This project (sdlocker1k) is my entry in the
Hackaday 1K Challenge,
which ended in January 2017. My goal was to cram a tool that can
write-lock or password-lock an SD card into just 1k bytes of code on an
Atmel MCU.
For background information on this project, please see also my other web pages on SD card locking,
SD Locker and
SD Locker 2.
note, I did not meet my original goal of having BOTH write-lock and
password-lock in the same executable. This project can fit either
feature in less than 1K, but not both. You can easily rebuild to
include both features, but the code weighs in at about 1102 bytes; not
bad, just a tad too big for the challenge.

is the SD locker 1K, fitted into an Altoids tin. You can see a
tiny 3.3 VDC up-verter (green and white PCB) just above the AAA battery
holder. The pushbuttons control write-lock (left side) and
password-lock (right-side). Just above each switch is the
corresponding transistor driver and LED, which show the current state
of each feature.

is a closer view of the electronics. The six-pin connector just
above the MCU is for the programming pod. I used an AVRISP mkII,
but you can rewire this connector (if needed) to support whatever you
The hardwareI
built the sdlocker1k around an Atmel ATmega328P. A chip of this
size, with 32K of flash, is overkill for the final executable,
but in the early stages of development, I used the on-chip UART for
debugging and needed more code space to hold that added code.
Besides, it was near the top of the pile in my parts bin.
The design includes two pushbutton switches and two
associated LEDs. One switch controls the write-lock feature.
With an SD card inserted in the device, pushing the write-lock
switch toggles the write-protection feature (the TMP_WRITE_PROTECT
bit in the card's CSD register). The current state of this bit is
reflected in the write-protection LED; the LED is lit if the SD card is
The second switch and associated LED support
the password-lock feature. Pusing the password-lock switch
toggles the password-protection feature (using CMD42). The
current state of this password lock is reflected in the
password-protection LED; the LED is lit if the SD card is
The original challenge only concerned code
size, but I tried to use the smallest possible hardware, as well.
The LEDs are tied to the '328's MOSI and SCK lines, rather than
using separate GPIO lines. This provides two benefits. The
LEDs flicker as data are exchanged between the MCU and the SD card, and
the dual-use reduces pin count. Likewise, the two pushbutton
switches are tied to a single A/D input through a simple resistor
network, which saves another I/O line. Total I/O requirements,
including support for the Atmel programming connector, is only six pins.
small pin count means the project should fit in an 8-pin MCU. I
tried porting this to an ATtiny13. The code fit, but the 'tiny13
does not have a hardware SPI port, and the bit-banged solution was too
slow to be useful. However, this code, with minor tweaks, should
run fine in any 8-pin MCU with hardware SPI (or at least hardware
synchronous serial I/O).
Another hardware goal was to fit this
into an Altoids can (duh!). My original SD locker used AA
batteries for a power source, but that took up too much room and was
overkill for the minimal amount of power this circuit needs, so I
scaled back to two AAA batteries.
As with the original SD
locker, I used a tiny Pololu 3.3 VDC up-verter to generate a stable
voltage for the SD card; note that this addition is not shown in the
schematic. I wired the AAA batteries in series with the
card-present switch in the SD card holder, so power is turned on when
you insert an SD card.
Here is the
schematic (PDF).
The firmwareI
started with the software from my sdlocker2 project, then began
slashing and recoding. My development suite consists of the
avr8-gcc compilation suite paired with Visual C 2010 Express as an IDE.
I build using custom makefiles and custom linker scripts.
The linker script is a modified version of the stock flash linker
script that ships with avr8-gcc. I'm pretty sure my source files
will build properly if used in an AVRStudio environment, but I haven't
tried it.
(Please don't email me asking about doing this project on Arduino. I
don't do Arduino, nor do I have any intention of ever doing Arduino.
And if you want to become proficient in the firmware arena where time
and space matter, I suggest you start working on bare-metal embedded
firmware. This project would make an excellent starting point.)
added the ability to compile variations of this code. The options
depend on two #defines, at least one of which must appear, either at
the top of the source file or in the compiler invocation.
If you
#define the literal BUILD_WRT_LOCKER, the compiler will generate code
that can write-lock and write-unlock your SD card. In this
version, the password-lock button does nothing.
If you #define
the literal BUILD_PWD_LOCKER, the compiler will generate code that can
password-lock and password-unlock your SD card. In this version,
the write-lock button does nothing.
If you #define both of these literals, the compiler will generate code that supports both features.
