October 17, 2008
I am anouncing a new product. It is a metal case for the G540. The case is CNC machined to work with the G540. I have included a cutout for a fan if needed for heavier loards and big power supplies. See the product section for details
August 21,2008
Sorry for not keeping the web site up to date. The prices for some of the items listed have risen due to commodity price increases that have to be passed on. MCG has changed their policy for stepper motors and now require a 100 pc order from me. Additionally MCG was bought out by Ametek. Their existing policy on stepper motors doesn't apply to servo motor. I have also made several other changes and updates to the web site.
I have updated the list of servo motors I can and addded them to the product section. I also had to change the pircing on S/H because of significant increases is transportation costs.
March 15,2006
I have moved most of my stuff to www.camtronics-cnc.com . I have added 3D software to my list of products.
I received 40 new 430 oz in Moog ( made in the USA ) servo motors used by Jeff Davis on mill/drills, Sieg X3 and popular 3/1 machines that are cnc ready
September 27, 2005
Sold out the linear stepper motors. The new XP driver is being tested and looks good so far. Maybe ready in two weeks.
Updated and deleted a lot of products that were discontinued or sold out.
Septermber 5, 2005
The 3d scanner has been put on hold until the video driver for XP is fixed. I have no date when it will be done.
August 8,2005
Discontinued the sale of the Tachomter kits due tro slow sales and I ran out of printed circuit boards.
Added the Haylon linear stepper motor
June 4,2005
Case are back in stock.
The 3D scanner should be availble around the end of June
The 3D scanner should be availble around the end of June
April 17,2005
My new web site is up and running at http://www.camtronics-cnc.com .The CP250 servo motors went fast and have been sold out. My Tree mill is pretty well finished and running quite nicely. I am still out of cases for the G201/210/g320/g340 drives. I hope to have them back in stock in a week. I have received most of the part for the 3D scanner kits but am awiting technical documentation. The revised market date is 4-30-05
March 26,2005
I have signed the license agreement and have started ordering parts for a new product which is the first low cost 3D scanner kit. It can scan an object in 45 seconds. I will post a picture of one of the resulting scanned objects in the image section. I should have kits availble around April 11,2005. I think these are going to be a real hot seller and will be a new technology available to the small shop/home, business for under $500
I have added some nice PMDC servo motor in the product page of my web site.Real nice for plasma cutters and minimills
I am nearly done with the Tree Mill Journeyman 300 retrofit. It's been a interesting and fun project. I just have a few details to finish. I then need to decide if I will repaint it. I am more for the functional use than the appearance.
December 16,2004
The finest stepper motor I ever tested. Was what Mariss at Geckodrive told me when he tested a new motor that I am now carrying in my product list.
Several months ago my distributor told me that they were going to
discontinue carrying the MAE Italy made stepper motors and would start ordering them from
I was calling an order into Gecko drives and after placing the order I asked to talk with Mariss about the new motor knowing that he has a good dynamometer and is eminently qualified to give an unbiased opinion of the performance. When I talked with Mariss he indicated that he would love to test new motors.
I shipped Mariss the 1h34110/103 motor and a few weeks later I called to see what the results were, The finest stepper motor I ever tested. Mariss said he would email me test result which show that the power curve is almost linear from 500 RPM up to 3000 RPM when using a 42V 6A power supply. The curve shows the power at 116W at 500 RPM to 120W at 3000 RPM. These results were so good that in a further discussion the mentioned that he would like to test a NEMA 23 motor since most of his customers use that size motor. I shipped him one of my 23114 dual shaft motors. He is using that to test various drives and the results are expected to me no less stellar than the above.
October 13, 2004
I hope to update the information portion of my web site in the next few weeks with some tips on buying an Ebay used CNC milling machine. The article will cover everything from the preparations for bidding to the transportation across contry to my Shop. Last it will cover the retrofitting process.
Updated Octtober 11. 2004
I removed the Clifton motors and the electrocraft motors from my list as they were all sold out. I updated the list of stepper motors that are clearance iems. Added the Pittman servo motors.
Updated October 3, 2004
New Stepper Motors-JUST IN
Blowout end of summer deal. Hurry these wouldn't last long.
