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Renton leaders discuss ways to spend $5 million budget balance -
City underspent 2001 budget by 1.5 percent

South County Journal 2002-03-17
by Wendy Giroux Journal Reporter

RENTON -- City leaders are trying to decide how to spend a $5 million fund balance from 2001.

Mayor Jesse Tanner has proposed putting $2 million toward building a community swimming pool, $2 million toward constructing a new park shop facility and adding $1 million to the $2.3 million already set aside for the pavilion building.

The City Council Finance Committee will discuss the proposal during its meeting at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the conference room at City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, then make a recommendation to the full council during the regular 7:30 p.m. meeting tomorrow.

Councilman King Parker said he agrees with the mayor's proposal.

``The last budget period has allowed us to give back to the community some important amenities,'' said Parker, chair of the finance committee. The decision is part of a ``carry-forward'' process the council goes through each year to adjust the budget. Council members approved a $148.9 million budget in December.

Councilman Don Persson said he'd rather not put $2 million toward building a swimming pool if it means the city would have to pass a bond to cover the remainder of the cost.

``Any way you look at that, it's passing a tax on to people,'' Persson said, noting that he doesn't think this is the best time to do that, economically.

``I think we need the pool and the shops. I want to do all that but I don't think this is the right time,'' he said.

The $5 million fund balance came from three main sources, said Victoria Runkle, finance administrator.

Renton received about $2 million more than expected from utility taxes because of the rise in energy prices, about $1 million more than budgeted from the Real Estate Excise tax, and about $685,000 more than expected in building permit revenue, Runkle said.

``Primarily what it comes from is when we underspend our budget and receive more revenue than we thought we would,'' she said.

The city typically under spends its budget by about 1 percent, but underspent the 2001 budget by about 1.5 percent, she said.

Also included in the ordinance being considered is $4.18 million that was supposed to be spent on certain projects last year and now is expected to be paid out in 2002.

Wendy Giroux covers Renton.
She can be reached at wendy.giroux@south or 253-872-6683.

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