Here is the final result:
#defines | Code size | Functionalty |
BUILD_WRT_LOCKED | 926 bytes | write lock/unlock |
BUILD_PWD_LOCKED | 960 bytes | password lock/unlock |
BUILD_WRT_LOCKED and BUILD_PWD_LOCKED | 1102 bytes | write and password lock/unlock |
password used is hard-coded in the source file. You can edit the
source to change this password; just follow the same format you see in
my file.
Code compressionOne
of the first steps in code trimming was to remove as many global
variables as possible; the final code cut this down to 20 bytes of RAM.
This saved several bytes of code space and was a good start.
up was eliminating the startup code. This is a block of code
prepended by the linker during the build process. It consists of
two main sections. The first section is the vector table, used by
any interrupt service routines (ISRs) your project has. Since
this code has no ISRs, I certainly didn't need to waste the code space
for a vector table.
The second section of startup code
initializes any global variables in your program. If your program
initializes variables before use, or if your code doesn't care
about initial values, this section of startup code is wasted space and
can go.
I addressed the vector table issue by making my own
startup routine, in a file named start_m328p.s. Here is the
entire file:
.section .vectors,"ax",@progbits
.global __vectors
.func __vectors
; No need to clear SREG (0x3f) as its reset state is 0.
; No need to set SPL and SPH, as their initial states
; are RAMEND.
eor r1, r1
; C wants R1 to hold 0 always!
jmp main
; jump to top of constructor inits
only two lines of code force R1 to hold a value of 0, as assumed by the
C compiler, followed by a jump to main(). The linker will place
this code at address 0, which is normally the reset vector.
Rebuilding with this startup file removed the vector table but
the linker persisted in adding the variable initialization code.
remove the variable initialization code, I assigned my few remaining
global variables to the .noinit section. This tells the linker
that these variables do not need to be initialized before use.
Here is the code that performs that placement:
* Global variables
* Assign all global variables to the .noinit section. This means the linker
* will not add initialization code to zero these variables. This also means
* your code can NOT assume a global variable has been cleared before use!
__attribute__ ((section(".noninit")));
uint8_t cardstatus[2] __attribute__ ((section(".noninit")));
uint8_t pwdswcount __attribute__ ((section(".noninit")));
uint8_t wrtswcount __attribute__ ((section(".noninit")));
this change in place, all of the linker-included initialization code
disappeared. The overalll savings was more than 100 bytes, which
is a big gain where every byte counts.
I also "unfactored" some
of the code, removing modules of code and in-lining them when they were
only invoked once. Writing code in modules is a good practice in
general; it helps readability and lets you build your design in stages.
But in some cases, such as writing for tight space limits,
modular code needs to be questioned. Each
subroutine involves several bytes of hidden stack preparation and
teardown. If the module is only called in one place, consider
copying the entire module into the calling routine to eliminate the
stack code. Doing this saved another few dozen bytes of code
My original code did a lot of status checks and error
reporting. This was driven partly by access to a UART for error
logging, and partly by the experimental nature of that first project.
For this project, however, there was no need for UART support.
For error status, the user can just look at the LEDs; if they are
not in the expected state, something is wrong and you have to try
again. These assumptions let me pull out all the error checking
code. It also let me recode routines that used to provide a
status value to now be of type void. These changes whittled off
another several dozen bytes of code.
(Obviously, I am not
recommending your projects abandon status checks or error reporting.
However, you should evaluate their necessity. In this
project, they don't contribute enough to warrant the extra space they
consume. YMMV.)
Finally, this code also removes use of the
CRC-7 check values. When sending small commands and data blocks
to an SD card, your code is expected to append a 7-bit CRC value,
formatted so the CRC is in bits 7 through 1, and bit 0 is set. My
tests showed that my SD card (a SanDisk 8GB) was perfectly happy with a
dummy CRC, provided bit 0 was set. This meant I could drop the
CRC generator, saving more precious bytes. I have tested this
CRC-less code on a few SD cards of various brands laying around the
house, and all cards behave as expected, but I will admit to a bit of
nervousness about removing such a crucial guard.
The final resultHere are a
zip file
containing the source code and hex files for this project.
I provide three hex files, for those who just want to blow
this code into a 'mega328p and get on with it. I also include my
makefile and linker script, which should help those of you working with
other build chains.
This was a fun project, and it was good to
revisit my SD locker projects. My thanks to Hackaday for a great
challenge, and for dragging me away from Path of Exile to accomplish
something (more) useful.
Please drop me an email with any comments or suggestions.