1H34003 397 OZ.IN. 3.0A
1H34007 1076 OZ.IN. 4.3A
1H34009 397 OZ.IN. 2A
1H34010 397 OZ.IN. 3A
1H34011 680 OZ.IN. 2A
1H34013 1076 OZ.IN. 2.48A DS
1H34014 1076 OZ IN. 4.3
1H34024 524 OZ.IN. 3A
1S34011 697 OZ.IN. 2.43A
1S34015 258 OZ.IN. 1A
1S34016 213 OZ.IN. 1.2A
1S34017 258 OZ.IN. 2.2A
1S34019 261 OZ.IN. 2.2A
1S34020 272 OZ.IN. 3.36A
1S34022 475 OZ.IN. 2.86A
1S34023 521 OZ.IN. * 3.2A
1S34024 542 OZ.IN. 3.07A
1S34026 692 OZ.IN. 5A
1S34027 785 OZ.IN. 2.5A
1S34028 802 OZ.IN. 5A
* were used only by distributor for eng. tests
August 23, 2004
More motors are coming in. I should be receiving a batch of stepper motors this week. Various torque but most of them are the 1076 oz in range. I also received 50 Hitachi servo motors. These jewels would be great for direct drive of a sherline or even perhaps a taig. They have a 500 PPR encoder. The motorsa are rated at 22.5 volts but should run fine all the way up to 36VDC. The motors have a C23 frame 2.103DX4.6"L. The shaft is .1965 or 5mm D X.875L. I have run one on a gecko drive at 36V and it was awesome. Best yet is the price. Only $34.95 each plus $5 per motor s/h.
August 15, 2004
I have only 1 left of the is34-028, 2 left of the 34-027's and six left of the 34-026.
I have a few motor odds and ends coming in. I also acquired 50 Hitchi C 23 frame servo motors with 500 PPR encoders. These motors run great with the desknc servo setup and the gecko drives. Really low price. great for the sherlines and proxxon mills.
July 24,2004 Another fantastic stepper motor sale is coming up in about a week. I have just purchased a shipment of 22 785 oz in, 15 of the 802 oz in and 6 of the 692 oz in stepper motors. All are new. All have dual shafts, All have 8 wires. They should arrive about July 30. Once I have the tracking information, I will start taking orders.. These motors retain at over $153 but my price will be around $85 each depending on the motor.
All of the 280 oz in motors were sold>
I will soon have a parallel port booster for those people using marginal voltage levels on their notebook/desktop PC's. As always the pricing will be much lower. It will provide a rock solid 5 VDC for step and direction lines. It connects directly to the parallel port at the back of the PC so it will drive long cables and improve pulses to your drivers.
July3, 2004
I have sold all by three of the 280 oz in motors. They sure went fast. I have added the 34-023 521 oz in stepper motors to my list of motors.
Watch this page for a new servo system that "rocks" with awesome features.
June 23, 2004
I have sold the last of the 1076 oz in stepper motors. They went fast and so are the IH34-011's
The 280 oz in motors are also selling fast:
June 4, 2004
I have ordered a large batch of nema23, 6 wire 282 oz in stepper
motors. The motors have 200 CPR quadrature encoders but can easily be removed exposing a
5mm end shaft for use with a handwheel. These motors are new. They run great with XYLOTEX
2.5A drivers and the Famous Gecko drives. Specs are ~3A bipolar series but run great at
2.5A, motor voltage is 2.2. I have advertised these on various news groups and there
is a lot of interest in them and they will go fast. Great for use with Sherline, Taig and
mini/micro- mills and lathes. With encoder $45 plus $6 s/h in USA. $40 w/o encoder plus $6
May 13 ,2004
I found that the power supplies listed below did not match the invoice so I corrected the output voltages and lowered the prices.
May 6 ,2004
Most of the motors and all of the power supplies have arrived
Here is an updated list
Motor 200 Steps pre rev. 8 wires, dual shafts, motor values below are for motors wired in
bipolar series. Motrs can be wired unipolar or bipolar but the values change. Add $9 per
motor for S/H. All motors are standard nema34 frame
Standard motors
Quantity Available
The below motors are the same as above but have hybrid magnets and have dual
H34011 Step motor 680 oz in 2A 3.4. ohms $105
H34012 Step motor 680 oz in 3A 3.5 ohms $105
H34014 Step motor 1076 oz in 4.5A 1. ohms
$125 SOLD OUT!
