1999 City of Renton Council Highlights

December 1999 Highlights
  • Approved, with conditions, the Maplewood Estates Preliminary Plat; 218 single family lots on 62.7 acres located south of SE 128th, west of 152nd SW, and east of 148th Ave. SE.
  • Authorized a contract with Columbia Hospitality to complete the feasibility analysis and report for the Pavilion Building in the downtown.
  • Adopted the 2000 Budget in the total amount of $142,585,291, including $150,000 for a skateboard park.
  • Decided to allow A-frame signs city-wide, subject to certain standards.
  • Elected Randy Corman to serve as Council President in 2000.
  • Agreed to continue the Eastside Transportation Partnership (ETP) for construction planning and project coordination efforts of various Eastside jurisdictions and related regional agencies.
  • Approved the Highlands Sub-Area Urban Design Master Plan concepts.
  • Directed that no changes be made to the ordinance prohibiting advertising "For Sale" on vehicles parked in the public right-of-way.
  • Authorized the closure of a portion of Talbot Crest Drive for up to eight weeks to accommodate construction of the Talbot Crest Lift Station Replacement project.
  • Revised the Auto Mall Improvement Plan to expand area "A" to the following boundaries: I-405 on the south, Lind Ave. SW on the east, Raymond Ave. SW on the west, and SW Grady Way on the north.
  • Accepted the invitation to participate in the South King County Human Services Forum for a trial period of one year, and appointed Toni Nelson to be Renton's representative to the forum.
  • Decided that "adult retail uses" should be added to the list of adult uses currently prohibited within 1,000 feet of residential areas, public or private secondary schools, daycares, churches, and public parks.
  • Created a Multi-family Housing Urban Design Overlay District in the Center Downtown (CD) and Residential Multi-family Urban zones, including specific design guidelines.
  • Extended the Quendall Terminals purchase and sale agreement to 6/30/2000.
  • Authorized the closing of the southerly feet of the alley between S. 2nd and 3rd Streets and Main and Mill Avenues S. to improve safety along Houser Way.

    November 1999 Highlights

  • Approved a contract for civil design services for the realignment and reconstruction of Burnett Ave. S. from S. 3rd to S. 4th Streets.
  • Adopted an ordinance establishing the property tax levy to be 6% (six percent) above the 1999 level.
  • Approved a lease with iCopyright, Inc. for the top three floors of the former City Hall building.
  • Changed the zoning classification of 94.05 acres located on the south side of NE 3rd/NE 4th Streets, east of Edmonds Ave. NE, from Residential Mobile Home to R-10 and R-14 for the La Pianta project.
  • Agreed to pass-through the increase by King County of the Metro portion of Renton utility bills onto users.
  • Approved the Woodcreek Final Plat; 19 single family lots on 4.94 acres in the vicinity of NE 8th St. and Bremerton Ave. NE.
  • Approved the Windwood Final Plat; 40 single family lots on 12.46 acres in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Nile Ave. NE.
  • Approved the Highland Court Final Plat; 11 single family lots on 8.7 acres in the vicinity of NE Sunset Blvd. and Monroe Ave. NE.
  • Approved the Smith Annexation (12 acres located east of Hazen High School on Hoquiam Ave. NE and north of NE 10th St.), including zoning.
  • Adopted an ordinance allowing for automatic future utility rate increases after the year 2000.

    October 1999 Highlights

  • Went on record as opposing Initiative 695.
  • Adopted the following priorities for the 2000 legislative session: transportation funding; language changes to the Model Toxcis Control Act; and the Endangered Species Act.
  • Decided against changing the permitted construction hours in residential areas at this time.
  • Accepted the 60% Petition to Annex for the Morrison Annexation; 40.56 acres bounded by SE 120th St. on the north, SE 128th St. on the south, 155th Ave. SE on the east and the Renton city limits on the west.
  • Set a public hearing on November 1st to take testimony on the 2000 Budget.
  • Authorized a 2% increase in solid waste utility rates for 2000, along with animal license fee changes and golf lesson fee increases.
  • Approved a development agreement with Accord, Inc. to allow expansion of the Taco Time corporate offices and parking areas located off of Maple Valley Highway.
  • Went on record as opposing Bellevue's proposed partial assumption of the Coal Creek Utility District.
  • Approved the 1999 amendments to the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Adopted the Southport Planned Action Ordinance for approximately 17 acres located adjacent to Lake Washington between Gene Coulon Park and Boeing manufacturing operations (previously known as the Shuffleton site).

