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Black Bean, Bacon and Beer Soup

I cut up (with scissors) 4 slices of bacon and started pan frying them in a sauce pan. When they had started releasing some fat, I added chopped carrots, grape tomatos, and celery. There are other things you could use instead of that. When they started to soften a little, I stirred the bacon and the veg together. Then I added a dried ancho pepper, without the seeds or stem, and chopped. I sprinkled some cumin and oregano in. I ground some black pepper. I poured in about 2 cups cooked black beans. I added a tablespoon or so blackstrap molasses, and a teaspoon or so worcestershire sauce. None of these measurements should be regarded as set in anything like stone. Finally, I poured in a bottle of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I had already had some of it, but it was about 3/4s of the bottle or a bit more. I let the whole thing cook for a while, and then I had some with Wholly Guacamole. It cooked for another 45 minutes, and Roland had some. The rest went into the fridge and we are looking forward to eating it before the other person thinks to eat it. I figure I'll cook this one again, so I'm writing down what I did here.

You will notice that, other than the worcestershire sauce, which would depend on which one you used, there is no allium in this recipe.

Before it's really done, it looks like this. Fine to eat, tho:

Black bean bacon beer soup

After it's really done, it looks like this. Even better to eat:

Black bean bacon beer soup

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Copyright 2017 by Rebecca Allen.

Created 23 September 2017