Various new Nema23 Frame stepper motors, 4/8 wires, some single shafts
Some motors are 4 wires add $5 per motor for s/h Please check for availability these
motors weren't ordered but can be had in 4 days
H23001 Step Motor 66 oz in .71 9.2 ohms $36 60 4 day order
H23012 Step Motor 139 oz in 2.1 1.4 ohms $36 60 4 day order
23001 single shaft 45 oz in .33A 33 ohms $20 2 4
day order
23002 single shaft 48 oz in .7A 8 ohms $20 1 4 day
23004 single shaft 44 oz in 2.2A .7 ohms $20 1 4 day order
23006 single shaft 97 oz in .7A .10 ohms $20 1 4 day order
23014 dual shaft 45 oz in .33A 33 ohms $20 5 4 day order
23015 dual shaft 48 oz in .7A 8 ohms $20 3 4 day order
23016 dual shaft 46 oz in 1.07A 2.8ohms $20 3 4 day order
23017 dual shaft 44 oz in 2.2A .7 ohms $20 13 4 day order
power supplies
Open frame, linear, non regulated power supplies. New in box
PLH20D 240VAC in, 10A@ 80 VDC out
$150ea 6
PLL27C 120VAC in, 13A@ 60 VDC out
$150 1
PLH27C 240VAC in, 13A@ 60 VDC out
PBL40B 120VAC in, 20A@ 40 VDC out
PBH20D 240VAC in, 10A@ 80 VDC out
April 24,2004
Spectacular Sales on New stepper motors and Power Supplies. The ones you want at the lowest prices anywhere.
I will be receiving a large batch of NEMA 34 stepper motors for mill/drill, 3/1 machines/small knee mills. The motors should arrive 4-30-04 I will not take any orders until the motors actually arrive. In addition to the NEMA 34 stepper motors I will receive quite a few assembled linear power supply perfect for many machines. These are all new. Again I will not take any orders until I have them in hand. HURRY these will go fast. I can also get some Nema23 motors listed bellow. I will not have them in stock but can order them as needed. It will take 4 days to receive them.
Motor 200 Steps pre rev. 8 wires, dual shafts, motor values below are for motors wired in
bipolar series. Motrs can be wired unipolar or bipolar but the values change. Add $9 per
motor for S/H. All motors are standard nema34 frame
Standard motors
Quantity Available
34023 Step motor 512 oz in 3.29 1.1 ohms $110 ea 60
34026 Step motor 692 oz in 5A .62 ohms $100 ea 6
34027 Step motor 785 oz in 2.5A 3. ohms $100 29
34028 Step motor 802 oz in 5.A .8 ohms $100 16
The below motors are the same as above but have hybrid magnets
H34009 Step motor 397 oz in 3A 1.1 ohm $105
H34010 Step motor 397 oz in 3A 1.1 ohm $105
H34011 Step motor 680 oz in 2A 3.4. ohms $105
H34012 Step motor 680 oz in 3A 3.5 ohms $105
H34013 Step motor 1076 oz in 2.5A 3. ohms $125
H34014 Step motor 1076 oz in 4.5A 1. ohms $125
Various new Nema23 Frame stepper motors, 4/8 wires, some single shafts
Some motors are 4 wires add $5 per motor for s/h Please check for availability
H23001 Step Motor 66 oz in .71 9.2 ohms $36 60 4 day order
H23012 Step Motor 139 oz in 2.1 1.4 ohms $36 60 4 day order
23001 single shaft 45 oz in .33A 33 ohms $20 2 4 day order
23002 single shaft 48 oz in .7A 8 ohms $20 1 4 day order
23004 single shaft 44 oz in 2.2A .7 ohms $20 1 4 day order
23006 single shaft 97 oz in .7A .10 ohms $20 1 4 day order
23014 dual shaft 45 oz in .33A 33 ohms $20 5 4 day order
23015 dual shaft 48 oz in .7A 8 ohms $20 3 4 day order
23016 dual shaft 46 oz in 1.07A 2.8ohms $20 3 4 day order
23017 dual shaft 44 oz in 2.2A .7 ohms $20 13 4 day order
power supplies
Open frame, linear, non regulated power supplies. New in box
PLH20D 240VAC in, 20A@ 80 VDC out $225ea 7
PLL27C 120VAC in, 27A@ 60 VDC out
$250 1
PLH27C 240VAC in, 27A@ 60 VDC out
$250 18
PBL40B 120VAC in, 40A@ 40 VDC out
$250 9
PBH20D 240VAC in, 20A@ 80 VDC out
$250 8
April 20, 2004
I have gotten out of the hospital and and slowly resuming operations. Recovery is going well so far. I will be opening limited sales in the next few days.
