City Council Highlights


December 1998 Highlights

  • Agreed to annex the East Renton Plateau area, contingent on approval from the Boundary Review Board (193 acres located north and south of SE 128th St.).
  • Concurred in the Mayor's appointment of Terry Lee Jurado as Municipal Court Judge to fill the unexpired term of Corinna D. Harn; term to expire 12/31/2001.
  • Approved an agreement with the City of Kent relating to potential annexation area boundaries.
  • Declared City-owned property located on the northwest corner of S. 4th St. and Burnett Ave. S. to be surplus.
  • Adopted the City's 1999 Budget in the total amount of $130,665,376.

    November 1998 Highlights

  • Partially lifted the moratorium on residential development in commercial areas for certain zoning designations.
  • Authorized an agreement with Puget Sound Energy for the conversion of underground power lines on Main Avenue South.
  • Adopted peddler's license regulations, which requires all peddlers to: provide proper identification to the City, undergo background checks, and clearly mark their vehicles.
  • Set a public hearing for December 7th to take testimony on a proposal to declare City-owned property at 339 Burnett Ave. S. as surplus.
  • Gave permission for Logan Ave. S. to be temporarily closed between S. 2nd and 3rd Streets for approximately three months for road reconstruction.

    October 1998 Highlights

  • Accepted a 10% Notice of Iintent to Annex petition for property located south of Se 128th St. and east of 138th Ave. SE (Duvall Ave. NE) in the East Renton plateau area, and authorized expanding the annexation area to total of 193 acres.
  • Committed to the reconstruction of the portion of the Highlands Neighborhood Center that was recently destroyed by fire, and also agreed to consider modest improvements to the facility during reconstruction.
  • Directed the immediate implementation of traffic improvements on Vashon Pl. NE and NE 8th St., including adding and relocating stop signs to better control traffic flow.
  • Adopted the final concept for the Downtown Renton Transit Center, including a continuous covered walkway with incorporated shelters.
  • Partially lifted moratorium on residential development in commercial areas for some zoning designations.
  • Objected to the Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) proposal for allocation of federal power benefits.
  • Accepted the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex petition for approximately 12 acres located east of Hoquiam Ave. NE (142nd Ave. SE) between SE 113th and 116th Streets.

    September 1998 Highlights

  • Approved an emergency amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan to remove portions of the West Hill area from Renton's
  • potential annexation area.
  • Continued the moratorium on residential development in certain commercial areas, and agreed to consider whether any exemptions should be made to it.
  • Called for a special election on November 3, 1998, seeking voter approval of the sale of bonds to construct a $4 million family pool facility at Cedar River Park.
  • Granted an exemption to the Uptown Glassworks signage adjacent to historic signs at 230 Main Ave. S., in the downtown.
  • Concurred in the Mayor's appointments of Gregg Guillen and George Feighner to the Board of Adjustment for four-year terms expiring 9/06/2002.
  • Authorized staff to apply, together with Seattle and King County, for a federal Empowerment Zone designation under which Renton could obtain up to $3,000,000 for clean-up of the Port Quendall Terminal site.
  • Authorized an application to the Department of Natural Resources for $1,000,000 to acquire and rehabilitate the Lake Washington shoreline at the Port Quendall site.
  • Set a public meeting for October 12 to consider a petition to annex approximately 21 acres located south of SE 128th St. and west of 144th Ave. S.E.

    August 1998 Highlights

  • Set a public hearing for September 14, 1998, to take testimony on proposed emergency amendments to the City's
  • Comprehensive Plan to remove the West Hill area from Renton's potential annexation area.
  • Formally named the new Cedar River sports park "Ron Regis Park" after longtime Renton Park Board member Ron Regis.
  • Accepted the recommendation of the Human Services Advisory Committee for 1999 General Fund and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) fund distributions.
  • Concurred in the Mayor's appointment of Michael R. Webby as the City's new Human Resources & Risk Management Administrator, effective October 1st.
  • Rezoned five parcels on Sunset Blvd. NE (near Aberdeen Ave. NE and NE Park Dr.) from Convenience Commercial to Residential Multi-Family Infill in accordance with a change to the Comprehensive Plan that Council approved in July.
  • Authorized the Fire Department to purchase an aid car from Braun Northwest, Inc. in the total amount of $131,223.58.
  • Approved the Talbot Ridge preliminary plat; 19 lots on 2.7 acres located east of Talbot Rd. and west of 102nd Ave. NE.
  • Authorized a five-day closure of Oakesdale Ave. SW between SW 16th St. and Grady Way SW for road construction (August 31st to September 4th, 1998).
  • Agreed to continue Renton Urban Shuttle (RUSH) operations through September 15, 2000.
  • Accepted funding from the Transportation Improvement Board for the N. 30th St. and Park Ave. N. sidewalk project.
  • Concurred in the recommendation of the Park Board to locate a Veterans' Memorial Park at the corner of Third and Main, formerly known as the Holm Building site.
  • Went on record opposing the proposed redesignation and rezoning of seven acres at the north end of the Aqua Barn site from Neighborhood Business to Urban Residential, since the planned development of a 300-unit apartment complex is inconsistent with Renton's Comprehensive Plan for this area.

