Sportsmanship. The Team subscribes to the highest level of sportsmanship. This means showing respect for umpires, opposing players, teammates, fans and the fields on which we play. We all want to win, and at the same time recognize that we all make mistakes or errors. We want an atmosphere where every member can try hard and not be afraid of failure. Needling, embarrassing, fighting, throwing equipment, and excessive profanity are examples of poor sportsmanship that will not be tolerated. Braves who fail to meet this standard of sportsmanship will be promptly asked to pack their gear and find another team.
Unexcused Absences. If you do not show up for a meeting, practice or game and do not give the GM advanced notice, you will not start the next game or will otherwise be penalized. By failing to show, you do not merely let down the GM; you let down each and every other teammate who has made some sacrifice to be at the game or event. If you do not show for two games in a row, you are hereby notified of the Braves' initiation to take the rest of the season off. It is very difficult for the GM to set the lineup and tell a particular pitcher to warm up if there are no shows that are not expected.
Game Time. The Braves have few rules beyond treating each other and other people with respect. One of the other absolutes, however, is to show up on time for games one hour, with :40 being the minimum time to appear.
Uniforms. The Braves are proud to wear the uniform and wear them in accordance with the GM's directions. League rules require matching jerseys, baseball pants, baseball socks or stirrups, and a matching professional (fitted) cap.
Helmets. All batters and runners must wear helmets. You are strongly encouraged to purchase your own helmet with ear flap(s). These can be purchased for $40 or less.
Complaining. It should go without saying that players shall not complain to the GM or person making out the line up about playing time, starting, positioning, etc. Show you deserve more playing time by your play on the field and in the batters box.
Other Rules. The Braves have other unwritten rules, such as rookies handle the helmet and gear. You will learn these from the senior members of the team. Welcome to another winning season!
Revised: 3/6/2002