City Hall: Emphasize Streets, Not City Hall
by Richard Boots
Renton Reporter Letter to the Editor

I am certainly glad that someone finally wrote a letter in regards to the City Hall project. Barbara Blaskowsky hit the nail right on the head.

It would be nice if the mayor or city council would respond with a letter to the public as to what's going on at the city hall with all this construction.

I guess it's nothing new in this day and age whether it be city, county, state, or federal governments when it comes to spending the people's money.

The citizens of Renton voted down the building of a new city hall some years back and that was good.

It forced leaders to look at less expensive options.

I believe buying the building on South Grady Way was a good move even though the City of Renton strong-armed the owner a little.

The concerns I have and hopefully the concerns of many other folks are the same. The building which was purchased was just fine for commercial use. But for some reason, when the government moved in, expensive changes had to be made. It looks like they are trying to outdo the federal buildings downtown, and I don't think a city the size of Renton needs this.

I agree with Barbara Blaskowsky . . . fix the streets or at least put the same effort into streets as they have on the City Hall upgrade.

I see more Gary Merlino employees working on the steps than getting the streets back to being fit to drive on.

It is also rumored around town that there was no cost spared in buying new furniture and carpet for some of the offices in the new bulding--especially the mayor's office.

There will be elections coming around again, and that is a good way to get politican's attention.

Apparently I-695 didn't wake some of the them up.

In fact, I think the mayor and council already voted in some increases prior to I-695 becoming law to offset the revenue losses.

Maybe they should have scaled back on the City Hall upgrade to offset costs.
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Posted: 06/22/00