April 3, 2004
Due to a serious medical condition that requires surgery, I will be closing Camtronics Inc for about 2-6 weeks starting April 5. Hopefully the surgery will go well. The good news is that I have located a large source of stepper motors and power supply that will be priced ridiculously low but that will have to wait until I can get moving around again. Dan
1 March 2004
Finally got around to partially updating the secrets of CNC.
I also have a special on the 23-025 210 oz in stepper motors. I only have a limited quantity but I think I can get more at a great price. Of course I pass on this savings. I wouldn't list it on my product page but I will be selling these dual shaft motors which are great for Sherline, Taig and Maxnc machines for only $79 plus $7 per motor s/h until my source runs out. I currently have them in stock
November 16, 2003
The cases for the G210 and G320 are finally starting to drizzle back into stock. I received 5 of the 20 I had on back order but they tell me that I should soon have my full order.
Oct 30, 2003 The st1500 are all sold out.
October 3, 2003
The E540 motors as well as the worldservo brushless motor and the kollmorgen motors are in stock. Added the 692 oz in 34-025 692 oz in motor to my list of stepper motors at a great price. Am having problems getting cases for kits and assembled units.
September 17, 2003
Done with my Vacation. I now have the Brushless servo amps programmed to make the setup quite simple compared to an unprogrammed servo amp. See the product page for detail and pricing.
I have added several additonal PMDC servo motors and added the 34-011 692 oz in stepper motor to the list of products. These will sell fast.
September 7, 2003
ON Vacation from September 8-15
August 20, 2003
I have acquired some awesome step and direction brushless servo drives and some Kollmorgen brushless servo motors. I bought a batch of these at a good price and will be selling them at a good price. The servo drive are made by Worldservo model SST-1500 with a list price of $541 each but I will sell them for much, , much less. They are new and I will preprogram them to be as fully configured as possible without being on the machine. The servo amps are rated at 11A continuous with heatsink and fan. 23A peak. These drives are AWESOME! They were made as direct replacement for stepper drivers and work terrific with spendy Kollmorgen motors. Again their price as I recall was $850 for the 792 oz in (.9 HP) Nema 34 frame brushless motor that can replace any double stack standard nema 34 servo motor. My price will be ridiculously low. I want to sell these as a matched pair but will sell the drive seperately. I also acquired some Kollmorgen 1.1 HP servo motors that sell for well over $1000 each and again will sell them for a very low price. All motors are new, all servo drives are new. http://www.motionvillage.com/products/product_literature/product_brochure/pdfs/silverlinedp.pdf check out the H344 and H348 model motors. For the servo drive click on the link http://www.worldservo.com/dnload/WS%20SSt%20System%20Manual%2030.pdf
Each drive will be preconfigured ( unless the customer doesn't want it) to match the servo motor ordered. A link to the two web sites above will be provided as well as a link to the software for changing and tuning the servo drive. Additonally, with each drive I will provide the matching connectors and pins for fast installation. I will receive the above in about a week and don't expect them to last long. This is your change to get rid of the resonance plaqued, step losing system and replace it with a awesome state of the art brushless servo sytem and a dirt cheap price. Email me at dmauch@seanet.com for pricing,
August 13, 2003
Corrected the price on the Globe PM DC servo motor with encoder listed below.
Is there any interest in Brushless servo motors and controllers?
My supplier or NEMA 34 stepper motors has indicated that many of the common ones that I sell are harder to get and may not be availble. Please check availability before ordering.
March 23, 2003
My supplier or NEMA 34 stepper motors has indicated that many of the common ones that I sell are harder to get and may not be available. Please check availability before ordering.
December 23, 2002
I have several different size PMDC servo motors that are now listed on the product page.
