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Rev August 12, 1998 ***THE USEFUL INFORMATION IN THIS FILE IS IN ASCII TEXT FORMAT USE ANY WORD PROCESSOR IN ASCII MODE, PRINT.COM (Comes with DOS), LIST.COM, EDIT.COM, ETC, OR MOST FILE BROWSERS TO PRINT THIS FILE. ***THIS FILE HAS A 1/2 INCH LEFT MARGIN FOR HOLE PUNCHING. ***THIS FILE HAS OVER LENGTH LINES WRAPPED, READY FOR PRINTING. ***THE INDEX PORTION OF THIS FILE IS BEST PRINTED AT 12 PITCH (ELITE TYPE), OR 15 PITCH, WHICH LEAVES ROOM FOR NOTES. THE NOTES PRINT ADEQUATELY IN 10 PITCH (PICA TYPE) BUT SMALLER IS USEFUL. ------ SOMETIMES, THESE AND OTHER FILES DOWNLOAD WITH A MYSTERIOUS EXTRA CARRIAGE RETURN, EFFECTIVELY DOUBLE SPACING THE FILE. THE SOURCE OF THIS FILE CORRUPTING CARRIAGE RETURN IS UNKNOWN, BUT CAN BE REMOVED BY SOME WORD PROCESSORS OR MY PROGRAM "FIXOLA.BAS" OR "FIXOLA.EXE" . DOWNLOAD IT FROM WHERE YOU RETRIEVED THIS FILE. ======================================================================= PATENT RESEARCH ENGINEERS NOTES: years. Many are not well organized, and some are erroneous due to poor interpretation of source documents. I am working up an indexed study outline and exam notes for myself based on the very little information in the PTO announcement. Disclaimer: authors are not responsible for any incidental or consequential loss associated USC, CFR. Verify that the 6th edition does not differ in Use: As a study guide. Verify what is in here in the MPEP, CFR, USC. In test: [] = authors' commentary or source of information. Not part of facts depicted. When the notes indicate something is from a PTO document, it usually means the fact was part of an old bar exam or the description of why some answer was right or wrong. Hewlett Packard printer control code for 12 pitch = (s12H Hewlett Packard printer control code for 15 pitch = (s15H 15 pitch leaves room for notes. Epson printer control code for 12 pitch = M IBM printer control code for 12 pitch = : The mere presence of these lines may be enough to set your printer. ====================================================================== | August 11, 1998 | | INDEX -- PATENT RESEARCH ENGINEERS NOTES .REF | SUMMARY CROSS REF | FIRST ITEM IN LIST *44.2* | 1.136 FEES, issue fee. (c)=Terminal Disclaimer required { A *21* | ABANDONMENT 711.04a, 1.135 *13* | ACCELERATED EXAMINATION 708.02, CFR 1.102 *32.2* | AMENDED TWICE, FORMS 714.22, C1.121 *32.9* | AMENDMENT AFTER APPEAL BOARD DECISION 1214.01, 1214.06 *32.10* | AMENDMENT AFTER FINAL REJECTION OR ACTION 714.12, 714.13 C1.116 *65* | AMENDMENT AFTER ISSUE, CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION m1480, 81 *32.8* | AMENDMENT AFTER NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE 1.312 M714.14 M1303.01 *32.2* | AMENDMENT FORMS. IN CLAIMS [ brackets delete ]. underline adds amended claims (not renumbered) must have the word "(amended)" inserted by number. () not to be used !! 714.22 *20.2* | AMENDMENT FORMS. IN RE-EXAMINATIONS. *20.1* | AMENDMENT FORMS. IN RE-ISSUES Different rules for Re-issues. 1.121e,f *20* | AMENDMENT FORMS. IN REISSUES AND REEXAMINATIONS. Different Rules. *32.3* | AMENDMENT FORMS. IN SPEC -- adds between dashes -- "identify place of insertion or deletion between quoties" *32* | AMENDMENT FORMS: *32.6* | AMENDMENT OF THE DRAWINGS 608.02 entered. (10) (11) *32.3* | AMENDMENT OF THE SPECIFICATION: -- adds between dashes -- "identify place of insertion or deletion between quoties" *20* | AMENDMENTS, DIFFERENT RULES FOR REISSUES. 1.121e,f *29* | ANTEDATING AFFIDAVITS U 102a, U102e, MPEP 715, CFR 1.131a, Pressman 3-4 (swearing behind) *58* | APPEAL / PETITION / REQUEST, DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN *32.9* | APPEAL BOARD DECISION, AMENDMENT AFTER 1214.01, 1214.06 *17* | APPEAL BRIEF, CONTENTS, SEQUENCE OF EVENTS 1206, 1.192 *17* | APPEALS CFR 1.191, CFR 1.192, CFR 1.193, mpep 1206, 2273 reX, USC 306 *12* | APPLICATION ORDER AND ELEMENTS CFR 1.77 * 9.2* | APPLICATION, PROVISIONAL U111 *10* | ARRANGEMENT AND CONTENTS OF SPECIFICATION. MPEP 601 pg 600-2 *49* | ASSIGNMENT, RECORDING, AND RIGHTS OF ASSIGNEE CFR 3--- { B * 2* | blank * 4* | blank *16* | blank *28* | blank *59* | blank *63* | blank *14* | BOX # IDENTIFICATION, MAILING CFR 1.1 *17* | BRIEF, APPEAL, CONTENTS AND SEQUENCE 1206. 1.192 { C *65* | CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION *22* | CERTIFICATES OF MAILING. *33.4* | CIP, RULE 62, NEW MATTER OK M201.08 * 3* | CLAIM COUNT FOR FEE PURPOSES. 608.01(n) * 3* | CLAIM COUNT, MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIMS. * 1.5* | CLAIM, JEPSON FORM OF CLAIM. CFR 1.75e * 1.3* | CLAIM, MULTIPLE DEPENDENT 608.01(n), No MD from MD. MD claims in "alternative only" (or) form. 608.01n for form. Multiples construed to incorporate by reference all limitations to claim to which it refers. * 1.3* | CLAIMS per 112 MULTIPLE DEPENDENT RULES. alternative only no multiple from multiple multiples construed to incorporate by reference all limitations to claim to which it refers. * 1* | CLAIMS -- Describe as a structure, not as a functionality! *32.2* | CLAIMS, AMENDMENT TO THE CLAIMS: [brackets delete] underline adds. amended claims (not renumbered) must have the word "(amended)" inserted by number. () not to be used !! 714.22 * 1.9* | CLAIMS, OTHER LANGUAGE *57.3* | COMBINED REFERENCES: *11* | COMPLETE APPLICATION IS THE SPECIFICATION PLUS *33.1* | CONTINUATIONS, RULE 60, NO NEW MATTER C1.16 M201.07 *24* | CORRECTION OF INVENTORSHIP. CFR 1.48, MPEP 201.03 * 7* | CORRESPONDENCE IDENTIFICATION CFR 1.5a 502 pg 500-3 *14* | CORRESPONDENCE, BOX # IDENT CFR 1.1 PTO BOX IDENT SEE *14* *51* | CORRESPONDENCE. MPEP 403 { D * 8* | DECLARATIONS, SAME AS OATH * 8* | DEFECTIVE OATH, FIXING OF *99* | DEFINITIONS OF WORDS. * 1.2* | DEPENDENT CLAIMS, FORM OF. MPEP pg 600-39 (608.01(n) DC must FOLLOW its parent claim. * 1.2.1* | DEPENDENT CLAIMS, GROUPING OF DEPENDENT CLAIMS: c1.75(g) * 1.2* | DEPENDENT CLAIMS. No dependent claim may specify a SUBSTITUTE part for the parent claim. *44* | DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. CFR 1.25 (for list), 1.51 mpep pg 600-2 *54* | DESIGN PATENTS. MPEP 1500 *40* | DIVISION RULES, REQUIREMENTS. 802, USC 121, CFR 1.141, 1.42 *40* | DIVISION, EXAMINER REQUIRES. 802, USC 121, CFR 1.141, 1.42 *33.2* | DIVISIONAL APPLICATIONS, RULE 60, NO NEW MATTER M201.06 a 1.60 USC 121 *32.6* | DRAWINGS, AMENDMENT OF DRAWINGS 608.02 { E *40* | ELECTION / RESTRICTION, EXAMINER REQUIRES. 802, USC 121, CFR 1.141, 1.42 *99* | ESSENTIAL MATERIAL == SEE ESSENTIAL MATTER IN DEFINITIONS BELOW. *47* | ETHICS, PRACTICE CFR 10-- *64* | EX-PARTE QUAYLE, DEFINITION m714.14 only formal matters allowed. no more on merits *15.1* | Extensions of time to respond, list of ok/not ok { F *44.2* | FEES REQUIRED / NOT REQUIRED, PARTIAL LIST OF, c1.136 *44.2* | FEES, for petitions and things. fee/nofee list. *33.3* | FILE WRAPPER CONTINUATION, RULE 62, NEW MATTER OK M201.06 b 1.62 * 9* | FILING DATE, MINIMUM INFO FOR OBTAINING A FILING DATE: M 506 PG 500-5 CFR 1.53b * 9.1* | FILING DATE, TO OBTAIN AN EFFECTIVE [durable] FILING DATE: *33* | FILING DATES, CONTINUITY, AFFORDING DATES OF EARLIER APPLICS cfr 1.53, mpep 506, 201.06 * 8* | FILING OF OATH, DEFECTIVE OATH. 601.01 pg 600-5 * 8* | FILING OF OATH. 601.01 pg 600-5 *18* | FINAL REJECTION 706.07 CFR 1.113, 1.116 *32.10* | FINAL REJECTION OR ACTION, AMENDMENT AFTER 714.12, 714.13 C1.116 *32.10* | FINAL REJECTION OR ACTION, RIGHT TO AMEND 714.12, 714.13 C1.116 *41* | FOREIGN PRIORITY, ESTABLISHING. USC 119 , MPEP 201.13,-14,-15, CFR 1.55 *33.3* | FWC CONTINUATION, RULE 62, NEW MATTER OK M201.06 b 1.62 { G *57.1* | GRAHAM VS JOHN DEERE CRITERIA: M 706, * 1.2.1* | GROUPING OF DEPENDENT CLAIMS: c1.75(g) *46* | GVT REGISTER OF INTEREST (MOSTLY FOR IMPOSING SECRECY ORDERS) CFR 7.XX { H { I *40.1* | IMPROPER REQUIREMENT FOR RESTRICTION * 9* | INCOMPLETE SPECIFICATION *31* | INTERLINEATION, ALTERATION. 605.04 pg 600-21 CFR 1.52c Revision by interlineation must be made before oath is signed. Each change is initialed and dated BY APPLICANT (before date of oath). See Preliminary Amendment L 11 2 L 15 7 *61* | INTERNATIONAL PROCESSING. CFR 1.4XX US RECEIVING OFFICE US RESIDENTS ONLY. 1.412, 1.421 *56.1* | INVENTIONS MADE ABROAD / NAFTA/WTO USC 104 . *26* | INVENTOR REFUSES TO SIGN. CFR 1.47 m409.03i *25* | INVENTOR UNAVAILABLE. CFR 1.47 m409.03b { J * 1.5* | JEPSON, definition and form C1.75(e) *52* | JOINT INVENTORS USC 262 { K { L * 1.9* | LANGUAGE IN CLAIMS *60* | LICENSE FOR FOREIGN FILING. USC 184 NOT NEEDED 6 months AFTER filing in U.S. EXCEPT when under secrecy orders. { M *22* | MAILING CERTIFICATES * 5* | MAINTENANCE FEES CFR 1.21 *13* | MAKE SPECIAL. 708.02, CFR 1.102 * 1.4* | MARKUSH GROUP AND FORMS 2173.05(h) 803.02 * 1.4.1* | MARKUSH PHRASING 2173.05(h) Use Consisting of, comprised of, NEVER comprising. * 1.8* | MEANS PLUS FUNCTION * 1.6* | METHOD CLAIMS * 9* | MINIMUM FOR APPLICATION. 506 PG 500-5 CFR 1.53b * 9* | MINIMUM INFO FOR OBTAINING A FILING DATE: M 506 PG 500-5 CFR 1.53b * 1.3* | MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM 608.01(n), No MD from MD. MD claims in "alternative only" (or) form. 608.01n for form. * 3* | MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM COUNTING FOR FEES. { N *56.1* | NAFTA/WTO USC 104 INVENTIONS MADE ABROAD. minimum. m605.04b *23* | NAMES. Two Full names required 605b first, int. last + inventors' address *30* | NEW MATTER. CFR 1.118 MPEP 608.04, 608.04c, 608.01o, rule 60 201.06e, rule 62 201.06b 706.03o *32.8* | NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE, AMENDMENT AFTER, 1.312 M714.14 M1303.01 *44.1* | NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE, ISSUE FEES. 3 Months to pay up. no extension cfr 1.87 Extensions allowed for submission of formal drawings, with ext fee. *56* | NOVELTY AND BARS , USC 102 { O *14.1* | OATH 602.++ Cannot be amended. 602.01 Substitute for original 602.02 * 8* | OATH OR DECLARATION * 8* | OATH, FILING or DEFECTIVE 602.++ Cannot be amended. 602.01 Substitute for original 602.02 pg 600-5 *58* | OBJECTIONS VS REJECTIONS m706.01 *57* | OBVIOUSNESS Functional equivalents not necessarily obvious in view of one-another. pg 700-9 USC 103 *57.2* | OBVIOUSNESS, SECONDARY CONSIDERATIONS TO REBUT: U103 mpep 716 *32.7* | OFFICE ACTION, RESPONSE BY APPLICANT TO, (REMARKS SECTION) CFR 1.111 { P *52* | PATENT AS PERSONAL PROPERTY *62* | PCT stuff Section 18 Basic Principles 1801 Receiving Office CFR 1.4xx for US, 1815 (who) application, contents 1815, details, 1820 -- W 26 7,8 *58* | PETITION / APPEAL / REQUEST, DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN *44.2* | PETITIONS, normal period to file, FEES REQUIRED / NOT REQUIRED *7.1* | POSTCARD RECEIPT 503 *31* | PRELIMINARY AMENDMENT. 506, 714.10, 717.04, 608.04b New Matter. 