questions that may be of interest to the public is an essential part of my job. Unfortunately, the mayor has been unable to understand this. He seems to feel I am questioning his authority.

The good news for my peace of mind is that my experience with former Mayors Shinpoch and Clymer was very positive. I asked questions of them, got answers and both of them welcomed the opportunity to provide additional information to the Council and to the public. I guess that's a long way of saying that I still feel good about the way I do my job in spite of the current mayor's negativity. But it sure helps when people like you take the time to let me know that you appreciate my efforts. Thanks again for writing.

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From: "terrypersson"
Date: March 8, 2002
Subject: Letter to Renton Senior Citizens Committee
CC: "Don & Carole Caroleveitch", "Don Persson", "KING PARKER", "wheeler Kathy", "McKenna, Rob" Rob.McKenna@METROKC.GOV, "hI NEIGHBOR" XX040299@CS.COM

To: Senior Citizens Advisory Committee

Subject: Renton s Double Digit Property Tax increase

For your information, I made arrangements to give a Power Point presentation to your Senior Citizens Advisory Committee on March 4th at 10:00 A. M.. It was to inform you about the alarming percentage increase in personal property taxes the City of Renton would collect in 2002. Your committee is comprised of retired people like myself who can ill afford these large property increases. As you know, the average property tax increase in the city of Renton (just the City, nothing else) was 10.5%. This number was documented in the attached E-mail from the King County Assessors Office.

I received a Call from Renton City Hall (Silvia Allen, Renton City Recreational Director) telling me that I am prohibited from talking to your group. She said the Renton Administration has made the decision that the presentation I planned to give to your committee on the 2002 property tax increases was political in nature. News to me that information provided to us by the King County Assessors Office is political. Also, she informed me that the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee is not allowed to hear or respond to any information that would prove to be detrimental to any policy that is approved by the Renton City Council. She indicated it is not in your charter. Food for thought. For some strange reason I was under the impression there was still such a thing as freedom of speech. Her statements about what your committee is allowed to listen to leaves a lot to be desired.

My position is that decisions that directly affect your daily lives and mine cannot be left in the hands of a few City Managers. Currently they seem to be under the impression that they are more than just service providers to the seniors down at the Center.

It might be a good exercise for each of you to understand the scope of information you are authorized to listen to as a committee. From what Silvia Allen is telling us, your committee is limited only to dealing with activities that relate to the Senior Center and the trails around it. This is not a productive use of your collective ages and talents. If you have any question, please give me a call.

Terry Persson
2821 N.E. 8th Place
Renton, Wash. 98056
Home Phone: 425-228-5848

Attachments: Letter to the South County Journal
E-Mail from King County Auditors Office

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From: Ine Petersen
Date: March 8, 2002
Subject: Renton Tax Scam

Dear mayor and council members:

I am so mad after reading the latest Renton Reporter (03/06/02) and seeing that you used "City Source" to mislead the citizens of Renton about their property taxes.

When businesses print ads which have errors in them, they print a retraction the next week. You owe the citizens of Renton a retraction.

The headline "Property tax rates continue to decrease" is a lie. I defy you to take your 2001 and 2002 tax statements and show me where your City property taxes decreased. You can't do it. And if you can't do it, then your headline is a lie, and you owe the citizens of Renton a retraction. The headline should have read "Property taxes increase at least 10% this year."

Filling the park manager slot with an out-of-state person at the top of the pay scale--well, this kind of fiscal irresponsibility we've come to expect; but you've gone too far with the property tax deception. Wouldn't it have been great had Councilmember Koelker-Wheeler showed as much indignance over the issue of property taxes as she did over spending $8,000 in moving expenses for the new park manager?

If you believed that property taxes had truly decreased, you would not have forbidden a senior citizen from explaining to other seniors at the Renton Senior Center how to read and interpret their property tax statements. Isn't it about time for some truth?

Waiting for a retraction,
Inez P. Petersen
3306 Lake Wash Blvd North #2
Renton, WA 98056-1978

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Subject: Letter to Editor (Renton Reporter)
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 06:38:48 -0700
From: Ine Petersen

City leaders can't tell up from down

The last Renton Reporter (03/06/02) contained a paid advertisement from the City entitled "Property tax rates continue to decrease." Warning! The mayor and council can't tell up from down. If you will take your property tax statement from last year and compare it to the one you recently received, you will see that that our city leaders are engaged in a grand deception when it comes to taxes. The City portion of my taxes was $1168 in 2001 and $1308 for 2002. 1308-1168=140 and 140/1168=.12 This simple calculation shows that my taxes increased 12% this year. The King County Assessor's Office has also issued a statement which confirms that the average property tax increase for the City of Renton is over 10%. The mayor and council are parsing words to deceive us. I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. The City of Renton has decreased property tax rates for the last several years. These statements both have a similar ring, don't they?

Inez P. Petersen
3306 Lake Wash Blvd North #2
Renton, WA 98056-1978

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Subject: City violating its own ordinance?
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 07:10:55 -0700
From: Ine Petersen

Dear Councilman Persson (with copies to the mayor and council):

Please break from the pack and stand for the truth regarding property taxes.

You were the only council member who voted against the ordinance to increase our property taxes 6%. You should now come forth to challenge whether the City is violating its own ordinance, since County Assessor figures show our taxes were increased an average of 10.5%; and in my personal case, it was 12%.

It appears that there is a "Zip the Lip" gag order in effect at Grady Way about property tax increases. At first you were trying to respond to our inquiries on this subject, but now you are silent. It is a shame that Council President Toni Nelson won't speak. You are on the Finance Committee with King Parker and Dan Clawson; and neither of them will speak. But you must break from the pack and stand for truth.

