First 3 or 4 minutes is one of the best dream scenes on film.
8 dream sequences which go from childhood to old age. Kurosawa is a master of film from Japan, with such huge hits as The Seven Samurai.
Sequence comes perhaps 2/3's of way through film. This older film has great characterization of Freudian psychiatrists, one of whom is talking to the patient during his recounting of a dream: "The more cockimamy, the more scientific." Perhaps more of a spoof now. Salvadore Dali helped design dream scene. Stick to painting, Sal.
very early on in movie. You want full on wishfulfillment, you got it. And some interesting condensation/juxtaposition to boot.
Suggested by Reed.
Last Modified: Friday, October 10, 1997
Tom Link
Neal Vasishth