608.04b must be made before oath signed. refer to pre amend in oath when it is finally signed. * 1.7* | PRODUCT BY PROCESS 706.03(e) 805.05 e, f, & g *52* | PROPERTY, A PATENT AS PERSONAL PROPERTY * 9.2* | PROVISIONAL APPLICATION: U111 *57.4* | PROVISIONAL REJECTION: USC 102(e)/103 mpep 706.02. pg 700-8, 700-9 *53* | PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS. OPEN/CLOSED LIST. { Q *64* | QUAYLE DEFINITION m714.14 only formal matters left. no more on merits { R *20.2* | RE-EXAMINATIONS 2265, 2209, [2215,2233(fees, list)] RE-EXAMINATION is not an "application" thus 1.136 does not apply (2265) *20* | RE-ISSUE & RE-EXAMINATION. AMENDMENTS, DIFFERENT RULES FOR THEM. USC 251, 1401, 1416, 1.171-1.179 *7.1* | RECEIPT, RETURN POSTCARD 503 *20.2* | REEXAMINATIONS, AMENDMENT FORMS FOR. *57.3* | REFERENCES, COMBINED, OBVIOUSNESS, 103: *20* | REISSUES & REEXAMINATIONS, DIFFERENT RULES FOR AMENDMENT, 1.121e,f *20.1* | REISSUES, AMENDMENT FORMS. *57.4* | REJECTION, PROVISIONAL: USC 102(e)/103 mpep 706.02. pg 700-8, 700-9 *58* | REJECTIONS VS OBJECTIONS m706.01 *32.7* | REMARKS SECTION, RESPONSE BY APPLICANT TO OFFICE ACTION CFR 1.111 *50* | REPRESENTATION MPEP SECTION 4 *58* | REQUEST / PETITION / APPEAL, DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN *40.1* | REQUIREMENT FOR RESTRICTION, IMPROPER *40* | REQUIREMENT TO DIVIDE, BY EXAMINER. 802, USC 121, CFR 1.141, 1.42 *32.2* | RESPONSE BY APPLICANT TO OFFICE ACTION (REMARKS SECTION) CFR 1.111 *32.7* | RESPONSE BY APPLICANT TO OFFICE ACTION (REMARKS SECTION) CFR 1.111 *40* | RESTRICTION / ELECTION, EXAMINER REQUIRES. 802, USC 121, CFR 1.141, 1.42 *40.1* | RESTRICTION, IMPROPER REQUIREMENT FOR RESTRICTION *19* | RESTRICTIONS. MPEP SECTION 8 *7.1* | RETURN POSTCARD RECEIPT 503 *32.10* | RIGHT TO AMEND AFTER FINAL REJECTION OR ACTION 714.12, 714.13 C1.116 *33.1* | RULE 60 CONTINUATIONS, NO NEW MATTER C1.16 M201.07 *33.2* | RULE 60 DIVISIONAL APPLICATIONS, NO NEW MATTER M201.06 a 1.60 USC 121 *33.4* | RULE 62 CIP, NEW MATTER OK M201.08 *33.3* | RULE 62 FWC CONTINUATION, NEW MATTER OK M201.06 b 1.62 { S *57.2* | SECONDARY CONSIDERATIONS TO REBUT 103 OBVIOUSNESS: mpep 716 *45* | SECRECY ORDERS CFR 5-- MPEP 120 u182 * 6* | SMALL ENTITY. 509.02 pg 500-10 CFR 1.9d *13* | SPECIAL HANDLING 708.02, CFR 1.102 * 9.1.1* | SPECIFICATION USC 112 *32.3* | SPECIFICATION, AMENDMENT OF: -- adds between dashes -- "identify place of insertion or deletion between quoties" * 9* | SPECIFICATION, INCOMPLETE *32.4* | SPECIFICATION, SUBSTITUTE, 608.01q, c1.125 use *55* | STATUTORY CLASSES USC 101 *32.4* | SUBSTITUTE SPECIFICATION 608.01q, c1.125 { T *27* | TERMINAL DISCLAIMERS mpep 1490 1.78d 1.321b *15* | TIME TO RESPOND, EXTENSIONS OF TIME, list of reasons. * 9.1* | TO OBTAIN AN EFFECTIVE [durable] FILING DATE: *32.2* | TO THE CLAIMS: *32.3* | TO THE SPECIFICATION: -- adds between dashes -- "identify place of insertion or deletion between quoties" *48* | TRADEMARKS CFR 2-- Not for Agents to represent *32.2* | TWICE AMENDED , FORMS 714.22, c1.121 bar to your application. { U *56* | USC 102 STATUTE AND EFFECTS OF, { V { W *56.1* | WTO/NAFTA USC 104 INVENTIONS MADE ABROAD. { X { Y { Z *~* END | ~ ----------------------------- end index of * # * notes ---------------- . :00 NOTES: . :01 Sort this file in various ways to emphasize the . :02 information in various ways. . :03 Sort on left end for grouping by reference. . :04 Sort on 13th character (:) to order by date. . :05 sort on 25th character to order by summary. . :06 . :07 A sort program for big files like this one is . :08 available at http://www.seanet.com/~bross/sortbig.bas . :080 . :081 Or write a program separating the file into two parts . :082 then sort the parts with SORT.COM and rejoin the . :083 sorted parts. . :09 . :70 REFS: m= MPEP, c= 37CFR, u= 35USC, . :71 pct= Patent Co-operation Treaty, pr= PCT rules. . :72 --- = spacers and deleted questions . :73 . :74 Entries without question date and numbers are either . :75 cross indexed or entries considered so important . :76 that their study is recommended, and the probability . :77 of them appearing on a future test is quite high. . :78 . :79 The numbers after the month are the numbers of the . :790 Exam question. NOT a day date.!! . :80 . :81 ------------------------------------------------ . :81 --------------------------------------------------- . :88 TEST QUESTIONS, 1991 - 1995; MPEP 5TH EDITION . :88 TEST QUESTIONS, 1996 ; MPEP 6TH EDITION, Rev 0 or Rev 1 . :880 TEST QUESTIONS, 1997 ; most likely Rev 0 and Rev 1, . :881 ; possibly Rev 2 also. :882 :891 ===================================================================== ----------------------------- end index of * # * notes ---------------- . NOTES ABOUT PATENT LAW: * 1* CLAIMS -- Describe as a structure, not as a functionality! ie. not as an advantage, function, or result. Use word "means" often. 706.03(c) Use "said" and "the" only when the element has been introduced by an "a" Each claim has a unique number, sequential and in Arabic numerals. c1.75(f) Each claim starts with a Capital letter and ends with a period, and there are no other capitals or periods. 608.01(m) CLAIMS per 112 multiple dependent rules alternative only no multiple from multiple multiples construed to incorporate by reference all limitations to claim to which it refers. combo claim may be expressed as a means or step for performing a specified function without recital of structure, material, or acts in support thereof, and such claim shall be construed to cover the corresponding as described in specification and equivalents thereof. * 1.1* INDEPENDENT. Do not forget the preamble. Use Comprising, not comprised or comprised of. * 1.2* DEPENDENT 608.01(n) Depends from an independent or another dependent claim Includes all previous claims in chain by reference Must further limit previous claims in chain or add another element. Example: The gadget of claim 1 further comprising ... No dependent claim may specify a SUBSTITUTE part for the parent claim. DC may only add a part or narrow the definition of a part. 608.01n 1.75c requires that a dependent claim further limit the parent claim. (Except in product by process claims) Examples: OK -- Parent = A, B, and C. Dep = claim 1 and D. OK -- " " " where C is xxxxxx NOT Ok " " " C is replaced by D * 1.2.1* Grouping of dependent claims: c1.75(g) Dependent claim should be placed as closely as logically possible to the claim from which it depends. * 1.3* MULTIPLE DEPENDENT 608.01(n). Must depend from two or more independent or dependent claims. Must NOT depend from another MD claim. Must be in the alternative ie, "or" NOT "and". Example: Claim 5. A gadget according to claims 3 or 4, further comprising ... See 608.01 n for more examples of acceptable and not acceptable forms. * 1.4* MARKUSH FORMS 2173.05(h) 803.02 A list (Markush group) of elements having a common characteristic, from which one may be selected. The materials set forth in a Markush group ordinarily must belong to a recognized physical or chemical class or to an art-recognized class. In reciting a process or a combination, it is sufficient if the members of the group are disclosed in the specification to possess at least one property in common which is mainly responsible for their function in the claimed relationship, and .... [quoted from 2173.05(h)] [Markush was originally applied to chemical patents, but may be used in others as well] It is improper to use the term "comprising" instead of "consisting of" 2173.05(h) * 1.4.1* MARKUSH PHRASING 2173.05(h) Two styles of wording: Example 1: "wherein R is a material selected from the group consisting of A, B, C, and D" Example 2: "wherein R is A, B, C, or D" At least one old exams use "comprised of" for markush heading. So "comprised of" equivalent to "consisting of". * 1.5* JEPSON form C1.75(e) Pressman 9-4, 9-20 , m609.01(m), m2129 1.75 e is the JEPSON format for improvements known stuff. Known stuff recited in the preamble. For improvement type claims. Independent (Jepson type) claim should contain in the following order, (1) a preamble comprising a general description of all the elements or steps of the claimed combination which are conventional or known, (2) a phrase such as "wherein the improvement comprises", and (3) those elements, steps and/or relationships which constitute that portion of the claimed combination which the applicant considers new or improved portions. * 1.6* METHOD CLAIMS Format: I Claim: 1. A METHOD of preparing xxxxxx for yyyy, using zzzz, comprising: The claims may have the steps start with a particular step that may need prior steps to get to the steps to be claimed. What to do? Recite the setup or other conditions in the Preamble. Be sure the word "method" is included. Note that " ... , WHICH COMPRISES THE FOLLOWING STEPS:" has been acceptable to the PTO. Method step wording = Use the gerund (ing) form not the present, future, other conjugations, or infinitive forms. ie turnING on switches a, b, and c --- catchING the pescados ----- mpep2173.05(p) = "A single claim which claims both an apparatus and the method steps of using the apparatus is indefinite under u112." "Also rejectable under 101 as directed to neither a process or a machine." 101 does not allow both simultaneously. * 1.7* PRODUCT BY PROCESS 706.03(e) 805.05 e, f, & g m2113, m2173.05(p) No previous test ( afternoon sessions before 1997) have required product by process claims. However, only the last two have required method claims (in 3 of 6 options). There have been two morning session questions on product by process. Just in case, review Product by Process forms. Also MPEP 706.03 e and 805.05 e, f, & g. Also in Patent Practice by Irving Kayton, Chapter 10. While an ordinary claim may contain a detail that is in fact a product by process activity, it would be expected that a test question would require a preamble distinctly identifying the claim as a product by process type. Example: An article of manufacture prepared by a process comprising the steps of: (derived from Kayton, 5th edition, 10-44) Note the similarity to Method Claims. (MPEP 2113) = "Product by process claims are not limited to the manipulations of the recited steps, only the structure implied by the steps." Old products produced by a new process are unpatentable. The new process is. (MPEP 2107.05(P)) = "Product by process claim, is a product claim that the claimed product in terms of the process by which it is made." ..." a claim may contain a reference to the process which is intended to be used ... so long as it is clear that the claim is directed to the product and not the processes." "A single claim which claims both an apparatus and the method steps of using the apparatus is indefinite under u112." "Also rejectable under 101 as directed to neither a process or a machine." 101 does not allow both simultaneously. * 1.8* MEANS PLUS FUNCTION form "MEANS" requires two elements in an independent claim. MPEP 706.03(c)(2), USC 112 A claim must be a structure, not a function. use MEANS format for functions. 706.03(c) (1) Recite an element as a "MEANS" plus function. ie "means for conveying rotational energy" which describes a gear, belt, shaft, etc. "Amplifying means" is an amplifier of any design. * 1.9* MISCELLANEOUS CLAIM LANGUAGE: add "WHEREBY" phrases for descriptive usages. to describe usage or function, etc. does not limit or distinguish. 706.03(c) (2)(2) "SAID" is for reference using SAME WORDS to identify a previously described element. SAID requires a proper antecedent. "A", "AN" is used to introduce each part.