I predict that the would-be mayors amongst your fellow council members will regret their position on property taxes. I'm thinking the mayor is so proud of himself that he will probably run for office again; and if so, I hope this lie bites him in the ass.

Inez P. Petersen
3306 Lake Wash Blvd North #2
Renton, WA 98056-1978

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Subject: 02/28/02 Council Retreat
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 09:00:08 -0700
From: Ine Petersen

You may obtain copies of the agenda, the city's business plan for 2002, and meeting notes by contacting the City Clerk at

I read these documents over and was unable to find any commitment from the mayor or council members to work within reasonable [and lawful] property tax limits. A business plan without any mention of the levels of funding? What kind of business plan is that? If only we could run our families like our leaders run the city--we could make our dreams come true just by increasing our pay everytime we wanted something. What a great life that would be!

Posted by: Inez Petersen 425-255-5543

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Subject: Municipal Court Special Presentation at 3/4/02 Council Meeting
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 18:30:06 -0700
From: Ine Petersen

Dear mayor and council members:

I cannot believe that none of you made any comment when Municipal Court Services Director indicated he was striving for Court Services to be financially self-supporting.

Finding people guilty and fining them in order to be self-supporting should not be the goal of the Renton Municipal Court.

Writing tickets when truly justified and holding just court proceedings -- that should be the goal of Court Services.

This is just another area where dollar signs fog your thinking.

Inez P. Petersen
3306 Lake Wash Blvd North #2
Renton, WA 98056-1978

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Subject: Councilman Clawson speaks on City property taxes
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 09:32:29 -0700
From: Ine Petersen
To: Dan Clawson
CC: Daniel Clawson,

Dear Councilman Clawson (with a carbon copy to the mayor's mini-me, Jay Covington:)

You can parse words all you want. But the fact remains that the City of Renton raised property taxes, not lowered them as is the City "party line." Certainly you know, from correspondence addressed specifically to you and the other council members, that the King County Assessor's Office says that the City of Renton raised property taxes. Is the Assessor wrong? I think not.

The plain fact is that in 2002 the City raised property taxes over 10% on average and 12% in my case. If you really believe property taxes have decreased as reported in the latest "City Source," then you don't deserve to be in office, and neither do the rest of the people sitting at the front of the council chambers.

You have NOT answered my questions over and over, nor the questions asked by others concerning City property taxes. You have, however, indicated that the City acted within state law. This is not an answer--it is a feeble excuse! And I'm not so sure you have followed the law in its entirety since the City exceeded its own ordinance which authorized a 6% increase, not a 10.5% increase. City leaders took advantage of a loophole in I-747 called "banking capacity." That is nothing to be proud of, since voters wanted a lid on spending without adequate justification and a vote of the people.

The fact that the budget process is "a very public process" and you raised our taxes in such an open (or should I say brazen) fashion, well, isn't that a fine kettle of fish! But some of us noticed and are speaking out on behalf of the ones that haven't noticed . . . yet.

Inez P. Petersen

Dan Clawson wrote on Sun, 10 Mar 2002:

Dear Ms. Petersen:

You say that even if property tax rate has decreased, fact that total property taxes collected by Renton for 2001 is greater than 2000 because of increased assessments of individual properties and new construction means the City has increased property taxes.

In the early 1990s when Boeing cut back total assessment for Renton real estate fell, and the total property taxes collected by Renton fell from previous years, even though the property tax rate was the same or higher. Did the Mayor and City Council lower property taxes for those years in which overall collections decreased?

City utility taxes collected for 2001 were very high because of the spike in rates caused by the problems in California. Less utility taxes will be collected in 2002, even though the utility tax rate is the same. Can the Mayor and City Council take credit for lowering utility taxes in 2002?

You say we are "scamming" the citizens of Renton, when we have answered your "questions" over and over and set taxes per state law by a very public process. How about an straight and direct answer to my questions? Please feel free to consult with Paul Guppy, Tim Eyman, or anyone else who can answer.

Dan Clawson
Renton City Council

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Subject: Voting for "the other guy"
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 12:50:40 -0700
From: Ine Petersen

Up for election next time:
Toni Nelson
Kathy Koelker-Wheeler
King Parker
Don Persson

The terms of these Renton councilmembers expire in 2003. I'm hoping you will remember the lie purported by the City about property taxes decreasing when they actually increased. This should cause you to cast your ballot for "the other guy" at the next election. Unfortunately, the incumbent [the one already in office] has a great advantage over "the other guy." I'm hoping people will use their vote to protest the "tax and spend" mentality which exists at city hall.

It's easy to increase the taxes when you want to spend more. It is hard to put priorities on budget items and eliminate the least value-added items; but this is mandatory in order for you to live within your means. We have to do it in our own families, and the city should learn to do it too.

So when you see these names on the ballot next time, think "Vote for the other guy."

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Subject: "Zip the Lip" Policy
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 14:37:58 -0700
From: Ine Petersen

Dear Councilmembers Parker, Nelson, Koelker-Wheeler, and Persson:

There has been much comment lately about Renton's property tax levels. Did the City increase or decrease our property taxes? What is fact? What is fiction? However, all one has to do is look at his/her property tax statements for the last 2 years and the Truth is revealed. You owe your constituency a comment. Your terms expire next year. You must not hide behind a "Zip the lip" wall of silence.

  • What were you thinking when you voted for the 106% property tax levy?
  • What were you thinking when you voted for a budget increase?
  • What were you thinking when the King County Assessor told you that the average property tax increase for Renton residents was 10.5%?
  • What were you thinking when the City issued press releases indicating our property rates were decreasing, when the actual money out of pocket had increased?

