Small Builders: Must Pay Sewer Charges Even Without Toilets
by David L. Weavers
Renton Reporter Letter to the Editor

As a builder, I find it hard to believe that the City of Renton is so financially strapped that they would have to charge for sewer on a house that cannot be occupied until completed. The city has insisted that a house under construction with no toilets or means to flush anything down the sewer is responsible to pay a sewer bill. I would bet the builders of big developments do not pay a dime for any of their unoccupied houses--whether they are signed off or not. I believe that the City of Renton caters to big builders and sticks the little builder with costs not imposed on the big builders.

I come from the school that if you don't supply a service but you bill and charge for it, it is outright fraud.

The state, county, and the city all want affordable housing. Yet requirements of their building officials add more costs to the price of the house without any true value given in return.

I also believe that the government is "by the people and for the people." If this is true, some of the requriments and costs that the City of Renton imposes are outrageous!

I've tried to resolve these problems with Renton city employees, as well as their superiors, only to be given the run-around and remedies that end up in dead ends.

It seems to me that the time has come for affordable housing and friendlier city officials.

Past experience with the City of Renton tells me there will be repercussions for the editorial and opinion I have stated here.

But the power of the press will resolve this; and hopefully individual builders in the City of Renton will not experience higher prices unless absolutely necessary. (top of page)

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Posted: 06/22/00