City Hall: Image Is Important
by Sharon Elliot
Renton Reporter Letter to the Editor

This letter is in response to the letters responding to the letter from Major Jesse Tanner that appeared in the April 26 edition of the Renton Reporter.

I agree with Mayor Jesse Tanner. Image, presentation and business smarts is important in any well managed city.

I think we have a beautiful, comfortable environment for our city officials.

After all, they represent the citizens of Renton and for one, think you have to spend money to make money.

City officials represent us to influence people who invest and conduct business here.

They spend millions to build offices, warehouses, apartments, homes and shopping centers--employing thousands of Renton citizens and paying taxes.

They are also mentors to our children.

In the city hall meeting I attended May 8, every chair was taken. Seventy-five percent were taken by young citizens.

Mayor Jesse Tanner is always informative on Renton City projects. He is well-groomed and personable.

I can be proud to know when he meets with people from other communities and countries in our new city hall that Renton is ready to invest in our future.

The new city hall will be here long after we are all gone.

We grew out of the old one.

Mayor Jesse Tanner had the foresight to do something about it.
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Posted: 06/22/00