    Misleading us with numbers is not allowed. Such verbiage is a slight of hand intended to deceive the people. You make a big deal out of a so-called decrease in the property tax rate, yet the exorbitant increases in assessed values have netted the City a huge increase in actual property tax revenues. Just speak to the simple reality of the situation, and that simple reality for me is the City portion of my property taxes increased 12% this year ($1308 up from $1168 in 2001). Why haven't you considered the plight of property owners beset with excessive assessed value increases in a time of declining resale values? Why haven't you considered the plight of the seniors on fixed incomes? If you truly believed you did the right thing with the property taxes of the people who voted for you, then tell them why you think that way, because silence from an elected official is not acceptable.

    Inez P. Petersen
    3306 Lake Wash Blvd North #2
    Renton, WA 98056-1978

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    Subject: Raising taxes?
    Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:19:38 -0800
    From: Dan Clawson

    Dear Ms. Petersen,

    Your inability or unwillingness to directly answer a very simple question confirms my suspicions that this "anti-tax crusade" led by admitted liar Tim Eyman is based on willful ignorance and mental and physical laziness rather than facts and concern for providing government services efficiently and cost-effectively. The anti-tax party line that you and the others are promoting is a deliberate attempt to mislead and confuse voters. If there are any property owners who don't realize that city taxes on an individual property result from the assessed value of the property, which is set by the King County Assessor, multiplied by the tax rate, which is set by the City Council, I have yet to meet one.

    The point of my question is that according to Eyman, Guppy, et al when the Assessor raises the assessments (meaning that the property owner has more valuable property) then the City Council gets the blame. If the Assessor lowers the assessments, causing individual taxes to down, then the City Council gets no credit. The fact is that the City Council has no control over the County Assessor. The only power to affect property taxes that the City Council has is its authority to set the tax rate. The rates have decreased for 3 years in a row. What has raised individual taxes is inflation, something over which the Council has no direct control. If you want to blame us for helping make Renton a more desirable place to live, raising property values, then we are guilty as charged, and proud of it!

    It comes down to blaming government representatives - throwing stones - rather than getting involved in the process to make things better. It seems that those who howl the loudest about property taxes are the least involved in volunteering and helping in the community to be a better place to live. I saw an email from Terry Persson showing the Council Member's property taxes. We pay property taxes too!

    Dan Clawson
    Renton City Council

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    Subject: Property tax discussion.
    Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:23:39 -0800
    From: "Paul Guppy"

    Since I've been mentioned in this discussion regarding Renton property taxes, I feel it is important to clarify certain points.

    Elected officials should only be held accountable for the budget decisions they control. Renton city council members do not control the assessed value of property in Renton; that is determined by the real-estate market as measured by the assessor. City council members do, however, control the total about of money that is collected in taxes each year from Renton property owners. When the total property tax collection goes down, that's a tax cut, and the city council should get credit for it. When the total property tax collection goes up, that's a tax increase, and the city council should be held accountable for it.

    If total tax collections go down because property values go down, that is still to the credit of the city council, because it chose to exercise restraint by not increasing the tax rate to offset the decline in values. When total property tax collections go up, whether values are going up or down, that is the responsibility of the city council. The council knows total assessed values in Renton in advance, and sets the tax rate based on the total amount of tax money it wants to collect. If values are rising fast enough, the city council can even reduce the tax RATE, and still collect more money than the previous year. That is a tax INCREASE. Bottom line: by controling the rate the city council controls the total amount of tax collected, regardless of what is happening to property values. Over 1998 - 2001 Renton increased regular property tax collections by 17.2%. Inflation over the same period was 6.95%.

    In 2002 the Renton city council increased regular property tax collections by 4.9% (Ordinance No. 4931, passed December 10, 2001). This is a substantial tax increase and well above the 1% level voters called for in passing Initiative 747. Higher assessed values allowed the city council to keep the tax RATE flat at $3.27 per $1,000 of value and still collect more money from Renton property owners. If the council had wished not to impose a tax increase, or to limit the increase to 1%, it would have reduced the tax rate to offset the rise in property values.

    Regarding individuals, the city council cannot control how property taxes impact single owners. The owner of a fast-rising property may end up with a tax increase one year, even if the council reduced the overall tax burden. Similarly, the owner of property whose value is flat or declining may experience a tax decreasing one year, even when the city council has increased the total amount of taxes collected. Naturally, it is far more likely that an individual's taxes will go up when the city council is increasing the total tax burden, and that the individual's taxes will go down when the council is reducing the total tax burden.

    I hope these points are helpful.

    - Paul Guppy , Research Director , Washington Policy Center
    (206) 937-9691

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    Date: Tuesday, March 11,2002
    To: Dan Clawson
    From: terrypersson
    CC: "wheeler Kathy", "McKenna, Rob" Rob.McKenna@METROKC.GOV,, "Crossler, Jerry" Jerry.Crossler@METROKC.GOV, "Don Persson", "KING PARKER", "hI NEIGHBOR" XX040299@CS.COM,, "Tom Fleming", "Don & Carole Caroleveitch", "Paul Guppy", "Renton City Council"
    Subject: Raising taxes


    Read your correspondence to Inez Petersen and cannot see where you asked a direct question. You went on and on about nothing and from what we see you danced all around the questions she first put to you. What don't you understand about a question mark? You are like a kid with a long stick poking at a bee's nest. You are treading in dangerous territory when you say the voters do not know what they are doing. Remember who voted for I-695 and I-747. From what you said in the past we know you did not go along with the majority of the voter here in Renton.