    July 1998 Highlights

  • Went on record as opposing any future expansion of Metro's Renton treatment plant to accommodate growth in the north county area.
  • Approved $218,370 in 1998 Budget amendments for operating costs associated with the Port Quendall project.
  • Established residential pre-zoning classifications for 126 acres in the May Valley area of unincorporated King County.
  • Called for a special election in November, 1998 to ask voter approval of an excess levy to design and construct a $4 million family aquatic center to be sited in Cedar River Park.
  • Extended, for another six months, the moratorium on adult retail businesses in certain geographical locations.
  • Accepted the low bid to construct the new Renton city jail at the new municipal building.
  • Cancelled the City Council meetings of August 3rd and August 10th, 1998.
  • Concurred in the recommendation of the Park Board to amend the Parks Rules & Regulations to allow ticketing of boats and other watercraft.
  • Approved a contract with The Hamilton/Saunderson Partnership for a comprehensive, fully integrated community marketing campaign.
  • Expanded the area of Renton's Automall and allowed additional primary and secondary uses
  • Adopted the 1998 amendments to the Comprehensive Plan.

    June 1998 Highlights

  • Approved the Stafford Crest preliminary plat; 74 single family lots on 14.6 acres located south of NE 36th St. and west of 112th Pl. SE.
  • Authorized the temporary closure of the Monster Road bridge between Monster Road and Martin Luther King, Jr. Way for 30 working days from June to July.
  • Appropriated $200,000 from the unallocated fund balance in reserve for the piazza project to complete necessary improvements to the Pavilion building.
  • Agreed to investigate the feasibility of taking title to the Quendall Terminals property for the purpose of cleaning it up and restoring it to a usable site.
  • Directed the City Attorney to begin the necessary process to regulate the location of adult retail outlets in Renton.
  • Authorized the development of an operating agreement with King County to continue RUSH shuttle operations for another two years.
  • Approved the Scott Glen final plat; 12 single family lots on 1.97 acres located in the vicinity of Hoquiam Ave. NE and NE 9th Street.
  • Adopted a new State law making it an infraction to deliver (i.e., sale) drug paraphernalia.
  • Directed that T. Ellen Sollod be commissioned to provide a 1% for Art project for the downtown.

    May 1998 Highlights

  • Concurred in the proclamation by Mayor Tanner which bestowed the rank of Honorary Citizen of Renton upon John Keister, host of the television show Almost Live.
  • Approved the petition to vacate a portion of Olympia Ave. NE from NE 33rd Street north of NE 21st Street, upon request from Lakeridge Development.
  • Directed that two portable comfort stations for public use be installed in the area of the downtown transit center.
  • Authorized the temporary closure of Burnett Ave. N. from North 5th to 6th Streets to facilitate construction of the Bryn Mawr sanitary sewer extension.
  • Requested that the Administration extend an invitation for future events to the sponsors of the limited hydroplane races held at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park.
  • Accepted an estimated $393,966 in Community Development Block Grant pass-through funds for 1999.
  • Approved the downtown transit center s final operational layout, which includes two rows of public parking.
  • Declared a temporary moratorium on the enforcement of City Code as it relates to certain temporary or portable signs commonly known as A-frame or sandwich-board signs.

