City Hall: Reader Doesn't Feel Civic Pride
by Kelly Leubstorf
Renton Reporter Letter to the Editor

This letter is in response to the letter from Mayor Jesse Tanner that appeared in the April 26 edition of the Renton Reporter.

The mayor asked if the citizens "don't feel a sense of civic pride" as we pass the new Renton City Hall.

With his letter, the mayor reinforces my suspicion that he is out of touch with the citizens and the issues that are important to them. City Hall is only important to the bureaucrats that work there.

Quality of life for myself, my family, and my neighbors is far more important that providing, through my tax dollars, a "jewel of a City Hall."

If I were asked to list the issues and concerns that should be addressed by our elected officials, believe me, providing that "jewel" for those officials wouldn't even make the list.

Wake up, Mayor !

Your letter did nothing to justify your bad decisions. It only made me more determined to vote you out of office and put in someone who will listen to the people.
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Posted: 06/22/00