City Hall: Thanks for the New Parking
by Joyce Holt
Renton Reporter Letter to the Editor

Barbara Blaskowsky and Richard Boots recently voiced negative opinions about City Hall building a new entrance. Here's the other side of the story.

Soon after the city moved operations into the new bulding, I needed to drop by City Hall on business. Since I live just a few blocks away, I walked over, approaching from the Grady Way side. All I found on street level was restricted parking garage.

I tried circling around the bulding to the south. No entrance there. Nothing but the blind backside of the building and a steep overgrown bank rising to meet Benson Road.

I circled around to the north and followed Gray Way to its junction with Benson. If there had ever been asidewalk there, it was all torn up in a construction site. I couldn't see a way through, and from where I stood, it didn't look like there was any sidewalk along Benson anyway.

I tried the south again. In frustration I climbed up the slope through bushes and weeds, hoisted myself over a waist-high jersey wall along Benson, and stood on a narrow sidewalk, brushing debris off my clothes. Only then, at the backside of the building, did I find the public entrance to City Hall--a driveway into a small paring lot. Definitely not pedestrian friendly.

The day before I started part-time work for the city, they finsihed the new entranceway. Great timing! Speaking for all pedestrians and bus riders with business at City Hall, let me say thank you, city council, for providing the access so sorely needed [and for a mere $2.6 million]..
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Posted: 06/22/00