+ "THE", is for different or implicitly, but clearly equivalent, descriptors of elements previously introduced (by "A"). Avoid negative limitations and alternatives. May be used if meaning unambiguous. "a hole", "a channel", "a cavity", etc is ok as they describe a "nothing" something. No mistaking what is meant. Preferred is "a plate having a hole"706.03(d) Use "INCLUDE" or "COMPRISING" as these words are open ended and imply that there may or can be more. Do not use "CONSISTING OF", "CONSISTS", or "HAVING ONLY" as these words define a closed set. * 2* Reserved * 3* CLAIM COUNT FOR FEE PURPOSES. 608.01(n) ordinary claims -- simple count, one each. Filing fee covers -- 3 independent, 20 total. multiple dependent claims -- path count. 608.01n For each path leading to it, each MD counts each claim back to the independent claim as 1 count. ie an MD dependent on two other dependent claims, counts 1 each for each dependent, and one each for each claim upon which the dependent claim depends. See examples in 608.01n PLUS ----- there is an [outrageously large] extra fee [fine] for submitting at least one MD claim. [cynical note -- The PTO clearly discourages the use of MD claims. They are rarely, if ever, used in practice. Yet, the PTO likes to include them in the bar exam.] * 4* reserved * 5* MAINTENANCE FEES CFR 1.21 U41b Application on or after Dec 12, 1980 for original or reissue None for Design or Plant Patents Computed from Issue Date. See "time for action" for schedule Certificate of mailing works Payment due 3 to 3 1/2, 7 to 7 1/2, 11 to 11 1/2 years from issue date. Payment accepted between 3 1/2 to 4, 7 1/2 to 8, 11 1/2 to 12 years after date with late fee. (Grace period) 1.362(e) Supergrace, unavoidable, with BIG surcharge, fee, petition of claiming unavoidable, 1.378(a) Supergrace, unintentional, (24 mo) with BIG BIG surcharge, fee, petition of claiming unintentional. 1.378(c) Send fee with Patent Num, Applic Num. * 6* SMALL ENTITY: 509.02 pg 500-10 CFR 1.9d Annual average of all pay periods for: full-time employees part-time employees temporary employees 500 max includes affiliates which are associate companies or companies held by a common entity. * 7* CORRESPONDENCE IDENTIFICATION CFR 1.5a 502 pg 500-3 "No correspondence relating to an application should be filed prior to when notification of the application number is received from the Patent and Trademark Office." Mandatory: c1.5(a) " ... on the top page in a conspicuous location, the ..." * Application Number * Filing date "or the ..." * Serial Number * Filing date " assigned to that application by the PTO" "or the ..." * International Application Number of international applications. Preferred: "... should also state the": ref: near end of c1.5(a) * Application # * Name of applicant, * Title of Invention, * Filing Date, and if known: * Group Art # or other PTO unit, * Examiner or person to which the communication has been assigned. Prior to the rule changes of October 24, 1994, (OG 1192, Nov. 26, 1996) the words "PATENT APPLICATION" were also on the "should state" list. The MPEP, as of Rev 2, has not been revised to include this announcement. About Patents: except for maintenance fee "... should state the": c1.5(b) * Patent # * Date of issue * Name of patentee * Patent Title Reexamination papers: "... should identify it as such by": c1.5(d) * Patent # of Patent undergoing reexamination * Reexamination control number and if known: * Art group * (re)Examiner Interference papers: "... it should state the": c1.5(e) * Names of Parties * Number of the interference * Examiner - Chief assigned * Name of party filing the paper should appear conspicuously on the first page of the paper. * 7.1* RETURN RECEIPT POSTCARD 503 A return receipt post card identifying the application and the contents of the papers may be included. It will be returned as a receipt from the examining clerk. This is not the same as the Post Office Notice of delivery card used in registered and express mailing. (which incidentally, should also contain some ID (notes in the margin) to correlate with the contents of the package. ). [Cynical comment - The Post Office is pretty good at delivering mail to the PTO and returning the green PO delivery receipt. However, the PTO seems to lose stuff after collecting it from Postman. The Postcard is filled out when the inside clerk opens the envelope (maybe, It sometimes takes weeks to re-appear in your office). Some Examiners will tell you, "include the postcard with everything"] * 8* FILING OF. INCOMPLETE FILING, ETC. OATH 602.++ Cannot be amended. 602.01 Can Substitute for original 602.02 Completion of inadequate oath can be delayed until something is allowable. 602.03 form 6.47 FILING OF OATH: 601.01 pg 600-5 name of inventor serial # or name of inventor atty docket # filing date or name of inventor title of invention filing date or name of inventor (CONCURRENT FILING WITH APPLICATION) title of invention reference to specification which is attached and filed therewith or name of inventor (LATE FILING) title of invention statement from reg agent that the applic filed in the PTO is the application which the inventor executed by signing the oath. * 9* MINIMUM INFO FOR OBTAINING A FILING DATE: M 506 PG 500-5 CFR 1.53b All applications get a serial number for identification. To get a filing date:: (for an incomplete application) 1.53 Identity of all inventors Specification USC 112 at least one Claim USC 112 Drawing if required USC 113 Filing date is when the last of the above is filed. c1.111 No new matter can be introduced after filing date whether application is complete or not. need continuation to add new matter and keep filing date of the rest. An incomplete app can be converted to a provisional app with the original filing date. Petition and fee. Oath and fee can be submitted later to complete the application. [not advised] Note - if a drawing is required, but missing, (1.53) NO filing date. Not required to get a filing date: oath fee English address appointment of agent or lawyer patentable invention * 9.1* TO OBTAIN AN EFFECTIVE [durable] FILING DATE: Identity of all inventors Specification USC 112 Written description Best mode Enabling description, make, use Utility (?) At least one Claim USC 112 Drawing if required USC 113 [this was written prior to the advent of provisional applications, but is still applicable] * 9.1.1* USC 112 SPECIFICATION Description of invention manner and process of making and using it for person skilled in art to make & use same. Utility Best mode One or more claims USC 112 is often refered to by paragraph here they are: * first paragraph: * written description * manner and process of making and using in clear, concise, exact terms * enable any one skilled in art to make and use * best mode * second paragraph: * One or more claims particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which the applicant regards as his invention. * Last (7th) paragraph: * An element in a claim for a combination mah be expressed as a means or step for performing a specified function without the recital of structure, material, or acts in support thereof, ... construed to cover corresponding ... as ... as described in the specification and equivalents thereof. Utility is a requirement of USC101, and is part of the specification. * 9.2* PROVISIONAL APPLICATION (PPA): U111, m601, pg 600-4, m601.01b General: Provisional Applications are treated as "incomplete filings" An incomplete regular filing may be made a Provisional. Provisional app has NO priority from 119, 120, 121, 365(a), 365(c) Not for design patents. u115, oath not rqd; 131, not examined; 135, not for interference; 157, not for SIR applications; These are not applicable to provisionals. Required: * Cover sheet identifying it as a PPA * Identity of inventor * Specification USC 112 (fully disclosed, best mode, enabling, make, use, utility) * Drawing if required USC 113 in Permanent INK, (Xerox of pencil ok) * Fee * Small entity affidavit, if applicable Fee (or later with surcharge) Not required: claim m201.04b background summary of invention oath m201.04b abstract Not subject to U115 (oath), 131(examination), 135(interference), 157(SIR). IDS prohibited. m601 May be informally drafted as long as disclosure is adequate. U112 first paragraph, U113 drawing content. Pendancy: U111(b) 12 months from filing (sat sun hol rule does not apply to expiration date. m505 No revival No right of priority to previous apps/patents. Provisional app has NO priority from 119, 120, 121, 365(a), 365(c) Not subject to U115, 131, 135, 157 To use: U119(e) Not later than 12 months after date on which the PPA was filed. Make reference to ppa in subsequent regular filing. PPA must be pending (less than 12 mo old) to be used as ref in the subsequent regular application. U112(e)(2) What a PPA is, does, does not: DOES: Obtains a filing date which can be utilized in subsequent regular filing and continuations. [The subsequent regular filing is quite similar to a "CIP" of the PPA. Only similar, it is NOT a CIP] Can use "Patent Pending" Reviewed for "secrecy order" purposes. (Invokes secrecy order evaluation) Gets Foreign Filing license. (If no secrecy order issued) Stops "on-sale, publication" clock DOES NOT: No right of priority to previous apps/patents. Not subject to U115, 131, 135, 157 No rights attach except priority because of date. Like any disclosure or application, if it is not adequately disclosed (U112), it is not covered, and no date for the not-disclosed features. What happens when a PPA expires: PPA filing date cannot be used in subsequent application. "Patent Pending" status expires [ Disclosed information probably remains taking on a status similar to a disclosure document (DDP). ] [ The mpep is silent on the disposal/retention of expired ppa's] *10* ARRANGEMENT AND CONTENTS OF SPECIFICATION: MPEP 601 pg 600-2 Title Cross Reference to other related applications or patents Statement of Federal rights if Federally sponsored u202(c)(6) Background of invention 601.01(a) 1. Field of invention 2. Description of related art c1.97, 1.98 Summary of invention Brief Description of the Drawings Description of preferred embodiment(s) best mode; make, use Claim(s) * Abstract * * start on new page Grammar note: Describe working models and examples in past tense. Describe "paper inventions" and projections in present or imperative tense. *11* COMPLETE APPLICATION IS THE *10* SPECIFICATION PLUS plus mpep 601, cfr 1.51 Drawings, Fee oath and application form, Small inventor declaration. IDD Information Disclosure Document MPEP 609 Assignment *12* APPLICATION ORDER AND ELEMENTS CFR 1.77 Title of invention, or applicants name, citizenship, residence, and title of invention Title of invention 1. Cross Reference 2. Ref to microfiche appendix 1.96b Statement of Federal rights if Federally sponsored Background of invention 1. Field of invention 2. Description of related art 1.97, 1.98 Summary of invention Descript of drawings Descript of preferred embodiment(s) best mode; make and use Claim(s) Abstract Oath Drawings Fee NOTE the above list is not exactly as listed in 1.77, but is a composite. 