Bradley M. Bell’s Home Page
Numerical Software Engineer
People who are interested in and understand numerical mathematics, usually prefer to write papers others can read instead of software others can use.
Willowbrook Golf Course: 2016
Picture of Brad: 2007
Applied Physics Laboratory, 1013 NE 40th Street, Seattle
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Hans Rosling Center, 3980 15th Ave. NE, Seattle
Contact Information
E-mail bradbell at seanet.com
Google bradley.m.bell
Technical Biography
Dr. Bell received his BA in math and physics from Saint Lawrence University in 1973, his MA in mathematics from the University of Washington in 1976. and his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Washington in 1984. Currently he is employed by the Applied Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington and working on projects for The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. As part of this work is developing and supporting the following open source projects: cppad_mixed and dismod_at. He is also developing and supporting the open source C++ and Python Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) projects CppAD and cppad_py. His current research is focused on numerical methods for estimating parameters is statistical models for data. This includes: algorithmic differentiation, Kalman filtering and smoothing, stochastic function estimation (Tikhonov regularization), nonlinear mixed effects estimation, optimization, and monte-carlo simulation.
Non-Technical Biography
Brad was born in New York city on June 10, 1952. His father, George Bell, owned a metal working shop in Brooklyn New York. As a child he would spend the summers at Keewaydin a camp in Salisbury Vermont. Later he spent his summers working for his father. After graduating from Saint Lawrence University, Brad moved to Seattle and attended graduate school in mathematics at the University of Washington. After completing a master’s degree, he worked as a software engineer for Flow Research. While working at Flow Research, his son Gabriel Bell was born. After working at Flow Research for a few years, he accepted a software engineer position as a member of the Applied Physics Laboratory. After working at APL for a few years, the Laboratory awarded him a scholarship to attended graduate school and finish his Ph.D. Around this time he took up white water kayaking and enjoyed that sport for many years. Around the turn of millennium, back problems forced him to look for a new sport and he found rock climbing.
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