Table of Contents
1 Resume
2 Bradley M. Bell’s Publications
3 Abstracts for Published Papers
3.1 Newton Step Methods for AD of an Objective Defined Using Implicit Functions
3.2 TMB: Automatic Differentiation and Laplace Approximation}
3.3 The connection between Bayesian estimation of a Gaussian random field and RKHS
3.4 A Statistical Model and Estimation of Disease Rates as Functions of Age and Time
3.5 Learning using state space kernel machines
3.6 An L1-Laplace Robust Kalman Smoother
3.7 Algorithmic Differentiation of Implicit Functions and Optimal Values
3.8 An Inequality Constrained Nonlinear Kalman-Bucy Smoother by Interior Point Likelihood Maximization
3.9 Approximating the Bayesian inverse for nonlinear dynamical systems
3.10 Optimal smoothing of non-linear dynamic systems via Monte Carlo Markov chains
3.11 Bayes and Empirical Bayes Semi-Blind Deconvolution using Eigenfunctions of a Prior Covariance
3.12 Contributions of the input signal and prior activation history to the discharge behaviour of rat motoneurones
3.13 Estimating In Vitro Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption During Muscle Contraction and Recovery: A Novel Approach that Accounts for Diffusion
3.14 Estimating parameters and stochastic functions of one variable using nonlinear measurement models
3.15 Deconvolution of non-stationary physical signals: a smooth variance model for insulin secretion rate
3.16 Approximating the marginal likelihood estimate for models with random parameters
3.17 The marginal likelihood for parameters in a discrete Gauss-Markov process
3.18 SAAM II: Simulation, Analysis, and Modeling Software for tracer and pharmacokinetic studies
3.19 A relative weighting method for estimating parameters and variances in multiple data sets
3.20 A method for GPS positioning
3.21 The iterated Kalman smoother as a Gauss-Newton method
3.22 Calculating Thomson’s spectral multitapers by inverse iteration
3.23 The iterated Kalman filter update as a Gauss-Newton method
3.24 Nonlinear Kalman filtering of long-baseline, short-baseline, GPS, and depth measurements
3.25 A matched filter network for estimating pulse arrival times
3.26 A two step Burg algorithm
3.27 Global convergence of a semi-infinite optimization method
3.28 Generalized gamma parameter estimation and moment evaluation
3.29 Separating multipaths by global optimization of a multidimensional matched filter
3.30 Nonsmooth optimization by successive quadratic programming
3.31 Software techniques for error correcting codes
3.32 An Improved Line Search Technique
4 Unpublished Paper’s
4.1 A Multi-Core Benchmark Used to Improve Algorithmic Differentiation
4.2 The Importance of Marginal Likelihood Estimation Applied to Mixed-Effects Modeling
4.3 Asymptotic Properties of Extended Least Squares Estimators
4.4 A generalization of the Gauss-Newton method that solves extended least-squares problems
5 Brad’s Opens Source Packages
6 Software Engineering Procedures
7 Journals Related to Brad’s Research
8 Using ssh With Out Passwords
9 A Bicycle Trip Packing List
10 2022-06-23 to 30 Bike Trip Report
11 Rock Climbing Links
12 Glacier Peak
13 Wish List for Bike Routes in Maricopa County, AZ
14 Brad’s Internet Links