1.77 is not totally consistent with other contents lists reproduced here. *12.1* INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE: M608.01(p)(B) May incorporate essential material by reference to an issued US patent or application upon which issue fee has been paid if: US Patent, an allowed US application IF necessary to: support claims adequate disclosure of invention but not; Patents or applications published by foreign or regional patent offices Non-patent publications US application which itself incorporates essential material by reference. Foreign application Not allowed: Foreign patents or applications non-patent publications Non Essential Material: Non-essential subject matter is matter referred to for purpose of indicating the background of the invention or illustrating the state of the art. As above Non-patent publications. *13* MAKE SPECIAL: 708.02, CFR 1.102 by examiner or dept head of branch of gvt: importance to some branch of gvt. Petitions requirements are found within each category in 708.02 with fee (no small entity discount) manufacturing reasons imminent manufacture see list pg 700-39 manufacture held up will mfg in US in quantity plus search was made believe all claims allowable infringing device on market see list pg 700-39 recombinant DNA applications certain new applications (unclear as what is allowed) see list without fee Applicant's age, (65 or older) Applicant's health, (med cert rqd) enhance environment energy resource conservation Superconductivity technology (SEE 708.02 VII for details) *14* BOX # IDENT CFR 1.1 See 37cfr 1.1 for partial list. *14.1* OATHS SEE * 8* *15* TIME TO RESPOND, EXTENSIONS OF TIME: *15.1* EXTENSIONS PURCHASABLE FOR: 1.136, L 15 16 S 21 8,9 FOR --- QUAYLE ACTIONS OFFICE ACTION ON MERITS NOTICES OF APPEAL DECISIONS OF APPEAL BOARD 1.196, 1.197, 1.304 REPLY BRIEF 1.193b REQUEST FOR ORAL HEARING 1.194b IN INTERFERENCE 1.611 NOT FOR --- RESPONSE TO FINAL ACTION NO EXTENSION NOTICE IN OA. 1.136 a1i *17* APPEAL BRIEF, CONTENTS, SEQUENCE 1206 *17* APPEALS CFR 1.191, CFR 1.192, CFR 1.193, mpep 1206, 2273 reX, USC 306 Filing form for notice mpep pg 1200-3 fee rqd , brief in triplicate sometimes (1.192) must be twice rejected to be appealable USC 134, 1205,. time, CFR 1.192, 1204 see "TIME TO RESPOND" in these notes. Contents 1.191, 1.192, 1206 status of claims status of amendments summary of invention issues grouping of claims argument 1) form A) discussion of subject matter of rejected claims B) make and use invention C) Best mode appendix, incl copy of claims involved amendment to spec may be filed with or after appeal, but before appeal brief is filed, provided total effect of amendments is to : 1207 1. remove issues from appeal ie withdraw or amend offending stuff. 2. and/or adopt examiner's suggestions no new matter, etc. Remedies after board rules on the appeal. 1214, CFR 1.196, 1.197 1. amend claims and/or showing of facts 2. have case re-considered under 1.197 see also *18* Examiner's answer to : cfr 1.193 1208 If appeal is not regular in form or does not relate to appealable action applicant may take to commissioner as provided in 1.181. Applicant may file a reply brief directed only to such new points of argument as may be raised in the examiner's answer within one month. see 1208, Board of appeals normally operates on rejected claims. not on allowed or pending claims, but can do just about anything including rejecting allowed claims. 1.196d Oral hearing not rqd but permitted by request and fee,[1. xxxxx......] whole claim. add --> ul 2.__________ whole claim including number. * Claims should not be renumbered. New claims follow original last number. c1.173 * Change to only part of a word or formula is not permitted. M1411 See Example at M1453 *20.2* RE-EXAMINATIONS REEXAMINATION is not an "application" thus 1.136 does not apply (M265) Also because no application, there is no "applicant". Extension requests only after decision to grant reX is mailed. One month automatic extension (confused instruction) All other requests under 1.550 Req for extension before expiration of date for owner to respond (1 mo?) need reason with sufficient cause for extension. No new matter Mail Cert OK Express Mail cert OK Base request on printed publications and patents only. see 2209 for list of characteristics. FILING, WHO, WHEN. 2209, 2210, 2212, USC 302, USC 303, CFR 1.510A, 2216, 17, 42 * Against any claim. * Not for expired patents * Any person any time during enforceability of patent + the 6 years in which infringement may be filed (6 yr statute of limitations to sue for infringement) based on prior patents or printed pubs. 2211, U302, 1.510,. * 2216,42 Substantial new questions of patentability: Statement of such rqd. At least one claim must be in question based on prior patents or printed publications ONLY. 2247 If one claim found reXable, all will be reXed. (?) * 2217 Statement applying prior art: prior art must be a patent or PRINTED PUBLICATION and admitted via USC 102 criteria. Also USC 103. Double Patenting is proper for consideration. * Proceeding is ex-parte in nature. * Proceeding must start within 3 mo of request. Proceed with "special dispatch". * Proceeding normally carried to a conclusion and certificate of reexamination issued. * Scope of claim cannot be enlarged by reexamination. * All Reexamination files are open to the public. REQUEST FOR REEXAMINATION: M2214 = * Any person * During enforceability period. * Request for Reexamination * Fee The Petition: * Point out substantial new question of patentability based on prior printed publications and patents. Use form 1449 * Identification of each claim for which reexamination is requested * "Detailed explanation of the pertinency and manner of applying the prior art to every claim for which reexamination is requested." * A copy of the prior art in English. * A copy of the patent to be reexamined in the form of the cut up patent and mounted as single columns on sheets. * Copy of disclaimer, certificates of correction, reexamination certificates to be included. * A certification that the patent owner has been served with a copy of the request for reexamination. Public use, sale, or fraud should not be included in the request for ReX and will not be considered by examiner if included. (MPEP 2200-15) If patent owner wants to have a wider consideration of issues incl matters such as prior pub use or sale, patent owner may file for reX. 2212, 1.501, 1.510,. SCOPE: 1.530, 1.552,. period for owner to file statement of rebuttal or amend. is 2 mo min. 1.530b Argument OK 1.530c for form Amendment OK 1.530b,d to description and/or claims NO FEE FOR ADDITIONAL CLAIMS. 2233 No new matter 1.530 d or enlarged scope of claims Only owner can comment before determination of reX ability. 1.530a AMENDMENT FORM FOR REEXAMINATIONS: CFR 1.121(f) = ".. amendments ... presented in the form of full copy of the text of: each claim which is amended or each paragraph which is amended ... Deletes [deleted], additions underlined." " Copies of the printed claims from the patent may be used, with deletes [bracketed] and ADDS in " " Claims not to be renumbered, new claims follow the highest claim number in patent." " No new Matter may be introduced into the patent." MPEP 2234 = " If a portion of the text is amended more than once, each amendment should indicate ALL of the changes (insertions and deletions) in relation to the current text of the patent under reexamination." Question?? is this the issued patent, or the modified "current" text?? I vote for the issued patent as that would be without confusion and obfuscation from prior modifications. * Scope of claim cannot be enlarged by reexamination. *21* ABANDONMENT: 711.04a, 1.135 3 mo OA JAN 12 feb. march. APRIL 12, midnight 6 mo OA JAN 12 feb. march. april. may. JUNE 12, midnight Date of abandonment is end of stat or short stat period if no extensions. With extensions, end of purchased extension. 711.04 ABANDONED BY DEF AFTER STATUTORY PERIOD or insufficiency of response. If shortened stat period set at 3mo and no extensions bought. abandonment date set at 3 months (holding of abandonment at 6 mo retroactive to midnight, April 12 in above example. GONE ON A13, WHICH MAY BE A SATURDAY) !!! IF A12 LAST DAY TO RESPOND IS A FRIDAY.-- DATE OF ABANDONMENT IS CONSIDERED NEXT DAY IE. A13. Purchased extensions put date of abandonment at end of purchased period. 711.04 Interference and Board proceeding modify limits shown above. After final rejection, time starts with rejection UNLESS a response, even a notice of no-entry, is mailed in response to amendment filed in response to final rejection. A response to mailing restarts the extensions-purchased clock but the clock STOPS at 6 months from the final rejection. This is illogical but see 710.02e pg 700-47 for authority. There is some advantage granted when first response is filed within 2 months of final rejection. Evaluate this if the Q mentions 2 months in any way. Time to file notice of appeal is shortened stat + ext to 6 mo unless specified by examiner. (1205 seems to instruct the examiner to limit the time to 3 mo.) Appeal brief is due 2 mo from notice or remainder of time originally allowed to act on the OA which provoked the appeal, ie an OA containing the second rejection of a claim, whichever is latest. NOTE time of action is the OA response term including CFR 1.136 extensions.!!! which may be up to 4 months. 1206 page 1200-4 Extensions beyond this generous time can be bought for 4 more mo... This could be as much as 6 + 2 + 4 months maxxx. Apparently, the extended time from OA does not have to be petitioned and fee paid. ??? filing form mpep pg 1200-3 WEEKEND RULE - 710.05, 710.01A, 505, 502. page 700-48 If period to act ends on a Sat, Sun, Hol. then actual ending date is next business day. Extensions from actual date, not Week-end rule date. Not so for date of abandonment and a few other conditions. Period spans Feb 28,29 rule. *22* MAILING CERTIFICATES: *22.1* US Mail, regular mail c1.8 mpep 512 Deposited when certificate claims the communications was mailed. Use - don't use list c1.8 c1.8(1) (reprinted) Correspondence will be considered as being timely filed if: (i) The correspondence is mailed or transmitted prior to expiration of the set period of time by being: (A) Deposited with the U.S. Postal Service with sufficient postage as first class mail addressed to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, Washington, DC 20231; or (B) Transmitted by facsimile to the Patent and Trademark Office in accordance with # 1.6(d); and (ii) The correspondence includes a certificate for each piece of correspondence stating the date of deposit or transmission. The person signing the certificate should have reasonable basis to expect that the correspondence would be mailed or transmitted on or before the date indicated. Example Certificate of mailing from mpep 512 A suggested format for a Certificate of Mailing and a Certificate of Transmission under 37 CFR 1.8 to be included with the correspondence is reproduced below. Example: Certificate of Mailing. I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service with sufficient postage as first class mail in an envelope addressed to: Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 on ___________. (Date) *22.2* US Express Mail mpep 513 CFR 1.10 Primarily used for Applications. Ok for filing Any Paper. Provides good receipts. Post Office to Addressee service is recommended because