april 2010


I once used a flourescent blacklight to grow PF strain shrooms. It seemingly worked as good as regular plant aquarium style flourescent lights. But something terrible happened as a result. The PF shrooms started to sprout out little white mushrooms without spores. Also along with the pure white sporeless mushrooms, normal looking PF's grew along with PF's that appeared to be part normal with albinoism traits (white patches and diminished sporulation).

The shrooms were grown under the blacklights 24 hours a day and the lights were hung very close to the terrariums. What happened was that the intense constant glare of the UV rich light damaged the spores and caused the albinoism. Basically said, the UV killed the shrooms because eventually they stopped fruiting.

These following links have the story. UV rich light is considered instrumental in mutation formation and it is never good.

ALBINO page one

ALBINO page two

ALBINO page three