    September 1999 Highlights

  • Declared the Police annex building surplus and authorized its appraisal and sale (1010 S. 2nd Avenue).
  • Approved, with conditions, the Wells preliminary plat; 21 single family lots on 3.81 acres in the 2800 block of Union Ave. NE.
  • Authorized a sole source contract with Foss Environmental for clean-up and disposal of contaminated water and sediment in the SW 23rd Street drainage channel.
  • Adopted emergency design guidelines applicable in the Downtown Center Comprehensive Plan designation, and referred them to the Planning Commission for in-depth review.
  • Concurred in the recommendation of the Human Services Advisory Committee for the 2000 Community Development Block Grant funding allocations.
  • Agreed to accept $1,473,750 from the State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development for dredging activities associated with the lower Cedar River flood control project.
  • Accepted the 10% Intent to Annex Petition for the Knight Annexation (46 acres located in the vicinity of 144th Ave SE and SE 136th St.) and authorized circulation of the 60% petition.
  • Heard testimony on whether A-frame ("sandwich-board") signs should be allowed in the City, and if so where and under what restrictions.
  • Approved the City's official Emergency Management Plan, which gives direction and outlines responsibilities in the event of a local or regional disaster.

    August 1999 Highlights

  • Awarded the contract for the reconstruction of the Highlands Neighborhood Center.
  • Awarded a contract for emergency power upgrades to the City's water pump stations to ensure water service in the event that Y2K-related electrical problems arise next year.
  • Agreed to accept $432,973 from King County for emergency medical (basic life support) services in 1999.
  • Authorized a grant application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation to pay for half of the cost to construct one lighted ballfield, one soccer field, additional parking, and a domestic water line at Ron Regis Park.
  • Approved several applications to the City's new Neighborhood Grant Program, which will used for community signage, landscaping, and other improvements.
  • Authorized the provision of tax-exempt financing for Outdoor Empire Publishing, Inc.'s new facility to be built at 1200 Monster Road. The financing will be provided by the Washington Economic Development Finance Authority and no public money will be used to pay for the debt service.
  • Approved amendments to the Parking Code to allow tandem parking in certain multi-family zones.
  • Approved conceptual designs, budgets and locations for two gateway signs to be placed at Grady Way and Oakesdale, and Maple Valley Highway and Orcas Avenue.
  • Declared the storage or retention of junk, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative vehicles to be a public nuisance, and directed that all such vehicles be removed from private property and disposed of.

    July 1999 Highlights

  • Referred the question of whether fireworks should be banned to the Public Safety Committee.
  • Approved a license for Pacific Fiber Link to install underground fiber optic cables in Renton for high-capacity telecommunications services.
  • Directed the Administration to partner with the "Christmas in April" organizers to develop a Renton program for 2000.
  • Approved an application to the Bureau of Justice for Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds, to be used for legal advocacy domestic violence services.
  • Reiterated Renton's position on Sound Transit light rail alignments and support of a multi-modal station in Tukwila.
  • Authorized a contract for development of a Highlands Sub-Area Urban Design plan proposal to include urban design and economic feasibility elements.
  • Accepted several bids for rehabilitation and repair work on the 200 Mill Ave. S. (former City Hall) building.
  • Approved the contract for the second phase of the Renton Community Marketing campaign.

    June 1999 Highlights

  • Concurred with the proposed two-year spending plan for the 1998 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds to continue Renton's domestic violence advocate program.
  • Approved the Windsong preliminary plat; 68 single family lots on 11.55 acres at NE 4th St. and 142nd Ave. SE.
  • Approved, with conditions, the Labrador Ventures preliminary plat; 51 single family lots on 15.55 acres located at 2700 Lake Washington Blvd. N.
  • Authorized an agreement with the Washington Department of Transportation to allow ramp metering on I-405.
  • Extended the moratorium on adult retail uses (book and video stores) to December 14, 1999.
  • Adopted the 2000-2005 Transportation Improvement Program and associated mid-year budget adjustments.
  • Approved the Whispering Pine Lane final plat; 11 single family lots on 2.85 acres located at NE 26th Pl. and Jones Ave. NE.
  • Authorized the Administration to proceed with condemning property on the southwest corner of S. 2nd St. and Burnett Ave S., to be used for public parking.
  • Declined to participate, at this time, in the Cascade Water Alliance.
  • Accepted testimony on the proposed Adult Retail Use ordinances to regulate adult book and video stores.
  • Approved new regulations requiring the use of bicycle helmets in the City of Renton.

    May 1999 Highlights

  • Accepted the 60% annexation petition for the Smith Annexation; 12 acres located east of Hoquiam Ave. NE (142nd Ave. SE) and generally between SE 113th and 116th Streets.
  • Approved the Briere preliminary plat; 12 single family lots on 2.28 acres located in the 1800 block of Duvall Ave. NE.
  • Rescinded Resolution #3380 and lifted the moratorium placed on residential uses in the Center Suburban, Center Neighborhood and Commercial Arterial zones.
  • Approved, with conditions, the Dalpay preliminary plat; 29 single family lots on 4.8 acres located at 3714 NE 19th Street.
  • Adopted Zoning Code amendments for the Employment Area Valley to enhance the image of Renton at this gateway location (and particularly the properties zoned Medium Industrial between SW 16th Street and I-405) by regulating certain uses.
  • Directed that the City begin identifying potential locations for a skateboard park facility, with the intention of expediting the siting and construction of such a park.
  • Extended the date of the purchase and sale agreement for the Port Quendall Terminals property to 12/31/99, while retaining all other conditions and contingencies.
  • Resolved the appeal of the Labrador Ventures preliminary plat by: denying the rezone of R-1 property to R-5; striking the requirement for a topographical resurvey; permitting the applicant to install an open bottom arched earth-covered bridge; and allowing time for public comment on added correspondence from the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
  • Accepted the 2000 Community Development Block grant funds in the estimated amount of $350,420.
  • Set two public hearings on June 14th: the first to consider proposed amendments to the Convenience Commercial (CC) zone regarding office allowances, as well as minor amendments to accessory storage in all commercial and industrial zones; the second to consider a proposed development agreement for the Taco Time headquarters on Maple Valley Highway.

