Go read the Disclaimer again. I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice. Seriously.

Home Matters

I could yammer on for a while about domestic ideology, but be grateful: I won't.

For better or for worse, the home is the physical location where a family spends time together. Where that home is, what's in that home, and how people feel about that home are therefore very important concerns.

What to Look for in a (new) Home

Baby Stuff Around the House: includes co-sleeping gear, childproofing, toddler chair, learning tower

Moving from one home to another is an important decision at any life stage. Family formation prompts moves. Think about what's involved and plan carefully.

Storage, of which there is rarely enough, becomes more important when a family grows, particularly when the new members are growing into and out of so many things so quickly.

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Copyright 2007 by Rebecca Allen.

Created February 22, 2007
Updated February 22, 2007