Post Office hands a receipt over the counter. Express mail drop boxes are now acceptable for posting, but PTO does not recommended their use for logistical reason. Filed when mailed. even Sat, Sun, Holidays Express mail # is no longer required inside the envelope, but its inclusion is recommended. Fed X etc us NOT "express mail" and the filing date will be when received at the PTO.!! Example Express Mailing certificate: No model given in MPEP. Use regular mailing form, substituting "express mail" for "first class". When possible include express mail # . *22.3* FAX TRANSMISSIONS Use For -- Terminal disclaimer ok; Telephone interview report Whatever not listed below Do not use for -- mpep 605.04 Oath Amendments Applications (except as incomplete to obtain a filing date) Classified stuff (security reasons) PCT papers If the paper needs an original signature. Applications and amendments are considered incomplete (no original signature) for obtaining a filing date. Include --- ___________________________________________ Typed or printed name of person signing this certificate Signature________________________________________ [Ref: from MPEP 6th edition, Rev 2] Certificate of Transmission (fax). I hereby certify that this correspondence is being facsimile transmitted to the Patent and Trademark Office (Fax No. (703)___-____) on____________. (Date) ___________________________________________ Typed or printed name of person signing this certificate Signature________________________________________ [Ref: from mpep 6th Ed, Rev 2] *23* NAMES: Full name required 605.04b first, initial, last on application document?, oath?, both? (see GICP) Inventor's address also required (GICP) *24* CORRECTION OF INVENTORSHIP: CFR 1.48, MPEP 201.03 old inventors agree no deception and when error discovered, and how error occurred statement by inventors oaths by inventors 1.63 fee consent of assignee see pg 200-2 for deletion because of changed claims. *25* INVENTOR UNAVAILABLE: 409.03 CFR 1.47 need: last known address assignment, or proof of ownership (to de-facto applicant) fee diligent effort to find irreparable damage or harm if not filed without inventor *26* INVENTOR REFUSES TO SIGN: CFR 1.47 CFR 409.03i may protest naming as inventor entitled to inspect any paper in application order copies make position a matter of record plus list, good stuff patent is still issued to inventor signed or not.!!!! rights not lost!!! *27* TERMINAL & STATUTORY DISCLAIMERS mpep 1490 1.78d 1.321b U253 TD's in parent applic do not apply to continuations. Need new TD's Fee * By patentee. State interest therein * By Applicant, * By Agent or Atty. * By Owner, Part or all. the phrase "double patenting" expects terminal disclaimer or combine apps into one patent app to eliminate. *29* ANTEDATING AFFIDAVITS U 102a, U102e, MPEP 715, CFR 1.131a, Pressman 3-4 (swearing behind) invention application within year after publication, and invention built and tested prior to publication is a keeper. 1.131a Objecting US patent issued within 1 year of US applic shows, but does not claim the invention is not a bar. invention is a keeper. Less than 12 mo and; Reduction to practice in US (filing is minimum reduction and is of no effect in this case, but R&D is) and; Domestic patent that shows but not claim or; Foreign Patent (issued), or; Printed publication then; make oath or declaration as to facts showing completion of invention in this country before filing date of domestic patent or; before issue date of foreign patent or; publication date. by inventor, owner, 1.41,43,47 person. for Joint Inventors it is per claim. pg 700-79 (5) 715.04 *30* NEW MATTER: CFR 1.118 MPEP 608.04, 608.04c, 608.01o, rule 60 201.06e, rule 62 201.06b 706.03o CFR 1.118 is somewhat vague about defining "new matter". Reading around the words "adding departure from or addition to the original disclosure", other paragraphs make reference to "claims containing new matter will be rejected" and the matter will be rejected from the specification. NEW MATTER is material that may affect: BEST MODE WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ENABLEMENT ie, is essential matter USC 112. ie support claims or for adequate disclosure of invention. 608.01p-B pg 600-42. By Reference: US Patent or an allowed US application IF necessary to support claims adequate disclosure of invention but not; patents or applications published by foreign or regional patent offices non-patent publications US application which itself incorporates essential material by reference. Foreign application Not allowed: Foreign patents or applications non-patent publications US patents also incorporating material by reference. See 600-2 for non essential material and format of referenced material. CIP may introduce new matter, but then requires new oath and gets new filing date. Rule 62 1. later amendment containing new matter 2 obvious, but not explicit, implicit, inherent, or intrinsic. 3. new incorporation by reference 4. adding best mode 5. new utility 6. preliminary amendment not in oath. 7. deposit of biological material not specifically identified in specification as filed. 8. adding specific percentages or compounds after a broader original disclosure 706.03q 9. omission of a step from a method. 706.03q 10. addition of inherent characteristics: 608.04a chemical or physical properties new structural formula 1. amendment filed with application and in oath. 2. amendment conforming one part to another ie, dwgs to spec to claims. 3. original claims 4. previously canceled, but copendency probably required. 5. request earlier filing date under 119 or 120 6. already incorporated by reference 7. amendment filed with CIP under 1.62 and referred to in oath, but is new matter to parent application. 8. inherent advantage not amounting to a new utility 9. deposit of biological material specifically identified in specification as filed. Not clear whether adding new "prior art" is adding "new matter" See 608.04b for preliminary amendment special rule. *32* "Old matter" must be in either claims, drawings, or specification. Fix new matter objection/rejection 608.04c a. if spec only, by petition. b. if affects a claim, by appeal. *30.1* ESSENTIAL MATERIAL == SEE ESSENTIAL MATTER IN DEFINITIONS BELOW. *31* PRELIMINARY AMENDMENT: 506, 714.10, 717.04, 608.04b, 702.01 New Matter. 608.04b must be made before oath signed. refer to preliminary amend in oath when it is finally signed. "Preliminary Amendments (claims) do not enjoy original disclosure status." m702.01(4) M608.04(b) Preliminary amendments: c1.115 * Any time before first office action is a right. * No new matter, except before oath is signed. * Can cancel claims in rule 60 or 62 cases before counting claims for calculating fee. * Constructive Election INTERLINEATION, ALTERATION: 605.04 pg 600-21 CFR 1.52c (treated as a preliminary amendment) Revision by interlineation must be made before oath is signed. Each change is initialed and dated BY APPLICANT. (before date of oath). *32* AMENDMENT FORMS: *32.2* TO THE CLAIMS: 714.22 c1.121. * underline/bracket method for Small changes [] brackets = delete, underline = inserts Example: 2. (amended) A gadget for [becoming airborne] flying(underlined) without wings comprising: which becomes --> 2. A gadget for flying without wings comprising: Do not forget (amended) * Second or later amendment to same claim : C 1.121 Twice or thrice amended " ..... if a previously rewritten claim is rewritten, underlining and bracketing will be applied in reference to the previously rewritten claim ...." c1.121(b) It is not clear whether the second amendment should be presented with the prior amendment incorporated or merely copied, including the first change notations. For authority, at least one old exam shows that the second amendment is written incorporating the first [], and the new changes are underlined. Thus: ( __signifies underlining of all between__ ) Claim 1 (amended) A shelter of [canvas] __water resistant fabric__ adapted to prevent precipitation reaching articles thereunder ... Claim 1 (twice amended) .... A shelter of water resistant fabric adapted to prevent [precipitation] __rain__ reaching articles thereunder ... Make sure that the intent is clear. Otherwise, use cancel-and-submit-new-claim method. * cancel and submit new method Use in any circumstances, especially major revision. Cancel claim 1 and add ( or substitute) claim xx as follows: Claim xx ..... where xx is the next unused claim number available. Do not use ( ) for changes !! 714.22 * Cancellation of claim is by specific directive. 714.22, c1.121 * SMALL CHANGES in claims may be changed by the in-spec format. Limited to spelling, punctuation, typographical errors, deletions, and additions of 5 or fewer words. 1.121c, 714.22 Example: Please rewrite claim 1 by deleting "becoming airborne" and inserting -- flying -- at the same place. -----> All claims, new or amended, must be supported by specification and/or drawings or by previously submitted claims. Dependent claims must have proper antecedents. -----> No new matter !!! * REISSUES ARE AMENDED UNDER DIFFERENT RULES. SEE *20* [] AND UL ARE FOR ALL CHANGES. NO SPECIFIC DIRECTIVE TO ADD OR DELETE WHOLE CLAIM OR SENTENCE. *32.3* AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFICATION: -- new or changed words between dashes -- "identify place between quoties" where insertion, deletion, or action is to occur. NO NEW MATTER ALLOWED. !!! <--------<< Form: Similar to claims, but less formal. Must be clear as to what is to be changed, where the changes occur, and the new wording. Page 1, line 5; change " current wording " to "-- new wording -- " Page 1, at line 12; delete first occurrence of "erase it". Longer than 5 words may be used in this form. *32.4* SUBSTITUTE SPECIFICATION: use with major changes. See MPEP 608.01q c1.125 Must be accompanied by a statement that it contains no new matter. [and it had better not!!] *32.5* Different rules for reissues. See *20* Reissues 1.121(e) Reexaminations 1.121(f) *32.6* AMENDMENT OF DRAWINGS 608.02 Draftsman's report says drawing quality is inadequate reply:" Draftsman's report is noted. Please examine considering the presented drawings as "informal" New drawings will be supplied timely before issue" Obviously, major faults involving clarity or content must be corrected immediately. Amendment to drawings, procedure 608.02 1. Submit a copy of the drawings with the changes shown in red ink to the examiner for approval. 2. Submit new original drawings with approved changes to draftsman. [NO NEW MATTER!!! ALL CHANGES MUST HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY ENTERED AND SUPPORTED BY PREVIOUS DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATION, OR CLAIMS.] [new originals may be provisionally submitted at the same time as the red-marked copy. Seems to work when changes are merely corrections of obvious error.] *32.7* RESPONSE BY APPLICANT TO OFFICE ACTION (REMARKS SECTION) CFR 1.111 Reply must respond to every ground an objection Reply must distinctly and specifically point out the supposed errors in examiner's action Request to hold in abeyance matters of form not necessary to further consideration of claims until allowance is in order. Reply must appear throughout to be a bonafide attempt to advance the case to final action. NOT PROPER - a general allegation that claims define a patentable invention without specifically pointing out how the language of the claims patentably distinguishes them from the references . 