    When you challenge a women who is disabled, you move into another dimension that the league of women voters would love to hear about. Inez is not one to speak about her disability and she would if she had the ability too volunteer in the community. She is a very caring individual and tries in her own way to let the Citizens of Renton know what will be impacting them in the future. If it were not for her disability Inez would by the majority of the voters in Renton been elected to the position you currently hold on the Renton City Council.

    Be careful as to what you say about Paul Guppy. This man was selected as one of the six up and coming leaders in the state of Washington by the Times and P.I. Editorials. After reading and hearing many of your communications with the public, I know this man will eat you for breakfast if you continue to challenge his integrity. He did this to you once before, do you want to happen again? I personally would like to see you try and once again humiliate yourself if front of the community. Do us a favor and send him the same letter you sent Inez. This time we will ask the local papers to get involved and publish the responses back from Paul Guppy. I'm would be an eye opener for the property tax payers her in Renton. My perception is that you are afraid of him and really do not have the what for all to take him on.

    One more time, I will simplify the math for you. My portion of the Renton City Property taxes are driven by the rate you on the Council authorize (it s Budget driven). You know well in advance what the AV rate from the Assessors Office will be for the next year. If you really cared about the rate payer, what you should have done was to subtract that AV rate/percentage from the last year s rate and then add back in the 1% you are authorized by law. And guess what you would of come up with. It's not the not $3.26 rate you inadvertently voted for. It would calculate out to $3.11 per thousand of assessed rate. That's a difference that would have been more acceptable to the homeowners in Renton. Those who read your reply back to Ms. Petersen made the comment that you should schedule yourself for a refresher class in basic math and maybe, just maybe, the light will turn as to how these numbers are calculated. I am hopeful that maybe someday in the future you will truly understand what people in and out of the community are trying to tell you. If you need some help in understanding this simple process, please call me and I will set up a class for you.

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    Subject: Councilman Clawson speaks on City property taxes
    Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 11:01:38 -0700
    From: Ine Petersen
    To: Dan Clawson

    Dear Councilman Clawson:

    Here is the problem I've been trying to convey: You, the mayor, and the rest of the council are trying to propagate the impression that city leaders are really doing a great job for the citizens of Renton because the property tax "rate" has decreased. This message fools everyone but the people who look at the "billing distribution" on their tax statements and notice that their property tax "amount" actually increased, not decreased. So it matters not what the rate is. What matters is the dollar amount that comes out of my pocket and out of the pockets of every other taxpayer; and that amount increased at least 10% on average in the city of Renton this year. If you have to read this simple paragraph over some more to get it, please do so. Talk about a "deliberate attempt to mislead and confuse voters"! You and the other city leaders take the prize for that.

    You made the statement in your letter below that "those who howl the loudest about property taxes are the least involved in volunteering and helping in the community to be a better place to live." This is typical of bureaucrats who have no other basis to defend their actions than to attack the character of those who question them. Inspite of my health problems and disability, I believe I am volunteering and helping the community. I write letters to the editor frequently and most of them are printed. And as moderator of the Renton Political Action Network newsgroup, I provide a way to get the truth out there via the internet. That is a major service to the community if you ask me.

    Those of us concerned with excessive taxation and poorly prioritized budgets are not willfully ignorant or mentally and physically lazy as you assert in your letter; but again you must resort to disparaging characer slurs because you can't defend your position any other way.

    Inez P. Petersen
    3306 Lake Wash Blvd North #2
    Renton, WA 98056-1978

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    Presented by Inez P. Petersen ,
    City Council Meeting, March 11, 2002

    I went to the Renton city council meeting on March 11th to reiterate my message that the City has focused on the tax rate, instead of actual tax dollars collected, and in so doing has misled the citizens in Renton. I delivered a short presentation on Property Tax 101; but my message didn't get through. I had no chance for rebuttal, and the mayor spouted the usual rhetoric about rates without regard to total tax dollars collected. Total dollars matter more than the tax rate. He chastized me for using bad language and probably left the impression with everyone that I used the F-word. Not so. I said something in one of my letters to the effect that his tax policy could come back to bite him in the ass. Frankly, I didn't know the word ass was a swear word; but finding fault with me is one way to divert attention from his grand property tax deception.

    Property Taxes 101

  • City council members are accountable for budget decisions.
  • City council members do not control the assessed values of property.
  • Assessed values are determined by the real estate market as measured by the King County Assessor.
  • City Council members, however, do control the total amount of money that is collected in taxes each year.
  • And how does that occur? The City Council knows the total assessed values in Renton in advance and sets the tax rate based on the total amount of tax money it wants to collect.
  • When the total property tax collections go down, this is a tax cut.
  • When the total property tax collections go up, this is a tax increase.
  • If values are rising quickly, the City Council can even reduce the tax rate and still collect more money than the previous year; but this still is a tax increase.
  • Recap: The Council knows the assessed value of Renton property ahead of time. They create a budget and then select a tax rate which will net enough tax dollars to cover the budget.
  • Bottomline: By controlling the rate, the City Council controls the total amount of taxes collected. Responsibility for tax increases or tax decreases rests with you, the City Council of Renton.
  • From 1998 through 2001, Renton increased regular property tax collections 17.2%.
  • Inflation over this same period was only 6.95%.

    What the City did

  • The City Council passed an ordinance increasing property taxes by 4.9%, an increase well above the 1% level voters called for in passing I-747 (taking advantage of a loophole in I-747 called "banked capacity").
  • Higher assessed values allowed the City Council to keep the tax rate flat at $3.27 per $1,000 and still collect more money from Renton property owners. Rather than explaining the tax situation in terms of total tax dollars collected, the City focused [and continues to focus] on the rate. This is a deliberate attempt to mislead voters.