1. New! Globe motor 24VDC 1.5"D 2.25 L. Shaft has a ML style timing pulley. Has a HEDS 5505 A encoder which should mean that it is a HP/Agilent encoder 500 CPR two channels and draw 35MA. No other motor performance data is available but these would be great for using as a DRO since the motor would act as a support bearing for the encoder. $25 plus $4per motor shipping
2. Used Electro Craft 24VDC PMDC ball bearing supported shaft .375D .75L, motor is 2.2DX5.5L with renco encoder. I will provide more data later. $39
3. NEW! electrocraft 240 oz in peak PMDC servo motor. Run at 3770 RPM at 28V. Max terminal voltage is 60VDC max current before demagnization is 24A. Continuous current is 3.3A. Encoder is an HP style HEDS encoder thought there is no data. It is a 250 CPR quadrature encoder with 2 channels and an INDE, 5V at 35 MA- great for use with the G320 servo amp. Motor shaft is 1 5/8L X .305 D with a MX type timing pulley. I remove the pulley and the shaft was turned to .250 for 5/8L. Thes motor should be great for small lathes and mills and the smaller bench top mill/drills like the sherline, taig, etc. From what I can find out these motors cost $205 each. My price is only $39 plus $5 per motor s/h
November 8, 2002
I have decided to discontinue the sale of the Mauch/ Kulaga DRO printed circuit boards and kits. Only 35 were sold this year and most newer PC's do support the ISA slot for which it was designed.
I will soon have some really nice Japan Servo motors for the smaller machines ( ie mill drills) in a few days. They are brand new, have 100 CPR encoder (400 in quadrature) 10 A peak current rating and run at about 2700. I only have 21 of them on order so they would last long. I don't have the torque value yet but plan to test it on my mill drill this weekend.
October 5, 2002
My supplier has discontinued the IS34-022,23 and 24 motors step motors because most of his customers want the newer more expensive hybrid motors. I hate to see them go because they were a great motor and a low price. He still has the other motors listed on my web site in the products page.
I am introducing a new 3 axis stepper motor driver with case, fan power supply. You will be able to buy it piece by piece or in a kit form. I also sell this as an assembled and tested unit.
I am now proving assembled and tested 3-4 axis stepper/servo motor drivers/amps in my case with power supply and fans with all cables. Email me for pricing and availbility
September 2, 2002
The sale of the IS34-023 motors is over. I am still deciding whether or not to discontinue the 5A drivers mainly due to the unavailability of the mosfet fet driver chip at a reasonable price.
August 12, 2002
The very popular IS34-023 stepper motors are back in stock. The regular price is $130 + s/h each. As an anniversery promotion I will sell a limited quantity of these dual shaft 521 0z in motors for $120 each plus s/h. Updated the information on the 600 oz in servo motor to include the fact that these motor encoders do not require and external power supply when used with the G320/G340 .
August 1, 2002
This month Camtronics Inc. celebrates it 10th anniversery as a business dedicated to selling low cost, high quality CNC parts, software and euipment. Thanks to all that have supported Camtronics Inc.
April 25, 2002
I have ordered a batch of 545 oz in stepper motors . They should be in stock this friday.
April 20, 2002
I have sold out of the IS34-022 and IS34-023 stepper motors It will be several months before I can get more.
I have added Master 5 to my list of products. Master5 strives to conform as closely as possible to Real-Time performance under windows. It provide many features only found on
April 13, 2002
I have added Master 5 to my list of products. Master5 strives to conform as closely as possible to Real-Time performance under windows. It provide many features only found on high end hardware controlled software. It is designed for the home hobbiest to provide an inexpensive software only solution to mechanical movement needs.
Keyboard Jog...NIST274 G-Code for virtually all G/M Codes.....Control Flood, mist , router, spindle... Auto Power off at end of program.....4 - axis jogging....4-axis G-Code control.... HPGL imports....DXF Arc,Line,Polyline imports...Material Selection....Ramp Type selection optimised for different machining job types....3-d rotatable graphics display of toolpath....Real-time display of cutter location in toolpath graphics....Limit switch referencing...Time simulation to check speed of selected parameters...Helical milling...MM's,Inches and centimeter selections...Single step through program. English translation of ToolPath., Scaleing of job, HPGL input for laser table. DXF toolpath optimization. Laser control for DXF input. FeedRate OverRide. JPG and BMP photo import for engraving and G-Code output of photographs. $100
April 5, 2002
Hmmm> The 5A kits sold out pretty quickly. I have some more parts on order but it will be three weeks before the boards come in.
