Various tools and game aids to help intrepid Car
Wars players and gamemasters become more efficient and effective
at planning and executing their game play. Special commentary from
our beloved president (who is also a raving lunatic) will
elucidate (or further confuse) the functions of these various
Arena Designing -
Sample Arenas - Parking Arena
Commemorating the loss of my favorite parking lot at
U.B.C., I created the Parking Arena in response to the
players' demands for a simpler arena. It is a simple arena for
open area shooting with few obstacles to get in the way of one's
guns. However, simplicity only led to one of the bloodiest club
championships to have ever been seen by the likes of Car Wars.
- 24 inch x 32 inch parking lot arena
- outer barriers are 0.5 inches in height
Road Conditions
- normal road
- lamp post = 10 DP
- outer barriers = 50 DP
Point System
- Mobility kills = 5 pts/-5 pts*
- Firepower kills = 5 pts/-5 pts*
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contact form in the contact section.
Copyright ©2000 Bruce Lam. All
rights reserved.
Reprinted by the Seattle
Washington Autoduel Team, January 17, 2015.
Updated January 23, 2015 and January 19, 2020.
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