    What the City should have done

  • Instead of imposing a substantial property tax increase on the citizens of Renton, the Council should have reduced the tax rate to offset the rise in property values, keeping the tax increase in a reasonable and acceptable range.
  • Reasonable and acceptable property tax increases require more prioritization and budget planning, because the tax money must be allocated to the most important items with the least value-added items dropped from the budget. This is harder to do and it takes more time.

    Source: Information provided by Paul Guppy, Research Director Washington Policy Center, (206) 937-9691

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    From: Dan Clawson
    To: terrypersson
    Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 8:33 AM
    Subject: Raising taxes

    Dear Mr. Persson:

    I find your communication to me extremely demeaning and insulting in tone. You may hate me personally because of my letter to the South County Journal in 1999, and that is your right. The point of that letter, though maybe not well made, was that I felt that you needed more knowledge of public issues before serving on the City Council, not that you were permanently unqualified. I would hope that you would be inspired to be more informed by it and to get more involved with the public process rather than less.

    At the same time I do represent the Renton citizens who elected me, and while you may not respect me you should respect the office. I made it very clear in my campaign that I opposed 695 and 747, and would vote to use property taxes to bring in sufficient revenue to fund what in my best judgment will benefit Renton's citizens. Rosemary Quesenberry took the opposite position. She lost, as did Chris Clifford on the same platform. The message I get from the people of Renton is that they approve of me being in office, as they elected me. I cannot please everybody, but I am doing my best to see that public funds are brought in sufficient amounts to do the job and spent wisely.

    As to Paul Guppy, we communicate respectfully with each other. We obviously disagree strongly on tax policy. I would welcome the opportunity for a public debate with him on tax issues.

    My reference to mental and physical laziness was not directed at Inez Petersen, who seems to get around and do lots of things in spite of her disabilities. It is definitely directed at Tim Eyman, whose conduct I have despised publicly from day one. It is unfortunate that so many fall for the "free lunch" scam that he has promoted, which I believe does appeal to those who are mentally and physically lazy by offering simplistic solutions to complex tax issues.

    Dan Clawson
    Renton City Council

    Inez's comment: I can't restrain myself. What arrogance! So we citizens who question excessive taxation and voted for I-695 and I-747 are "free lunchers," people who are mentally and physically lazy, who can offer nothing but simplistic solutions to complex tax issues. To combat this great social evil, Clawson is going to do everything he can to ensure that taxes are collected in "sufficient" amounts to fund what he considers best for us.

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    Date: March 12, 2002
    To: Toni Nelson, Council President , Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Council President Pro-Tem , Dan Clawson, Finance Committee Member , Terri Briere , Randy Corman , King Parker, Finance Committee Chairman , Don Persson, Finance Committee Member
    Subject: Property Tax Rates Set by the Renton City Council

    Dear City Council Members:

    I am writing with regard to my comments in the council meeting last night.

    My bad? language
    The City has focused on the tax rate, instead of actual tax dollars collected, and in so doing has misled the citizens in Renton. The mayor cannot dispute this fact, so he attacked me, giving people who view the council meeting via television the impression that I had used something akin to the F-word in my letters to you; and, of course, I had no opportunity for rebuttal. You each received a copy of my letter and know what I said, which was, "I hope this lie bites him in the ass." This is swearing? I don't' think so.

    The past must be considered
    Councilman Corman made the comment last night that we should forget about the past and concentrate on the future. But to do the right thing in the future, the Council must understand the past, or it will be doomed to repeat mistakes of the past.

    I have enclosed a copy of Paul Guppy's e-mail note from which I derived my "Property Tax 101" sheet (copy enclosed as well). You, as city council members, are responsible for the property tax rate, hence the property tax amount, imposed upon Renton property owners. This is a huge responsibility and requires that you question the budget and the tax figures brought forth by the mayor and his staff. When you vote yes for a budget increase or for an increase in property tax dollars, without accurate answers to the right questions, you are voting from a subjective, rather than an objective standpoint.

    My personal property tax history is attached; and it is probably similar to most others in Renton. I don't have the record for all years since purchasing my property, but this gives you a good picture regarding why I'm concerned about property taxes. My fixed income is being eaten up by property tax increases. In another seven years at the current rate, one-third of my income will be required to pay my property taxes. The tax rate being publicized by the City is irrelevant to me. What matters is the dollar amount I'm actually paying. Certainly you can see that?

    I'm not sure what the 1% rule of I-747 will mean to me personally with regard to next year's taxes. But if assessed values continue to go up and up, the City won't be hurting for money, since even a 1% tax rate will probably pull in more money than the City needs.

    Questions for the Council
    Will you have the courage to fight for a lesser percentage to ease the tax burden on the residents of Renton? When assessments go up quickly, the City's 1% property tax limit can net far more funds than the City needs for reasonable operation [or to cover new construction as the mayor keeps mentioning].

    Will you require the mayor and his staff to provide a truly prioritized budget which will allow you to "live within your means" rather than continuously dipping into the pocket of the taxpayers?

    I suspect that the mayor would like to expand the budget so it matches the maximum amount of tax dollars that can be collected by law? But is spending all you can get really fair to the people?

    Will you take advantage of future tax loopholes, even when the will of the people probably indicates you should do otherwise? For example, most people voted for I-747 and its 1% lid, but Renton exceeded this cap by taking advantage of a loophole in the law called "banked capacity." With regard to taxes, will you fulfill both the letter and the spirit of the law?