I Still have dual shaft 475 oz in stepper motors at the lowest price around. They are going fast though
February 12, 2002
The 5A boards are in stock.
The 250 oz in servo motors are sold out. Sorry
January 10, 2002
The 5A step motor driver kits are back in stock. Better yet there is a reintroduction sale price of $60 per axis.
The IS34-023 521 oz in motors are sold out. I have replaced them with the IS34-022 475 oz in dual shaft motors
See the prduct section for details
December 21, 2001
I have sold out the 5A driver kits and will have new boards 1-10-02
I have only 2 of the 521 oz in stepper motors that I over purchased left.
October 27, 2001
Added a new C23 frame ball bearing servo motor with 250 CPR encoder compatible with Gecko G3X0 servo amps. This little jewel is ( best guess) rated at 250 oz in peak torque. Kt ~12 oz in per amp. The shaft is .250 D and 1" long . I tested this motor on my mill drill and was astounded by it speed and power. Ideal for most small machine applications and would be terrific for a Sherline or Taig CNC ready machine. Price $85 w/o Nema23 motor mount adapter and coupling. $99 with
September 4, 2001
NEW! CNC Wire EDM (electrical discharge machining) plans are available. The booklet is about 110 pages packed with technical information, parts, sources and beautifully done detailed parts and assembly drawing. It include the manual and software to run the CNC Wire EDM. As far as I know this is the first set of plans available for the advanced home shop. See the products page for detail. Send me email so I can email you some pictures or see http://www.ktmarketing.com/CNC.html
The summer sale is over.
I have added a C42 to Nema34 adapter plate to make it easy to install those 600 oz in servo motors on machines that have existing nema 34 stepper motors. See the products page.
August 29, 2001
The end of the summer sale is rapidly coming to an end.
I have had several request for the torque have for the servo motor that can be used with Sherline type machines. They are 190 oz in stall torque.
August 13, 2001
The price for small servo motor(s) for Sherline type machines has been changed and now the servo motor comes with a nema23 adapter plate to convert nema 23 stepper motor mounts to servo motors. Included is a solid coupling machined on both ends for .250 shafts
End of Summer Sale. The 5A kits and the 2A kits will be on sale from August 13 to September 4th. 10%off the list price in the product section.
July 3, 2001
The 420 oz in servo motors have been sold out. If you still want them you will have to go to http://www.isomedia.com/homes/billmw/ . I have added 2new servo motor. One is ideal for sherline type mills. I get 72 IPM and much more power than my old 160 oz in stepper motors. Comes with encoder .The other is a 600 oz inch peak motor with choice of encoders.
June 15, 2001
The new PBL3776 parts have arrived and now have plenty of stock. Current order will be shipped today.
I have designed a new db25 breakout box that uses screw terminals instead of the MTA type headers. This was specially designed to work with the new desknc for windows but will work with my 5A drivers and with various programs such as Desknc for DOS, Maxnc, CNCPRO and EMC
Good new! I have located a good supply of the special part need for the 5A driver kits. I should have these parts on hand by 6-13-01 Disregard the June 1 update.
June 6, 2001
Good new! I have located a good supply of the special part need for the 5A driver kits. I should have these parts on hand by 6-13-01 Disregard the June 1 update.
April 22, 2001
Sale of the 425 oz inch peak servo motors have been too good and we running out. However, I still have a good supply left which will only be sold with cases for the servo system and complete servo systems. If you are interested in 425 oz in servo motors only you may still obtain them from http://www.isomedia.com/homes/billmw/
The very popular 2A 3axis driver kit has been revised, improved and additional features added. Adding a 4th axis is now very easy to accomplish. The 4th axis single boards will be available ~5-1-2001. I have a prototype up and operating and PCB/s being made.
The 5A driver kit has also been improved with a new much faster operating logic chip.
The Gecko servo amps and stepper motors drivers will soon be added to my web site
A case for installing Gecko G320/G340 servo amps will be added to the products list.
February 19, 2001
The cost of encoders has increased accordingly, the price of my servo motors have been adjusted to compensate for the increased cost.
February 10, 2001
The Sherline stepper motor hardware kits have been sold out and have been discontinued due to slow sales
January 29, 2001
The 5A driver kit Pcb's are back in stock. See the product section for new lower prices.