1.111b 1.111c for re-examinations EXAMPLE redacted from PTO published documents: Serial # ______ Applicant(s) _______ Filing Date _______ Title _____________________ Examiner: ___________________ Group Art Unit: ____________ Date __________ Honorable Assistant Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Washington DC, 20231 RESPONSE TO RESTRICTION REQUIREMENT Sir: AMENDMENT To the Specification: -- insertions between dashes -- " deletes between quotes " To the Claims: within claims. [ Brackets insert ] underlined deletes Please delete claims .... Please add new claims .... new numbers in sequence. do not re-use claim numbers. REMARKS This is a response to the objections set forth in the Office Action dated ________. Claim _____ is revised to remove lack of antecedent (or whatever) for xxx in claim ____. Claims _____ are canceled to remove the objectionable issues. New Claims ______ are presented to remove objectionable issues and retain non-objected issues. The rejection over Goofus' patent is now believed to be overcome by the cancellation of claims 1 and 3 and presentation of new claim 12. The amended claims define a patentable invention invention which is not anticipated by Goofus. Reconsideration of the application (or rejection) is requested. Respectfully submitted, __________________ sig Agent for the applicants, Reg #___________ Mailing Certificate ------- US Mail, regular mail c1.8 mpep 512 *22.1* US Express Mail c1,10 mpep 513 *22.2* NOTE: Although examination of old bar exams does not suggest it, one might expect that the mailing certificate could, for test purposes, be inserted by merely citing "the form suggested in MPEP 512." This might be an emergency response to "out of time" answer the test. Obviously, the testee (you) shows that he knows about how to formulate a mailing certificate. *32.8* AMENDMENT AFTER NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE 1.312 M714.14 M1303.01 * No amendment as a matter of right. * May submit rule 312 (c1.312) amendments to put application into better shape for issue. [spelling, grammar, errors] * Submit formal drawings *32.9* AMENDMENT AFTER APPEAL BOARD DECISION 1214.01, 1214.06 c1.196, 1214.07 * Not a matter of right * All claims or some claims may be reviewed by board 1213.01, 1.196(a) * Entry of Amendments must be approved by Primary Examiner and Supervisory Examiner if not a board recommendation. 214.03 OK if: * amendment removes issues or adopts examiner's suggestion. * amendment places application in condition for allowance. NOT OK: * if amendment requires new search, * new matter, * Increases number of claims, * raises new issues. *32.10* AMENDMENT AFTER FINAL REJECTION OR ACTION 714.12, 714.13 C1.116 * No amendment as a matter of right. OK FOR: * Presenting rejected claims in better form for consideration on appeal. c1.116 * Presenting claim in better condition for allowance. 1.16 * Complying with requirements or objections as to form. * Canceling a claim c1.116 * On merits in reexamination if good & sufficient reasons given. 1.116 * Extension of time per Rule 1.136, * Petition non-entry to Commissioner *33* FILING DATES, CONTINUITY, AFFORDING DATES OF EARLIER APPLICATIONS cfr 1.53, mpep 506, 201.06 WHEN common inventor see 201.11 New application must be co-pending with old when filed. Only matter carried forward can claim earlier Filing Date. New matter has a FD when filed. Provisional Apps must be co-pending, same inventor. U119 * 9.2* CERTIFICATES OF MAILING of no effect. not applicable for applications. including continuations. *33.1* RULE 60, CONTINUATIONS 201.07 * file under 1.53, 1.60, 1.62 * file before abandonment, patented, or termination of proceedings * at least one common inventor * same disclosure for new claims and/or establish right to further examination by examiner. * Must be before payment of issue fees for cfr 1.62 continuations. * NO NEW MATTER * See USC 120, CFR 1.78 for keeping prior applic date. *33.2* RULE 60 DIVISIONAL application 201.06 a 1.60 USC 121 * Divided patents not to be used against on-another. 121 * Examiner's failure to divide does not invalidate patent. 121 * NO NEW MATTER All continuing apps must refer to FIRST appl if rights and date to be carried forward. *33.3* RULE 62 FILE-WRAPPER ( FWC ) CONTINUATION 201.06 b 1.62 FOR ADDING NEW MATTER New date of filing, but may have benefit of previous. New matter has the filing date when new matter is entered. All continuing apps must refer to FIRST appl if rights and date to be carried forward. *33.4* RULE 62 CIP 201.08 FOR ADDING NEW MATTER Filed during the lifetime of an earlier application by same applicant repeating some or all of earlier applic and adding new matter. New matter has the filing date when new matter is entered. File under 1.53 or 1.62. 1.62 must be before payment of issue fee. At least one common applicant. See 201.08 and 201.11 for list of rqmts for prior appl date. USC 120 201.08 uses word "APPLICANT" 201.11 seems to supersede using word "INVENTOR" TWICE. USC 120 ALSO USES "INVENTOR". [ An application can be filed by certain others than the inventors, but the "inventors" of 208.11(4) means "inventors" as the inventors, not necessarily the filers. Read "by" as "for".] see USC 120, CFR 1.78 for keeping prior applic date. 201.08 and 201.11 are inconsistent. 201.11 lists 4 conditions for availability of benefit of prior filing date. 201.08 lists only 3 of these 4. The 4th is a reference requiring the two patents combined comply with USC 112 first paragraph. ie. description, how to make, how to use, by skilled in art, and best mode. 201.11 on pg 200-17 there is another inconsistent or unconnected specification relating to CIP as to why a prior date is NOT ALLOWED if CIP contains claim not previously supported. All continuing apps must refer to FIRST appl if rights and date to be carried forward. *33.5* CIP, NOT ENTITLED TO EARLIER DATE: 201.11, PG 200-17 201.11 on pg 200-17 there is another inconsistent or unconnected specification relating to CIP as to why a prior date is NOT ALLOWED if CIP contains claim not previously supported. Features in CIP but not in parent application do not get benefit of prior filing date. Support goes back only to first time mentioned in CIP type chains. All continuing apps must refer to FIRST appl if rights and date to be carried forward. 201.08 and 201.11 are inconsistent. 201.11 lists 4 conditions for availability of benefit of prior filing date. 201.08 lists only 3 of these 4. The 4th is a reference requiring the two patents combined comply with USC 112 first paragraph. ie. description, how to make, how to use, by skilled in art, and best mode. *40* RESTRICTION / ELECTION DIVISION, EXAMINER REQUIRES: 802, USC 121, CFR 1.141, 1.42 "Restriction is when two or more independent AND distinct inventions are claimed one application. The Commissioner may require the application to be restricted to one of the inventions." Quote U121 Examiner requires applicant to choose (elect) one only to claim. Election of species is when two or more patentably distinct forms of a generic invention are in one application. Can file a rule 60 or 61 division or continuation on the non-elected invention. (new fee), (same (rule 60) or nearly same (rule 62) specification) Parent and divisional apps cannot be used against each other when a restriction requirement has been made. u121 Examiner must give reasons why he thinks inventions are distinct. m816 Claims for non-elected invention are withdrawn. If traversal arguments fail, petition to the Commissioner. Inventorship may be called into question if application is by joint inventors. [inventions may be by each] *40.1* IMPROPER REQUIREMENT FOR RESTRICTION * A single claim including a Markush or a Design claim. * Claims clearly unpatentable over each other. * Claims differing only in scope. M806.03 * Claims differing only in form. * Means plus Function apparatus claim and method claim using the same language. *41* FOREIGN PRIORITY, ESTABLISHING: USC 119 , MPEP 201.13,-14,-15, CFR 1.55 * US application must be same invention as foreign application. * US must be filed within 12 mo of foreign application. * and within 12 mo of any foreign publication. To get: * must claim priority, supply cert copy of original applic, spec, and drawings * Foreign country must offer same privilege * Same inventor *44* DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS: CFR 1.25 (for list), 1.51 m509.01 Charge fees of 1.16,1.17,1.18, 1.19, 1.20, US filing, appeal, issue, records, and post-issue fees. 1.445,1.446, international search, processing fees. (1.25, list) General authorization to charge all fees, or only certain fees of 1.16, 1.17, 1.18 may be filed in an individual application for entire pendancy or for only certain papers. NOT for 1.19, 1.20, 1.21 Re-exam per 1.510 fees chargeable. if requested in re-ex appl. 1.25 Must have adequate $ in fund to cover charges. Also minimum balances. NOT FOR recording an assignment! fee in 1.21, misc Apparently not for Misc fees (1.21) Fee amount is from the current fee schedule at time of PAYMENT. Not when first payable or date of notice. *44.1* NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE, ISSUE FEES: * 3 Months to pay up. no extension cfr 1.87 AMENDMENT: * No amendment as a matter of right. * May submit rule 312 (c1.312) amendments to put application into better shape for issue. [spelling, grammar, errors] * Submit formal drawings. Extensions allowed for submission of formal drawings, with 1.136 extension fee. *44.2* PETITIONS, normal period to file, Petitions are to the PTO, examiner, commish, etc Appeals are to the board and/or courts. FEES REQUIRED / NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED [know these] * in re-examinations, for excess claims carried forward from patent. * certain Make Special Cases (see make special) * petition to revive (after abandonment) 700-50 1.137 promptly upon notification 1 year for unintentionally abandoned 1.137, 1.316 * petition to withdraw holding of abandonment 711.02 * Petition to Commissioner to review restriction rqmt. 1.144 not later than appeal * Petition to Commissioner to invoke supervisory authority 1.181 * Petitions to Commissioner for actions not appealable to board 1.181 * To inspect file open to public access. FEE REQUIRED Review CFR 1.17h & 1.17i lists. Not all are listed here. most extensions Re examination Continuations Certificate of correction Correction of Inventorship Maintenance Fees Appeals Notice of appeal MPEP 1205, On filing an appeal USC 41, 1.17e? Filing appeal brief 1.192a, 1.17f For an oral hearing before Board of Appeals 1.17g, USC 134 Inventor unavailable, filing with Terminal Disclaimer Recording of assignment Issue fee Extension of time to file formal drawings Access to assignment file. Copies and other work Petition to Commissioner to waive rules. 1.183 Petition to suspend the rules 1.17h, 1.183 Petitions in interferences, several kinds. 