To Seek
I am desolate in life,
Safe in your existence
Grace me with your companionship
Invest in me,
Though I am an amateur in love's charade
I hunger to touch your skin like water on a burning beach
To hold you in my arms
To feel your warmth
To meet your sensous lips again,
For there I found myself adrift in the waves of joy and clarity
Save me,
I can find the sleep,
But not the dream
A lost soul scratches at your door,
Begging for lost love to be rekindled
If you choose to walk down his path again,
May he shower you with much deserved hapiness
My path is untraveled
A red carpet is lain and awaits you,
The fallen angel that walks on the sea
Burning questions are all that remain
Are you the butterfly,
Too delicate to catch
Are you the stars,
Too far out of my reach
Am I unpleasant to the eye,
Too sour to your taste
Am I grasping for someone that isn't there
If truth lies within these,
I fold my hand and leave the table
But I will still be your friend,
While you are in need,
As is once,
Will always be,
Earth and sky,
Moon and sea

Poetry Copyright 1995 Keith Corcoran
Art Copyright 1995 Robert Luttrell
