Salsa20: -------- Salsa20 is a fast stream cipher written by Daniel Bernstein that basically uses a hash function to create a stream that is XORed on the data making for very fast encryption and decryption. design strength 128 bits key length 128 or 256 bits, exactly IV, aka nonce 64 bits, always chunk size must be in multiples of 64 bytes Salsa20 has two reduced versions, 8 and 12 rounds each. The 12-round reduced version, Salsa20/12, is a "winner" of the EU eSTREAM competition. ...and Salsa20 is "free for any use". ----------- is a pure Python implementation of Salsa20. pySalsa20: ---------- is a simple Python ctypes wrapper. Salsa20 is as it's name implies, 20 rounds, but there are two reduced versions, 8 and 12 rounds each. Because the APIs are identical, pySalsa20 is capable of wrapping all three versions (number of rounds hardcoded), including a special version that allows you to set the number of rounds with a set_rounds() function. Source modification is preferred, but one easy way to get Salsa20/12 is to call set_rounds(12). Be sure to compile the version of your choice as a shared library (not as a Python extension), name and install it as Usage: from pySalsa20 import Salsa20 s20 = Salsa20(key, IV) dataout = s20.encryptBytes(datain) # same for decrypt One benchmark (10 MB): 1.5GHz PPC G4 102/97/89 MB/sec for 8/12/20 rounds AMD Athlon 2500+ 77/67/53 MB/sec for 8/12/20 rounds (memory only, no I/O, and before Python GC kicks in) Enjoy, Larry Bugbee April 2007 rev Dec 2008 References: ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------