    April 1998 Highlights

  • Concurred in the request from the King County Enterprise Corporation that tax-exempt industrial revenue bonds be authorized for the construction of Puget Sound Blood Bank's new high-tech lab facility at 501 SW 39th Street.
  • Authorized an agreement with King County for the overlay of Renton Ave. S. from Rainier Ave. N. to SW Victoria Street.
  • Extended the moratorium on building permits on property to be deannexed to the City of Newcastle (located in the vicinity of Lake Washington Blvd. NE, NE 50th St. and SE 72nd St.) to October 13, 1998.
  • Approved the Renton Place Division II final plat; 11 single family lots on 1.94 acres in the vicinity of Talbot Rd. S. and S. 23rd Street.
  • Agreed to contribute $5,000 towards the Washington State World War II Memorial, to be located in Olympia.
  • Adopted new policies for the City s Housing Repair Assistance Program, to be implemented beginning June 1, 1998.
  • Awarded the contract for the Cedar River Regional Park grading, paving and ballfield construction.
  • Decided not to endorse the Growth Management Planning Council s Regional Finance and Governance Plan as currently proposed.
  • Accepted the turnback agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation for property associated with the I-405 S -Curves project.
  • Approved the proposal to cooperate with other key community stakeholders to develop an intensive, three-year Renton Community Marketing Campaign to recruit quality companies to Renton.
  • Concurred in the reorganization and reformatting of Renton Municipal Code s Title IV (Building and Development Regulations).

    March 1998 Highlights

  • Agreed to vacate the east 18 feet of Kirkland Pl. NE in the 2000 block for petitioners Keller and Abrahamson.
  • Authorized the refunding of various water and sewer utility bonds to save the City approximately $300,000 over the next 16 years.
  • Directed that a survey be performed to determine the willingness of voters to fund construction of a new pool to replace the Henry Moses Pool.
  • Imposed a moratorium on residential development in certain commercial zones to allow time to analyze whether changes should be made to protect commercial development in these areas.
  • Approved 1998 budget adjustments and carryforwards in the total amount of $39,348,389.
  • Authorized the acquisition of a vacant parcel located between Logan and Morris Avenues and South 2nd and 3rd Streets in the downtown for traffic circulation, parking, and a pedestrian trail.
  • Approved, with conditions, the Whispering Pines preliminary plat; 11 single family lots on 2.8 acres located at 2612 Jones Ave. NE.
  • Adopted amendments to the Zoning Code affecting gas stations, vehicle service, mini-marts and related uses.

    February 1998 Highlights

  • Adopted the annual update of the City-wide Zoning Map.
  • Approved the Estates at Hidden Creek preliminary plat; 12 lots on 1.5 acres located at 860 Chelan Ave. NE.
  • Declared a moratorium on development permits in the hook area to be deannexed to the City of Newcastle.
  • Approved the Valley Vue Estates final plat, 34 lots on 8.4 acres in the vicinity of Shattuck Ave. S. and S. 20th Place.
  • Approved the Winsper II final plat (formerly known as the O Connor plat); 46 lots on 10.21 acres in the vicinity of S. Main St. and 34th Ave. S.
  • Amended the Sign Code to allow larger freestanding signs for auto dealerships located in the Automall area.
  • Adopted a policy and procedure for neighborhood safety awareness signs ("Drive Carefully for Our Children's Sake").
  • Approved the Transportation Concurrency regulations, which will assure that adequate transportation facilities are constructed or financed within a specific timeframe to serve new development.
  • Declared a City-owned parcel in the downtown area to be surplus, and directed that it be sold to Dally Homes, Inc., for development of a mixed-use residential and retail project.
  • Accepted the Blueberry Lane final plat; 57 attached townhomes on 9.17 acres in the vicinity of NE 6th St. and Duvall Ave. NE.
  • Approved the Kirkland Court preliminary plat; 19 lots on 3.96 acres at 2000 Kirkland Pl. NE.
  • Granted preliminary approval for the East Kennydale Interceptor Special Assessment District.

    January 1998 Highlights

  • Adopted the following issues as the City of Renton s 1998 legislative priorities: State and local transportation funding; urban stabilization; the authority to impound the vehicles of those caught driving with suspended licenses; 9-1-1 cellular phone tax; criminal justice funding; and water rights and supply.
  • Approved an agreement establishing a water service area boundary with the Skyway Water & Sewer District.
  • Authorized the purchase of a new fire engine (pumper) and aid unit for the Fire Department.
  • Accepted $175,918 in federal pass-through funding from WSDOT for the East Valley Road rehabilitation project.
  • Agreed to allow park trailers and recreational vehicles as temporary dwellings in cases of medical hardship.
  • Extended the moratorium on the permitting of adult bookstores in certain areas by another six months.
  • Approved the proposal to schedule a limited hydroplane race on April 25th and 26th at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park.
  • Extended the prohibition on sitting or lying down on public sidewalks in certain areas from 9:00 p.m. until midnight.
  • Awarded the contract for tenant improvements at the new Renton City Hall.