    Will you consider the plight of those on fixed incomes? Why not be "ahead of the curve" and lobby for more tax relief for these residents? What about lobbying for a freeze of assessed values for seniors, with a re-assessment to bring property up to value each time a property is sold? Something has to be done; seniors are being forced out of their homes at an alarming rate; and this should not be allowed to continue.

    Will you use tax rates again in a way that misleads the public regarding how much their tax dollars are actually increasing? Perhaps you yourselves were mislead by the mayor and his staff. I know that several of you asked Victoria Runkle if the City were adhering to the 1% limit. Well, it was . . . sort of. You must ask the right questions to get the kind of answers that will truly expand your understanding. Terry Persson has a suggestion to help in this area.

    In closing
    There is a balance between tax dollars collected and a reasonable city budget. Recently I have hit hard, asking for accountability for what you have done with property taxes in the City of Renton. All but one of you have ignored my inquiries; and the one that answered replied using the mayor's party line on taxes. I think we voters deserve something better.

    Terry Persson's suggestion is for the Council to hire an independent financial analyst to look at the budget and tax recommendations that come from the mayor and his staff. Using an independent third party to help you analyze the appropriateness of the mayor's proposed budget and tax rate and its impact on the property owners in Renton would be a great help. The mayor won't like this idea, and maybe he'll keep the purse strings closed. But if so, please let the public know so they can respond.

    I remember when the Council passed increases right before I-695 was to go into effect, never mind that voters were sending you a message about excessive fees, licenses, and taxes. Your actions showed that you did not trust us to know when increases were appropriate. I think we voters are smarter than that; but for sure citizens are rebelling against excessive taxation from every possible angle.

    You have an opportunity to be "ahead of the curve" in putting some sanity back into the amount of property tax dollars collected. Please look at taxes differently in the next budget cycle. And please consider Terry Persson's suggestion about getting outside professional help in assessing the impact of the mayor's recommendations on the people of Renton.

    Inez P. Petersen
    3306 Lake Wash Blvd North #2
    Renton, WA 98056-1978
    Telephone 425-255-5543
    cc: Paul Guppy, Rob McKenna

    Attachments: My Property Tax History
    Paul Guppy's e-mail note of March 11, 2002
    Property Tax 101
    YearAssessedIncrease in Assessed Value
    2002$390,00012.7% over previous year
    2001$346,00012.7% over previous year
    2000$307,00013.7% over previous year
    1999$270,000no increase
    1998$270,000no increase
    1997$270,000no increase
    1996$270,000no increase
    1994 year I purchased my property
    YearCity taxesIncrease in City Taxes
    2002$130812% over previous year
    2001$11683% over previous year
    2000$113112% over previous year
    1998? ?
    1997$10771% over previous year
    1995? ?
    1994 year I purchased my property

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    From: Dan Clawson
    Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 8:53 AM
    Subject: Current Issues

    Dear Mr. Persson,

    There is a carry-forward ordinance coming forward eventually that will bring unspent moneys from 2001 into the 2002 budget. Some items being considered are a parks vehicle maintenance garage ($5m), a swimming pool ($5m), helping the Veterans finish the memorial park ($365k), and erecting a new building to replace the Pavilion Building ($3m estimate roughly). The Administration proposes financing these projects through issuing councilmanic bonds and using unspent funds already allocated or coming from interest or other sources.

    It is my concern that there be plenty of opportunity for public comment on these expenditures, and I intend to do what I can to see that this happens. Right now the carry-forward ordinance is in Finance Committee, where King is chair and Don Persson is co-chair and I am a member.

    Now is the time to speak up on whether we should undertake new debt and spend down the city's reserves. As chair of the Public Safety Committee, I am concerned that there is not sufficient funding for police patrol officers, and that committing future funds will make this shortage permanent. 747 advocates may believe that these expenditures should be out to a public vote.

    People can address the Council at meetings, write letters to the editor, or contact council members directly. You should be able to get information on this through the Mayor's office or the Council secretary. If there is any problem getting information please let me know. The decisions made shortly will impact city taxes for many years to come.

    Dan Clawson
    Renton City Council

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    To: Renton City Council
    Subject: Renton Property Tax Increases

    Council Members ,

    My Husband and I watched the March 11th Renton City Council meeting last night on channel 21. A Ms. Petersen signed up and gave the council an overview of her understanding of the Renton Property tax increases over the last few years. What she said raised some concern on our part and we sat down and developed a few questions we would like the Finance Committee Chair to answer.

  • Did the City from 1998 to 2001 increase their portion of our property taxes by the 17.2% indicated in her review?
  • Did the City for the year 2002 raise their portion of our property taxes by almost 5%?
  • Was the combined inflation factor from 1998 to 2001 only 6.95%
  • Did the Renton City Council authorize a raise in their portion of our property taxes from 1998 to 2001 that was 10.25 % above the inflation rate of 6.95%?

    Our questions are important to us in that there seems from what we are hearing to be a lot of misinformation being published by the city about our property taxes. An example is the publication by the city in the Renton Reporter that indicates a decrease in levy rates. This leaves the reader to think that the homeowner s property taxes are going down. But after receiving our tax statements from the King County Assessors Office and listening to Ms. Peterson, we now have doubts as to the truth in the publications put out by the City of Renton.

    Would you please have Councilman King Parker respond to our questions at the next council meeting? As Chairperson of the Finance Committee Mr. Parker should feel very comfortable in answering these questions. Also please have Mr. Parker provide us with a copy of the material he uses to answer our questions.

