![]() Natural Languages |
Table of Contents
1. Personal ContextI've never been particularly good at learning languages, but I try. Over the years I've tackled a few in school, and quite a few on my own. In the process I've looked into formal linguistics and read a few texts in semantics and general sematics. In addition, I have had brief exposure to Natural Language Programming (NLP), using grammar-based and statistic-based approaches.
2. Learning languagesMy approach is:
2.1. EnglishMy native tongue. Not that I approve. I consider myself an aboriginal pre-Celtic Briton, whose land was overrun by assorted IndoEuropeans (Romans, Angles, Saxons, Norse, etc). My people were pushed into mountainous Wales, then to North America, then to the West coast of North America. 2017-10-17: Current theory is that Celtic languages arrived in Great Britain via a cultural borrowing from Europe, not a direct "celtic invasion". What was the pre-celtic language? Given that there are genetic clues for continuity along the Atlantic coast, and specifically with Basque peoples, perhaps pre-celtic Welsh spoke something like Basque. If so, they may have found Indo-Eurpoean celtic "British" an improvement worth borrowing -- at least for trade and then for daily use. Be that as it may, I've read fairly broadly in English. Have spent many hours browsing libraries and bookstores. Tend to read the entire works of an author in a burst (1-2 books a day).
2.2. GermanStudied it in highschool. Read Faust and a few other odds and ends. My grandmother had some "blackletter" books which were fascinating but pretty hard to read. With apologies to Germans everywhere, neither the language nor the culture does much for me.
2.3. FrenchStudied it in college. Followed by graded readers and then collections of pieces from 1700-1800's. I never caught on to the nuances of the multiple french languages. My instructor said she knew 5 languages, and 4 were french.
2.4. SpanishUsed TY . Ended with several contemporary novels and then El Cid. I liked the sound of El Cid.
2.5. LatinUsed Wheelock's Latin (c. 1963) text and the Using_Latin (c. 1961) texts. Ended with Gallic_Wars , Argicola , and assorted smaller readings. I tried to use the hard "c" sound (Tacitus as tack-i-tus), but I can hear how the soft "c" evolved.
2.6. Greek 2019-06-17
2.6.1. HomerFor years I wanted to read the Odyssey in the original but never got traction. After I retired I set aside "Reading Greek" and shifted to Pharr's "Homeric Greek". 6 months of 1-2 hrs/day got me through the Homeric material. I developed a whole scheme for flashcards (pronouns alone took a 4" stack). Then read first 5 books of the Iliad. (With Cunilffe for vocab) Catalog of ships is boring (and maybe not original). The battles are gruesome (...the spear went through the back of his neck, cut off his tongue and protruded between his teeth as he fell face first into the dust). Two points stood out:
Then turned to the Odyssey. In Loeb series it comes in 2 volumes (12 "books" or chapters each). It took about a year. Findings:
2.6.2. HesiodThe Greeks in classical Athens used Homer and Hesiod to teach their own children what it meant to be a Greek. So I read "Works and Days". Mixture of Farmer's Almanac, grousing about his brother, despising the rich, and never wanting to go to sea.
2.6.3. HerodotusShifted from Cunliffe to "Little Liddel". Loeb's does the Histories in 4 volumes. Herodotus's dialect is a shift from Homeric. I got through vol 1, Book 1 -- the material leading up to why the Greeks and Persians fought. I was fascinated by his description of how oracles and temples came to Greece from Egypt, as "black birds" (apparently black priestesses who had been shipwrecked). Notice that Sumer is also a case of highly inventive blacks in the north. So Europe gets city states, writing, school systems, Old testament stories, seers, and religious temples from African immigrants.
2.6.4. AristophanesConsidered the purest Attic dialect. I worked on "The Birds", but bogged down on the topical jokes. Will try Lysistrata.
2.6.5. AristotleThe Athenian Constitution (among other things) reports how Pisistratus conned the Athenians into tyranny, and Solon's response. Disturbingly relevant today.
2.7. JapaneseUsed Japanese in 10 Minutes a Day and worked on Japanese for Busy People . Also have several readers. I stopped when I realized I don't have a subtle bone in my body, and that the Japanese culture might as well be Martian as far as I'm concerned. Learning an entirely different language family and 3 scripts was just too much. We'll have to meet halfway. Like in Hawaii. At a luau. So I'll just stick with translations, like haiku, koans, and Shonagon's pillow book.
2.8. ChineseAwesome culture and awesome language. I started backwards -- learning 1000 kangi over a summer from Reading_and_Writing_Chinese (c. 1979) Of course I forgot most of them immediately. Then restarted with texts prepared by mainland China. These were pretty drab. I think I'm looking for a spicier dialog. Something like Suzy Wong does Berlitz. Anyway, reading Li Bo even in translation is a winner. I can understand why the Chinese people had to revolt against the crushing burden of the Mandarin heritage. But once they've made their own place in the world, they need to go back and rescue some of the earlier culture and writings.
2.9. EsperantoUsed Richardson's Esperanto (c. 1988) I like cultures that are willing to use romance to coax readers along another page. Also did the on-line email course. Reading is easy. Getting the idioms right for writing is tough. For a while I lurked on soc.culture.esperanto, but it is (was) mostly about the language. Kind of like listening to shortwave and hearing about receivers and antennas.
2.10. Sanskrit2016-12-20: See Geography-India-Language
2.11. Italian2017-10-17: See Geography-Italy-Language
2.12. Korean 2007-03...Using TY plus several dictionaries and vocabularies. Just getting started.
2.13. What's next?Mostly I've become too busy with other things to do languages. Here are some options:
3. Linguistics
4. Natural Language ProgrammingAlso known as Computational Linguistics. I've read a few texts, and have done MS CompSci-level exercises, but haven't really dug in. I'm vaguely interested in doing human-assist Machine Translation, mostly for vocabulary. I find it is easy to recognize grammar in languages you have once known, but the vocabulary is easily lost. I'm just beginning to build OSS tools for multi-lingual text editing, such as mined and scim.
Creator: Harry George Updated/Created: 2019-06-12 |