Entering combat | +1 |
Destroying mobility on a car | +1 |
Destroying firepower on a car | +1 |
Dueling as a pedestrian (kills earned as a pedestrian are worth double prestige) | +1 |
Accolade of other duelists and crowd for exceptional dueling (very rare) | +1 to +3 |
Vehicle killed, firepower or mobility | -1 |
Vehicle killed, driver injured | -2 |
Vehicle killed, any crew killed | -3 |
Shoot a vehicle when firer or target airborne | +1 maximum | a |
Score a kill through a pristine side of armor | +1 | b |
Hitting shoot 'em |
+1 maximum | |
Crossing checkpoint | +1/2 | c |
Driving 100 mph + for three turns | +1 | d |
Stretched-Chassis Pickups (ADQ 5/1)
Crystal Spikes (Uncle Albert's Auto Stop and Gunnery Shop 2050 Catalog Update from Pyramid Magazine Volume 2)
Variable-Rocket Fire Pod -- To-hit 9, 2d6 damage per rocket, 5 DP (each point of damage destroys 3 active rockets), CPS 70, WPS 15. Loaded cost $3,050, loaded weight 425 lbs. Loaded magazine costs $1,100 and weighs 240 lbs. The VFRP can fire one, two or three rockets in one firing action. Roll separately to hit with each rocket, declaring the number fired before rolling for any.4. Overdrive may be used on gas vehicles.