Luggage At The Station
Here at the station, quiet and old
Waits a young man in worn old clothes
By him his luggage, a small bag of blue
Only for company is the daily tribune
This is the first time for him
All of this is new
Where is the glory of life
All of the adventure supposed
Where is all the flare and pomp
That life was suppose to show
Who are the folks asleep
In that alcove over there
Remember, keep on eye on the luggage
And the other on the fare
The schedule shows Milwaukee
That's where tomorrow he may be
Who knows just what he'll find
What adventure he will see
Just keep in mind
During all this affair
We each have our own luggage
And this one, is his to bear
It does no one else good
To take on this pain
So watch your own luggage
This one shall remain
Copyright 1995 Robert Luttrell