1.644 (1.17h list only) Petition for access to patent application, including reissue files. 1.17i, 1.14, MPEP 103 Petition to suspend action on an application. 1.17i, 1.103 Petition to withdraw an application from issue. 1.17i, 1.313 Petition for expedited handling of foreign filing license 1.17h, 5.12 Excess claims 3, 20 Multiple dependent claim, to submit a, Fee amount is from the current fee schedule at time of PAYMENT. Not when first payable or date of notice. *45* SECRECY ORDERS CFR 5-- MPEP 120 Prosecution proceeds CFR 5.3 (a) Allowance suspended until secrecy order lifted (c) Interference not declared during secrecy (b) International applications will not be mailed (d) Recision, Modification 5.4, 5.5 Licensing for foreign export of filing see 5.11 --> *46* GVT REGISTER OF INTEREST 37cfr 7.xx for government owned applications and patents. *47* ETHICS, PRACTICE CFR 10-- Signatures on documents 10.18 Your signature or filing of a paper signifies that: you have read the document you believe it to be true you are authorized to sign the paper is not for purpose of delay Misconduct 10.23 study the list at 10.23 Advertising etc. 10.31, - 35 Employment and withdrawal of empl 10.39 - .40 Employment - see 10.39 See 10.39 for list of when not to accept employment. withdrawal - see list at cfr 10.40 Must give client time to seek other council. Not less than 3 months before Office Action due. Permission required in most cases. Permission not required if client dismisses attorney. Confidentiality 10.57, 10.87 Conflict of interest, impairment of judgment 10.62 - Incompetence 10.77 Zealous and legal representation 10.84- .93 Impropriety 10.111 -.112 Disciplinary rules, proceedings 10.130 --.170 Gvt employees, Office employees, Public officials 10.10, 10.101-.103 if licensable, their practice is limited by the code. [cynical remark -- This part of the ethics code is applicable ONLY to current and ex government employees. Yet several questions on it have appeared recently for all of us to get wrong or waste time looking it up] *48* TRADEMARKS CFR 2-- Not for Agents to represent Not relevant to this exam. [cynical remark - Since there is no PTO licensing for trademark practitioners, (any licensed attorney is permitted to do trademark work without showing any understanding or competence). If trademark questions appear, they are irrelevant and could be the basis of a re-grade] *49* ASSIGNMENT, RECORDING, AND RIGHTS OF ASSIGNEE CFR 3--- Eligibility for assignment Requirement for recording Cover Sheets Dates Issue to Assignee *50* REPRESENTATION MPEP SECTION 4 *51* CORRESPONDENCE: MPEP 403 *52* JOINT INVENTORS USC 262 * A patent "has the attributes of personal property". U261 * "In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, each of the joint owners of a patent may make, use or sell the patented invention without the consent of and without accounting to to the other owners." U262 [(ie as joint tenants)(262 does not address assignment directly. Assume licensing, being a form of selling the invention within a product is ok. Assignment or exclusive licensing would infringe on the others' rights to access to the invention. Not ok)] *53* PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS: OPEN TO PUBLIC MPEP 103 CFR 1.11 * Application after issue * after statutory invention registration * All reissue applications * Office has honored request for opening for public good. * All requests for re-examination * All re-examination papers * Any interference file. * Status (must provide app # and date to get status info) app is abandoned app is pending patent was issued * Assignments of patents. CFR 1.12 (fee rqd) NOT OPEN TO PUBLIC CFR 1.14 * Pending applications * abandoned applications * papers relating thereto. * Assignments for abandoned and pending apps. EXCEPT if assignment record is in document made public by issue of a patent referring to abandoned app or is opened by applicant. CFR 1.14b *54* DESIGN PATENTS: 1500 * Design patents and utility patents may be on same product if they are not on the same subject. ie double patenting. 1504.05 3b * Use Terminal Disclaimer to overcome. * "The design of an object consists of the visual characteristics or aspects displayed by the object. ... which creates a visual impact upon the mind of the observer. * "Must be a definite, preconceived thing, capable of reproduction and not merely the chance result of a method." * No maintenance fees for design patents. * 102d period is 6 months for Design patents. U172 * No U119 e (priority for Provisionals) for design patents. U172 CONTENTS, ARRANGEMENT 1.154 1503.01 * Preamble, stating name of applicant and title of the design * Description of the figure or figures * Description, if any * Claim, One only * Oath Title: 1503.01 The title uses words or names generally known and used by the public. No exotic or contrived words. Description: 1503.01 Optional; A general description is not necessary. The description of the drawing and the drawing itself are usually adequate. Permitted in description: 1. Description of the appearance portions of the claimed design not shown in the drawing disclosure. 2. Statement indicating that any broken line illustration in the drawing disclosure is not part of the design sought to be patented. 3. Description denoting the nature and environmental use of the claimed invention. Model claim: MPEP 1503.03, page 1500-5 & 6 The ornamental design for -- article as described in the specification -- as shown [and described]. (if it is not actually described). * Not allowed in spec, see 1503.01 page 1500-3 for list * One claim only * No dotted lines in drawing * "there are no portions of the claimed design which are immaterial or unimportant, and elements shown in dotted lines in the drawing are not part of the claim. * No photographs. Photographs are considered as informal drawings. * Functionality of features is not design-patentable. * Design patents are only for what can be seen on the exterior of the device. Inside features not design patentable. The interior if visible from the outside may be patentable. (ref Kayton). [ Example. Fabrige' egg with scene visible through a peephole. (Example not from Kayton)] *55* USC 101 STATUTORY CLASSES USC 101 Pressman 5-3 CFR 706.03a new and useful: Classes: see usc 101 process process machine machine manufacture manufacture composition of matter composition improvement thereof new use for *56* USC 102 NOVELTY AND BARS, CONSIDERATIONS USC 102. Watch for Saturday, Sunday, Holiday tricky questions with dates. CLUE -- , day names given!!!!! Except Express mail may now be filed on Sat, Sun, Hol. and get that date. ref OG 1192, Nov 26, 1996 USC 102, PRIOR ART, BARS, WHERE INVENTED, WHEN INVENTED (102 a) Publicly known, or used by others ("others" (PLURAL) than applicant) IN THIS COUNTRY; or patented or described in printed publication IN THIS OR A FOREIGN COUNTRY, and before the invention thereof by the applicant for patent. [ 706.02 (c) and 2132 says "in this country" is the United States, and does not include NAFTA/WTO note that NAFTA/WTO countries seem to be defined by U104 as not "foreign countries", but since "in this or a foreign country" is inclusive without regard to the U104 definition, everyone is encompassed, NAFTA or not.] Therefore, U104 (NAFTA/WTO) has no affect on 102a. ] USC102 a, e, g Do not have a 1 year free window. USC102 a, b Foreign Publication must be by printed media. Foreign sales not counted. Note: Applicant's own work in the US cannot be used against applicant in 102a because applicant's publication or use cannot be before the "invention thereof" (Kayton 6th ed. page 4-12) This could be utilized in a PTO "trick question". (102 b) Patented or described in printed publication IN THIS OR A FOREIGN COUNTRY or in public use or on sale IN THIS COUNTRY; and more than 1 year prior to the date of the application for patent in the U.S. (pub by anyone, incl applicant) [ 102b has the same language as 102a, therefore 102(b) is all NO-NAFTA/WTO] USC102 a,b Foreign Publication must be by printed media. Foreign sales not counted. (102 c) Invention abandoned. (102 d) First patented or inventor's certificate in a FOREIGN COUNTRY by the US applicant, prior to date of application for patent IN THIS COUNTRY on an application for patent or inventor's certificate filed more than 12 months before the filing of the application in the UNITED STATES. [ summary: bar = your foreign application filed more than 12 mo before your US filing] 6 months for Design patents. Operative Criteria to bar US patent, 102(d): 706.02(e) * Foreign application must be filed more than 12 months before effective date of US application. and * Foreign and US applications by same applicant or reps. and * Foreign application must have actually issued a patent or inventor's certificate before the filing in the US. Patent need not be published, but the patent rights granted must be enforceable. and * Same invention if both foreign and US case. (102 e) Invention described in US patent granted to another before present invention or on an international application by another fulfilling requirements of -- USC 371 before present invention. [ USC 119, 120, NAFTA, WTO can be used to swear behind referenced patent] Where the reference is a US application, the rejection takes the form of a "provisional rejection" (because no patent). See *57.4* "Invention Described" does not mean it has to be claimed. The patent itself is a publication. REFERENCE TO UNCLAIMED MATERIAL can be rebutted by affidavit 102(e). .. Patented invention (claimed) has to have claim rejected by court or re-examination. US patent app having foreign priority cannot use the foreign priority as bar to your application. (not "invented" in US at time of foreign priority) USC102 a, e, g Do not have a 1 year free window. (102 f) not the inventor. (102 g) Invention was made IN THIS COUNTRY by another who has not abandoned, suppressed, or concealed it. dates, reduction to practice and diligence to decide if one was first to conceive, but last to reduce to practice. USC102 a, e, g Do not have a 1 year free window. *56.1* NAFTA/WTO USC 104 INVENTIONS MADE ABROAD UNDER US PROTECTION. USC104 was modified to include the NAFTA and WTO countries as equivalent to the United States for some purposes. Fortunately for some reason (wisdom, serendipity, sonobulism, or simply incompetence) Congress did not amend 35USC102 to accommodate the apparent intention of the NAFTA and WTO advocates (the one-world government crowd, not real and patriotic Americans). USC104 has always limited the place of invention to the United States and its territories (except as below) for establishing the dates of invention and other factors affecting priority. USC104(a)(1), The new NAFTA/WTO 104 revisions of 1994 and 1996 extend the privilege to the countries in NAFTA and WTO (Uruguay Round Agreement). USC104 has always provided for domestic equivalence for government employees, military, and government contractors' employees to enjoy same rights of priority as if their inventions were made in US territories. In effect, their invention date, knowledge, or use, and USC 120, Benefit of earlier filing date in the United States, is available for them in perfecting priority. [one would presume that the employees, etc, are US legal residents. 