    Thanks You ,
    Jim and Shawn Curry
    1720 Kirkland Ave. N.E.
    Renton, Wash. 98056
    Home Phone 425-255-1551

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    1991 Voters Pamphlet
    Candidate for Renton City Council

    Recent tax assessments have shifted a greater portion of the tax burden from businesses to residential property owners. I did not support the tax increases adopted by the Renton for the 1991 budget year and I will not support additional taxes or tax increases. Many of us live on pensions or social security, and we cannot tolerate the inexorable increase in the cost of living in our City .

    I will continue to support the right of each Citizen to participate in City decisions affecting our lives, and to receive fair and courteous treatment in such participation .
    [Inez's comment: See how the mayor lives up to his promise by reading this letter .]

    The above statements are written by the candidates, who are solely responsible for the contents.

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    Subject: Sylvia Allen's response
    Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 08:46:17 -0800
    From: "terrypersson"

    Note: The letter below relates to Terry Persson's attempt to schedule a presenation at the Senior Center regarding how to read and interpret recently received King County property tax statements. As you read the note below, ask yourself why Sylvia Allen, the City's Recreation Director, needs to keep such tight control over the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee and why she needs to consult with the high-priced city attorney over something as simple as a discussion regarding property tax statements. Could it be that the City party line about taxes is misleading and the City wants to suppress the real truth?

    I received a memo from the desk of Sylvia H. Allen, which says:

    "Mr. Persson, As promised, I am forwarding you a copy of the by-laws of the Renton Senior Citizens Advisory Committee. Also, as promised, I am still working with the Senior Center staff and the City Attorney to find an appropriate time and occasion for you to present your information at the Senior Center. I will be in contact with you in the very near future to make final arrangements".

    It my perception that Sylvia and Jesse deserve each other. It does not say much for her when she states that she must first go through the City Attorney before she can schedule a review to the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee about property tax increases. Is it now true that Renton Administration employees need on a daily basis the consultation of an expensive attorney before they can do anything? I was under the impression that she was qualified to make those decisions on her own.

    It's no wonder the city spending is out of control.

    Terry Persson

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    Inez Petersen wrote on Wed, 13 Mar 2002 12:26:13
    Dear Councilman Persson:
    I was grateful that you at least voted NO against the ordinance to raise our property taxes to 106%, and I thought we could depend on at least one council member (you) to be a property tax advocate for the people. But you have joined the "wall of silence" with the rest of the council. Please don't continue this way. I raised a question about whether the City was following its own property tax ordinance. One of you on the Finance Committee ought to respond to that inquiry, especially since the mayor has gone public with his policy of not responding to my inquiries. Some facts to demonstrate how the city is following the 6% property tax limit would be helpful. If the Assessor says the real increase in the City portion of our taxes averages 10.5% in the City of Renton, then it would be logical to question whether the City is violating its own ordinance. So who is right?

    If the voters in Renton really understood what was happening with their taxes, there would be hell to pay. Ooops, did I use inappropriate language?

    Councilman Don Persson wrote on Thu, 14 Mar 2002 16:03:37
    I am sorry that it appears that I have "joined the wall of silence". I have answered the question on taxes to the best of my ability, This has been a very good learning experience for me; and as you will see in the upcoming days, I will fight to not increase the budget unless I feel it is necessary to do so for public safety.

    I am well aware that our taxes have gone up, mine personally as you know have risen more than a lot of others. On one hand I have people tell me their taxes have gone up and on the other hand have had people tell me their taxes went down. All of this is based on assessed valuation of property. I understand your argument on looking at the total tax bill verus the cost per thousand.

    There are many ways to look at how taxes are levied; and I am thankful for people like you who put us to the challenge to look at different ways of doing business. We are changing the way we do budgeting in 2003 which will mean the budget process will start earlier and give citizens a better opportunity to express their wishes and concerns. Hopefully this will help the citizens and council to get more information earlier in the budget cycle.

    I will continue to answer questions when asked me and when I have the ability to answer them. If I do not know the answer I will go find the answer, and on this issue there is no doubt that there is a difference of opinion which I respect. As always you have good questions and cause me to research and re think issues.

    Inez Petersen wrote on Thu, 14 Mar 2002 19:31:58
    I am happy to hear from you. It is astounding that the other council members, especially the other members of the Finance Committee, are playing dumb. Subject too hot to handle? I'm going to continue my campaign to alert citizens that the mayor's party line on taxes is 100% misleading. Just as Paul Guppy said, a tax increase occurs when total tax dollars collected go up. Tax dollars collected went up in the City of Renton on average 10.5%. Did you check into whether the City violated its own 106% ordinance in its endevors to squeeze every last penny of property tax from us?

    Terry Persson wrote on Fri, 15 Mar 2002 07:30:25
    . . . that was a good response from Don. The problem is that he still does not understand the numbers. In my response back to them, I gave Don and the other councilman the equation that would provide them with what the Renton City Levy rate should have been. It worked out to be 3.11 not the 3.26 authorized by them. This equation takes into effect that most pay more while some pay less. It is not hard to come up with a number that is fare and equitable. But Don, King and Dan want to throw the issue over the fence for others to find a solution. The solution is already in front of them, hire a third party professional firm to review and make recommendations to the council. Then publish the finding to the public and wait for Citizen feedback before approving a new budget and levy rate. Don't depend on the fox to tell you what that budget and levy rate should be. Don is still skirting the issue and has not answered any of the questions that you and I asked. Lets see how the letters turned in Wednesday with four direct questions are handled. My perception is they will do everything to downplay these questions. I will bring this up at the Finance Committee meeting this coming Monday at 5:00P.M.

    There was also an excellent article entitled "Utility tax won't bail county out of budget mess" in today's Times. It was authored by Rob McKenna. Food for thought.

