Abstract: This part of the course notes gives a summary of my Ph.D. research done at the University of Washington. Finite element methods used for simulation of diffuse global illumination (radiosity) can be extended to also handle directional (glossy) reflection. We focus on glossy reflections since diffuse reflection is a simple special case and specular reflections can be incorporated [Sillion91]. So if we can solve the glossy global illumination problem efficiently, the general global illumination problem can also be solved efficiently.
One-line summary: An overview of my Ph.D. work on glossy global illumination.
Published in: Marc Stamminger, Dan Wexler, Wolfgang Kresse, Nicolas Holzschuch, and Per H. Christensen. Advanced Radiosity: Complex Scenes and Glossy Reflections. Eurographics '99 Tutorial T1. Eurographics, September 1999. (Milan, Italy, September 7-11.)
Course web page: Advanced Radiosity: Complex Scenes and Glossy Reflections.
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