Bill Ritchie - Book inclusions
1998 "Contemporary Printmaking in the Northwest." Lois Allan. 1997. Craftsman House. Sydney Australia.
1992 "Who's Who in American Education" (3rd Edition)
1992-90 "Who's Who in Professional Speaking," National Speakers Association
1991-76 "Who's Who in American Art," R. R. Bowker
1976 "The Art of the Print" by Eichenberg, Fritz. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. New York. Illustration, pp. 240-241.
1976 "Video Art," by Schneider, Ira, and Beryl Corot, Eds. Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovitch. New York. NY. pp. 106-107.
1974 "First Proof." by Wadden, Doug, Ed. University of Washington Press. Seattle. Illustration.
1973 "Etching," by Edmondson, Leonard. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York. NY. Illustration.
1972 "Printmaking Today," by Heller, Jules. Holt, Reinhart, Winston. New York. New York.
1964 "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities", Randall-Reilly Publishing, Tusacaloosa, AL