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Byrdie's Bean Salad

Cannellini beans, cooked
Kernel corn, drained
Roasted red pepper, drained
Kale, chopped and sauteed
Red onion, chopped and sauteed

Put in as much as you like of whichever. Seriously. It's bean salad. Knock yourself out.

I roast my own red peppers, thus lessening the expense and the sodium content. It's pretty easy: check your favorite huge cookbook or hunt online for instructions.

I use red onion because it looks prettier. A doctor once told me to "eat a rainbow every day" so, cheating or not, I count this.

I buy unsalted, unsweetened canned corn because a) I'm lazy and b) I, perhaps irrationally, fear rinsing the flavor out of the corn.

To save time and influence flavor, I saute the onion and the kale together.


Two parts olive oil
One part balsamic vinaigrette
A pinch of salt
Dried basil, 1 - 2 tablespoons

I tend to only add the dressing to each serving when ready to eat to keep the beans from absorbing the additional liquid. Your own mileage may vary.

Renee Byrd's Bean Salad

Byrdie is an amazing cook. IIRC, she started out with recipes online like this one and produced the ever so much more delightful salad above. She very graciously shared the instructions with me after I begged.

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Copyright 2016 by Rebecca Allen.

Created 15 May 2016