The Dream Fire
From dreams last night appeared to me
Visions of a wonderful new community
Standing by a fire with embers aglow
The mood rang a sense of serenity
Sparks were dancing to a universal tune
One conducted by the tide and moon
The smoke it did role thick and obscure
The crackling sparks caused spirits to loom
Swirling upwards in the winding spire
Suddenly faces appeared in the smoky scene
Twenty faces with expressions of hope
All share a vision of a life that's serene
Visions from a higher power grasped my mind
Within my conscious I knew I would find
Answers to prayers about life done right
Visions of this dream in my conscious delight
From out of the smoke of the dream fire
Twenty faces arouse in the smoky spire
The group voice seemed to say:
"Drink from this well so we may share
Some peace, serenity, and unity today."
From out of the smoke of the dream fire
Twenty faces arose inthe smoky spire
The group voice seemed to say:
"Build shelter from these strong trees you see."
"The community is part of you and me."
From out of the smoke of the dream fire
Twenty faces arose in the smoky spire
The group voice seemed to say:
"Eat from these plants that grow from the sun."
For on this day we are one with food, shelter and eats
Like huckle berries, cows milk, and honey treats."

Copyright 1995 Robert Luttrell
