St. Elmos Retreat
Neighbor to high spirits
Home of many dreams
Friends that make a difference
A place that is quiet and serene
There is river shore, and ocean front
The weather is generally fair
Peace is a plenty, inside and out
View beauty everywhere
Such good vibes and visions
Where both converge within a spring
To the side nice walking paths
Outside the forest green
It's in a very secret space
One I hold within
It's called St. Elmos Place
A place you've never been
The waves breaking
The falls making spirits mist
In front of rivers end
To the side nice walking paths
Outside the forest green
It's just a short distance to
Two palms by a lake of green
Just above there is St. Elmos Place
It's location held within
Transforming mist below
In the sea of blue
Protected by the scale of cliffs
It's the only way to get through
The length of space and time
And the change from life within
Opens the gate to the plane
The plane of spirits hue

Copyright 1995 Robert Luttrell