104 is unclear] USC104(a)(2) extends the privilege to the employees of NAFTA and WTO countries. USC104(a)(3) Information in a NAFTA or WTO country concerning Knowledge, use, or other activity relevant to proving or disproving a date of invention .... shall draw appropriate inferences in favor of the party requesting the information in the proceedings. [strange one-way use of information????? Facts-is-facts, why cannot all parties use them?] [Does mpep 706.02(b) contradict 104(a)(3) ???!!???] By logical extrapolation of U104, "foreign" applies to everyone except US and NAFTA/WTO countries. This can make some differences in U102. Although this definition is inconsistently applied. MPEP 6th Edition Rev 3. offers some clarification in several disjointed places. * Affidavits -- Nafta/wto counts for dates of conception or completion of inventions. M715.07 pg 700-142 M705.07(c) * U100 defines "in this country" as the United States, which is reflected in the MPEP relative to U102 places. * U102a In the "United States" and "in this country" are literally the United States for U102a. USC104 not withstanding. The modified definition of "foreign" is irrelevant in 102a U102a is an NO-NAFTA ZONE. M 2132 * U102b The same wording is in 102b. Therefore, U102b is also an NO-NAFTA ZONE. M2133 * U102d Is a NAFTA/WTO country a "foreign country"? * U102e Date of invention may be established by invention in a NAFTA/WTO country. * U102g Date of invention may be established by invention in a NAFTA/WTO country. M2138.02 *57* USC 103 OBVIOUSNESS -- such that subject matter as a whole would have been obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the art. EXCEPT USC 102 F, AND 102 G Obviousness rejection is NOT PROPER if invention owned by common person(s) at time of invention. Functional equivalents not necessarily obvious in view of one-another. pg mpep 700-9 mpep 706.02 Apparently an old device or chemical composition cannot be patented because a new use is found. Apparently (maybe) the new use itself can be patented??? 707.07f Omission of an element while retaining its function suggests un- obviousness. *57.1* GRAHAM VS JOHN DEERE CRITERIA: M 706, USC 103 evaluation criteria (Graham vs John Deere) m 706 PRC 5-54 1. Determine scope of prior are 2. Ascertain the differences between prior art and claims in issue (of your application). 3. Resolve the level of Ordinary Skill in the art. see PRC 5-21 plus 3x. Secondary considerations. PRC 5-17 *57.2* SECONDARY CONSIDERATIONS TO REBUT 103 OBVIOUSNESS: mpep 716 Submit affidavits of - Commercial Success Long felt need in art Acceptance by art Skilled in art take different directions Copying of invention Competitors taking recognition of your invention Infringers trying to steal the invention, or indicating that they know it is unique (un-obvious) Unexpected results Experts skeptical Long felt need for invention requires supporting evidence to succeed. *57.3* COMBINED REFERENCES: USC 103 Elements of COMBINED references may be obvious even though the specific structures CANNOT be specifically substituted into the structure of the OTHER reference. REBUTTAL AGAINST -- Person of ordinary skill would not combine Combined result is not the claimed invention. *57.4* PROVISIONAL REJECTION: USC 102(e)/103 mpep 706.02(f). pg 700-8, 700-9 Applies of co-pending applications having common inventorship or ownership. Earliest application would constitute prior art. Responses -- combine into 1 application show that invention was derived from the inventor of earlier application (common inventor defense) show date of invention to be before earlier application 706.02(f) has examples. *58* OBJECTIONS VS REJECTIONS m706 (rejection) PETITIONS / APPEALS / REQUESTS DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN m706.01 (objection/rejection compared) " Refusal to grant claims ... considered unpatentable is called a `rejection'. The term `rejected' must be applied ... in the examiner's letter." " If the form the claim (as distinguished from its substance) is improper, an `objection' is made." " REJECTIONS involving the merits of the claim is subject to review by the BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS AND INTERFERENCES" " ... an OBJECTION, if persisted in, may be reviewed only by by way of PETITION to the COMMISSIONER." Requests are to the examiner for action or review. FEE required for many petitions. EXAMPLES: * Requirement that alleged new matter be canceled is PETITIONABLE. * Restriction requirement is PETITIONABLE * Holding that a claim contains new matter is APPEALABLE * Holding that a claim is not readable on the elected embodiment is APPEALABLE. *59* Reserved *60* LICENSE FOR FOREIGN FILING: USC 184 NOT NEEDED 6 months AFTER filing in U.S. EXCEPT when under secrecy orders. PENALTIES USC 185, 186 *61* INTERNATIONAL PROCESSING: CFR 1.4XX US RECEIVING OFFICE US RESIDENTS ONLY. 1.412, 1.421 *62* PCT stuff Section 18 Basic Principles 1801 Receiving Office 1801, CFR 1.4xx for US, 1805 (who) Application, contents 1815, details, 1820 -- Filing Date Request 1810 *63* Reserved *64* QUAYLE, Ex-Parte Quayle m714.14 After all claims have been allowed, all prosecution on merits is closed. Only formal matters to put into form for allowance are permitted. *65* CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION: PTO'S ERROR MPEP 1480 U254 C1.322 No fee May be requested by patentee or assignee. May be req by Office, others, Patentee is notified and can be heard. APPLICANT'S ERROR MPEP 1481, U255, C1.323 No new matter fee mistake made in good faith error not sufficient to evoke re-examination CORRECTIONS OF INVENTORSHIP MPEP 1481 U256 C1.324 Without deceive intention fee petition of all parties originally named as inventors and assignees. Petition to Supervisory Primary Examiner in art. IN RE-ISSUE CASES cert of correction is part of original patent. insert into copy without brackets, underlining. *66* PCT TIMING To supply missing parts of application 4 months. a14 Applic becomes public by national office 20 mo min after priority date. Applic becomes public 18 mo after applic date. a21 Drawings not necessary for understanding. 2 mo min Time/date is local date/time where the event occurs. R80.4 Dated documents. Actual (provable) mailing date is date starting time period. R80.6 Period stated in Months. short months, last day. ie 31 --- 28,29,30,31 30 --- 28,29,30 28 --- 28. R80.2 Period stated in Days. next day is day 1. 0 file national application, (called priority date) 12 max file in receiving office designating nations. Int. App date +1 max pay basic and search fee R15, R16 pay designation fee - if no priority date, 12 max from initial application date. R15.4 if priority date, 12 max from priority date R15.4bi if int app date is 12 then 13 max. R15.4bii +2 mo from search rpt to amend claims R46 17.5 last opportunity to withdraw app. A21.5 18 Application is published. 19 elect states. change designation to election 20 enter national stage (optional?). no extension of time for this -- PCT examination, amend, etc 30 enter national stage. no extensions *67* PCT APPLICATION Article 11 MPEP 1010 To get a filing date, Receiving Office determines that: 1. Applicant does not obviously lack right to file for reasons of residence or nationality in the receiving office. 2. Prescribed language 3. at least one of indication that it is intended as an international app. designation of at least one contracting state name of applicant [not necessarily the inventor] a description a claim If some missing, Rec Office notifies. 4 mo to supply data. filing date is when all submitted. International date considered as filing date in each designated state. Equivalent to Paris Convention. PCT DEFECTIVE APPLICATION Article 14 1. not signed 2. prescribed indications concerning applicant missing. See Rule 4.5 3. no title 4. no abstract 5. does not meet physical requirements. See Rule 11 Receiving office will check above. If defective, and not timely corrected, 4 mo, application is considered withdrawn. see PCT rules for details. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *99* DEFINITIONS ---- : ATTACHED Does not necessarily mean "fastened". Being in one place for consideration is adequate. 605.04 pg 600-21 PUBLICATION is actual publication, US patent application, or foreign patent issue. ESSENTIAL MATTER is material required to fulfill the information rqd by USC 112. ie support claims or for adequate disclosure of invention. 608.01p-B pg 600-42. By Reference: US Patent, an allowed US application IF necessary to: support claims adequate disclosure of invention but not; patents or applications published by foreign or regional patent offices non-patent publications US application which itself incorporates essential material by reference. Foreign application Not allowed: Foreign patents or applications non-patent publications US patents also incorporating material by reference. See 600-2 for non essential material and format of referenced material. REDUCTION TO PRACTICE 715.07 Evidence of reduction to practice is model drawings sketches photographs note book entries plus statements about above and a showing of diligence It is unclear what is the definition of reduction to practice, but it seems to be at least the patent specification in the application. DATE OF INVENTION: Pressman says: * date you filed your US application * date you can prove you built and tested your invention in the US * date of provable conception provided you can proved diligence until date of construction or patent application. It seems to be also the date that it was described in the US, ie disclosed to a US patent attorney, ( also, maybe, PTO disclosure doc, presentation in useful form to a potential US buyer or licensee, etc.) (opinion from analysis of old exam answers) REEXAMINATION is not an "application" thus 1.136 does not apply (2265) Also because no application, there is no "applicant". "WHEREBY" phrases for descriptive usages. to describe usage or function, etc. does not limit or distinguish pg 700-15 "MEANS" plus function. ie "means for conveying rotational energy" which describes a gear, belt, shaft, etc. "Amplifying means" is an amplifier of any design. "MEANS" requires two elements in an independent claim. MPEP 706.03(c), 700-15 USC 112 "SAID" is for reference using SAME WORDS to identify a previously described element. "THE" is for different or implicitly, but clearly equivalent descriptors. "NEXUS" means connected. a connected group or series. "TRAVERSE" means A formal denial of matter of fact alleged by the opposing party in a legal pleading. "QUAYLE, Ex-Parte Quayle" m714.14 After all claims have been allowed, all prosecution on merits is closed. Only formal matters to put into form for allowance are permitted. ===================================================================== WHAT APPEARS TO BE ISOLATED SUBJECTS, BOTH BELOW AND ABOVE ARE SUBJECTS TO BE ADDED THIS IS A SHOPPING LIST AND SOME ARE ALREADY INCLUDED. USC102, 103, 102/103 rejections, objections USC 112 objections Reexamination, responses 2210, 2214, 2266 Ethics -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- end ---
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