    April 1999 Highlights

  • Approved an agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for bird population control at the Municipal Airport.
  • Declared the former Municipal Court modular building to be surplus, and authorized its sale.
  • Decided that the City's beaches on Lake Washigton will close for swimming at 8:00 p.m., which reflects no change from past seasons.
  • Approved the use of Renton Municipal Court courtrooms by the Renton Juvenile Court Conference Diversion Committee.
  • Approved the Woodcreek preliminary plat; 19 single family lots on 4.71 acres located on NE 8th St. west of Duvall Ave. NE.
  • Agreed to impose impact fees for new single family development in the Renton portion of the Issaquah School District in the amount of $2,797 per home. The amount of the fee will be reviewed next year when the school district issues its new capital facilities plan.
  • Authorized the rental of emergency generators to provide minimum water supply for fire protection and domestic use in the event of a regional power failure related to the Year 2000.

    March 1999 Highlights

  • Initiated a study on the potential redevelopment of the Shuffleton site, located along Lake Washington adjacent to Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, for a mixed residential and commercial use project.
  • Approved a contract for the design and construction management of the Downtown Piazza and Gateway projects. Approved a contract for the design of the Burnett Ave. S. reconstruction project, including intersection and traffic signal modifications.
  • Created a "Centers Residential Demonstration District Overlay" in the Center Suburban (CS) and Center Neighborhood (CN) zones, and restricted residential uses in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone to mixed use buildings.
  • Accepted a $25,000 grant from First Savings Bank of Renton for the City's Housing Repair Assistance Program. Directed the Administration to coordinate with the cities of Everett, Kent and Auburn to send a joint letter to the State Legislature opposing pending legislation that would expand sales tax exemptions on manufacturing machinery and equipment to "dual use" equipment.
  • Supported, as a first preference, seeking a permanent Emergency Medical Services levy for both advanced and basic life support services in King County.
  • Approved the sale of surplus property located at 4th and Burnett in the downtown to Dally Homes, Inc.
  • Authorized the appropriation of $50,000 towards design costs of a performing arts center at Renton High School, and agreed to donate $400,000 towards its construction if the other $1.1 million is raised by other sources.

    February 1999 Highlights

  • Approved the final assessment roll of LID 336, for a public railroad crossing at 3700 Lake Washington Boulevard.
  • Approved the Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat; 52 parcels on 10.3 acres located south of NE 36th St. and west of 112th Pl. SE.
  • Accepted a grant from the Washington State Department of Transportation to implement, on a one-year trial basis, a FlexPass program for City employees under which all regular City employees will receive a free Metro bus pass for their use in commuting.
  • Authorized the Mayor to sign a letter of agreement with Okanogan County for jail services.
  • Adopted zoning for the East Renton Plateau annexation area (193 acres located north and south of SE 128th Street).
  • Agreed to allow freestanding signs at public facilities at the request of McKnight Middle School.
  • Approved amendments to the R-10 and R-14 zones to promote small lot detached housing, provide consistent terminology, and resolve regulatory conflicts.
  • Affirmed the recommendation of the Administration that the City continue to restrict new gambling uses to the Valley/industrial area south of I-405 and west of SR-167.

    January 1999 Highlights

  • Approved the Estates at Hidden Creek final plat; 10 single family lots on 1.73 acres in the vicinity of NE 8th St. and Chelan Pl. NE
  • Approved the proposed merger of TCI and AT&T, subject to certain conditions.
  • Concurred in the Mayor's proposal to reactivate the Board of Ethics, and in the appointment of five boardmembers.
  • Extended the moratorium on the permitting of adult book stores for an additional six months.
  • Approved the Monterey Heights preliminary plat; 11 single family lots on 3.13 acres located on Monterey Ave. NE between NE 12th and 14th Streets.
  • Adopted the City's 1999 legislative priorities, which relate to: the Endangered Species Act; local and State transportation funding; economic development incentives; and local authority issues.
  • Agreed that the downtown area's one-way street configuration should not be changed.
  • Approved the request to vacate a portion of Lake View Blvd. (104th Ave. SE) for Legacy Partners/Martindale, et al.
  • Agreed with the Mayor's position opposing King County's draft Regional Services Funding Bill as outlined by King County Sheriff Dave Reichert.
  • Set a public hearing on February 22, 1999, to take testimony on the proposed zoning for the East Renton Plateau annexation area.