Highest Audit Rating Received from State

September 7, 1999
For information contact Victoria Runkle (425) 430-6858

Last week, the City of Renton had an exit interview with the State Auditor to review the audit results of the City's 1998 financial operations. The City received the highest rating, unqualified, which means there were not findings or significant issues. In fact, many public agencies will not receive an unqualified rating this year due to the unknowns of the Year 2000 (Y2K) issues. However, the State Auditor reviewed the City's Y2K preparation and commended the City for their proactive approach to Y2K.

The City is required to have an auditor on the premises for over six months, costing about $50,000 each year. The State Auditor's Office reviews internal controls, financial records, and compliance with city and state laws about spending monies.

According to Renton Mayor Jesse Tanner the ability to earn an unqualified audit rating speaks highly of all City staff. "We take protection and accountability of the public's financial assets very seriously. The annual audit is a culmination of our day-to-day financial activities that require constant vigilance and prioritization," said Mayor Jesse Tanner. "All staff must be aware of their duty in the area of accountability and the Finance Department is to be commended for their proactive approach in working with departments to ensure a clean audit," said Tanner.

Victoria Runkle, Finance and Information Services Director, praised the entire Finance Department for their work to receive this high rating. She extended special appreciation to Gina Jarvis and Paul Kusakabe for their continual training and work with departments to help safeguard the city's financial assets. The City may not have received an unqualified opinion this year without the work of George McBride and the entire Information Services staff. Runkle noted that the Information Services staff has been working for over three years behind-the-scenes to minimize any impacts of Y2K. The State Auditor recognized their enormous input and that of all the departmental representatives on this issue. "Their work is recognized by the fact that there will be little, if any, reaction needed for Y2K issues," according to Runkle.

Successful management on financial issues requires leadership from the decision-makers. "We are fortunate to have the Mayor, Council, and city staff all dedicated to the same principles in the area of financial and fiscal management," Runkle said.

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Posted: 06/22/00