    Don Persson wrote on Fri, 15 Mar 2002:
    According to the city attorney we did not violate our own policy's.

    Inez Petersen wrote on Fri, 15 Mar 2002:
    Dear Councilman Persson:
    This isn't an adequate answer to a perfectly legitimate question. The King County Assessor says the average increase in Renton is 10.5% and the City ordinance is for a max of 6%. This is what prompted my question. Did you get some "facts and data" from the city attorney to explain why we citizens should believe you when you say that the city is not violating its own ordinance? I can't believe you asked the question, got his answer?, and then walked away satified.

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    March 15, 2002: Letter to Editor from the most recent South County Journal:
    TAXES - Nobody cares about seniors

    Again the Journal endorses another tax increase. Although I don't live in Auburn, I can see why so many people did not want to support another new school being built. I'm sure the seniors had a lot to say about it with property taxes being so high anyway, and on a fixed income it's becoming very difficult to pay these taxes.

    I live in Kent and here every school levy on the ballot is passed and then some. That's why my taxes have gone up $766 this year alone, which has increased more than 25 percent from last year.

    Either I pay it or I'm out on the street, so each month I have to decide what I can do without so I can save enough money for April 30 and Oct. 31.

    As a retired senior, I do not have an offset for these increased taxes. I have to absorb them as well as increases in the cost of living.

    It just amazes me how overtaxed the seniors are and nobody cares. Is anybody listening? Just take a 10-15 percent pay cut every year and see how it feels.

    Betty Rock

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    Subject: Nobody cares about seniors
    Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 07:58:33
    From: Ine Petersen

    Dear mayor and council members:
    I'm passing you a copy of a Betty Rock's Letter to the Editor from the 03/13/02 South County Journal. Terry Persson and I aren't the only ones speaking out about excessive property taxes. And it is always good to remember campaign promises you've made regarding property taxes.

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    Subject: Pay off debt first
    Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 09:08:25
    From: "terrypersson"
    To: "Inez Petersen"
    CC: "KING PARKER", "Don & Carole Caroleveitch", "rosemary", "Don Persson", "hI NEIGHBOR" XX040299@CS.COM

    In this mornings South County Journal on Page A3 , there is an article entitled "Renton leaders discuss ways to spend $5 million budget balance". Read it and give me your thoughts. If they do what Tanner wants, we will incur more debt to service; and it will have to come out of the general fund. This would force and even larger budget net year and an in increase in the property taxes. An guess who will have to pay for it, the home owners. Remember the interest we pay does not add any value to the projects that have been built or funded. It is money down a rat hole. Every one of these project Tanner and Parker are supporting will be an additional liability to the home owners in our community. Just how much debt can this city put us in?

    King Parker is not an advocate of the Retired home owner who faces the yearly burden of paying their increasing property tax bill. And then there's Jesse Tanner who continues the deception of caring for those who are on pensions and fixed income. Jesse Tanner and Kingsley Parker need to get back to reality. The reality of just who pays for what. They need someone to teach them that the tax and spend policies they foster systematically hurts those on fixed incomes.

    Mayor Tanner should be ashamed of himself for forgetting his campaign promises to the senior citizens of Renton. Or is that now with the combined income of a pension from his federal job and high salary as Mayor, he no longer cares about those who have to truly manage their money in order to survive and still keep shelter over their families heads.

    Tanner and the Renton City Council are like a kid with a VISA card. They just keep buying everything in sight and could care less as to who will pays the bill when it comes in at the end of the month. As these bills comes due over the next twenty years, the who pays is simple. It's the seniors on a fixed incomes, the families who are struggling financially to survive and our children who might also become home owner here in Renton.

    The excess money's they talked about needs to be used to pay down the City debt. This will help drive down the burden on the Renton Property owners in the 2003 budget cycle. We need to put in place an ordnance that would place limits on the amount of debt the Renton City council would be allowed to put us into. One that goes beyond the State and County laws. We are in a economic downturn and this is the time the Renton City Council needs to focus on paying down the debt they incurred in the past instead of planning to add even more debt to the total we currently sustain. These so-called surplus funds that become available each year should (if your a prudent person) be used to pay off outstand debt the city carries on the books. These funds are not dollars that should be wasted on the low priority political projects. These dollars belong to us the tax payers of Renton and they should not be wasted on pet projects. King Parker needs to remember that the tax payers here in the city of Renton can be very unforgiving to those who keep authorizing increases in their property taxes. The Renton Council should now know that there are now a few concerned citizens who will work very hard to educate the Renton home owners as to just who is responsible for these unnecessary property tax increases. Lets not forget that our elected city leaders raised our property taxes over 17% in only three years. If they continue in this progressive mode they will tax many of the our seniors right out of their homes. Is this truly what we want for our seniors who have work all there lives to pay for a home to retire in? We need to understand our past and pay attention to what our priorities are today and in the future . We want to make sure that our children can live and raise their families here in Renton with a secure mindset that in the future they will not lose there homes due to the ever increasing property taxes our Renton City Council continues to support.

    Terry Persson

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    Subject: Bonding, City Debt and City Levy Rates
    Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 07:07:19 -0800
    From: "terrypersson"
    CC: "McKenna, Rob" Rob.McKenna@METROKC.GOV, "Paul Guppy", "Windy Giroux",, "bobncherry bobncherry", "Don & Carole Veitch"

    King ,

    We would like to schedule a meeting with you (at any local location and time) to review some concerns we have that relate to your understand of Bonding, City Debt and Renton City Levy Rates.

    Please at your convenience schedule this meeting.

    Thanks ,

    Terry Persson
    Don Veitch

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    Posted: 03/01/02 [and added to almost daily]