City Hall: Fund Streets, Not Stairs
by Barbara Blaskowsky
Renton Reporter Letter to the Editor

As a homeowner and concerned citizen of Renton, I find it disconcerting that the city has seen fit to spend money building a grand staircase to City Hall but has ignored recent city problems.

Case in point: Williams Avenue South has many rough areas on the road due to the recent sewer improvements. This causes the older houses on Williams Avenue South to shake whenever a large vehicle drives by.

Each "speed bump" in the road leads directly to ahouse, and believe me, every house on the street feels it whenever vehicles hit these bumps. Although residents of Williams Avenue South have contacted City Hall on numerous occasions, the road remains unfixed.

Is this because the city is spending all its money on the new City Hall stairs? Or that the city simply is not concerned with the welfare of Williams Avenue South residents and the investment that they have made in Renton?

And this is not a problem that just affects Williams Avenue South residents--it can't be enjoyable for those who drive down the street to have to go over these "speed bumps."

I'm sure there are more Renton residents that drive down Williams Avenue South than will ever climb the City Hall stairs!

City Hall should be ashamed that they have ignored the concerns of its citizens in favor of City Hall architecture. I hope they take action to remedy this situation.
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Posted: 06/22/00