January 23, 2001
The 3-axis 2 amp driver kits are on sale from Jan 23,2001 until Feb 7, 2001.These kits have gotten very good reviews by those that have built them. Ideal for the desktop milling machines, lathes and other specialty machines. The list price is $165 plus s/h. The sale price is $145 plus s/h
The servo motors with encoders have been selling well. We have a limited quantity of 200 CPR encoders. Servo motor is the same as below and in the products page but are only $ 100 ea. Plus S/H
January 9, 2001
The sale of the 5A Kits was very successful but we have run out of Pcb's. We have them on order but don't expect them for another 3 weeks. (2-1-01)
The servo motors have sold very well but we ran out of the 200 CPR encoders. We will be using 500 CPR ( 2000 in quadrature.) on the motors until our order for 200 count encoders arrives in 4 weeks.
The PMDC servo motor offer in the product section was modified to add various other encoder CPRs as required by the user.
The FD8109 stepper motors were sold out and deleted from the products page.
October 8, 2000
NEW ! Servo motors with optical encoders.These are new ballbearing, DC Brush type motors that have an optical 200 CPR HP optical encoder (800 Counts in quadrature) The motor shaft is .3145 Dia X 3/4" L Motor is a 24VDC brush type with quick disconnect terminals. Approximate torque is 420 oz in. Body diameter is 2.25 and 5.25" long. It runs our Mill Drill at 180 IPM. Great for mill drills or 3/1 machines.Price is $100 ea plus S/h
September 19, 2000
We received the new order of 5A boards so the shortage of these boards is no longer a problem.
September 10, 2000
The sale is over. There are only 16 of the 5A boards (single axis) left. Hurry if you have been thinking about buying a 5A kit. They will go fast. More boards are on order but they will not be available until 9-26-00.
September 1, 2000
Due to summer vacactions I have extended the sale. According the 10% off sale of the 5A and 2A drivers will be extended until September 8, 2000. See products list for details.
August 21, 2000
SALE! I will be placing my 3 axis 2 amp drivers and my 5A drivers on sale from 8-22-2000 until 9-1-2000. See product list for details.
July 11, 2000
Plans for this beatifully done Computer Controlled SEDM machine are now available. The plans are the best I have seen to date. Camtronics is delighted to be the distributor of these plans. The manual contains 80 pages of drawings, pictures, theory, and instructions on building an S-EDM. Check out the pictures in the image section of this web page. Look for the prcing and additional information about the CNC S-EDM in our products section.
June 8, 2000
Coming Soon. The new 3 axis 2 amp controllers will be offered for a limited time assembled and tested. Great for those that want a low cost but powerful 3 axis step motor drivers.
May 23, 2000
The parts problem with the PBL3776 has been solved and I now have the 5A kits ready to ship.
The new 2A 3 axis driver kits and PCB's are now available.
May 3, 2000
The long running 2A 3 axis driver kits have been sold out. A new updated printed circuit board is being manufactured to replace it. The new 3 axis driver will have automatic current reduction, standard x-y-z- pinouts for popular software. Screw terminal for easy stepper motor connections, better home and limit switch connectors, improved all windings off feature for both thermal cutout switches and manual movement, and numerous enchancements over the original design for easier assembly. . This new kit will cost slightly more but will be a superior to any other alternative chopper driver on the market. The boards will be ready May 16, 2000
A few PBL3776 have been located but not enought to reintroduce this kit.
April 27, 2000
When we built the new 5A drivers I was assured by my supplier of the PBL3776 chip that even tho Ericsson had sold this line, they would honor commitments made for 6 months. Unfortuneately my supplier cannot provide any of these critcial parts until Sept 21. Accordingly, orders for the 5A kits will not be taken until I can get these parts.
April 22, 2000
The Tachometer are now being provided assembled and tested.
The new 5A full/half step chopper driver kits are now available.
The L298/L297 2A 3 axis boards are running low and this will be discontinued after a five year run. However, it will be replaced with a new 2A kit with automatic current reduction and improved noise immunity. ETA 6-1-200
April 10, 2000
The optical tachometer kits are now available. See the products list
Mar 19, 2000
Optical tachometer kit- I decided to add a few features and to change the board layout slightly to accomodate some customer comments. The boards are on order and will be delivered on April 6, 2000. I have started to procure that parts and will be ready to ship as soon as I test a new board on the 6th.
Mar 5, 2000
1. A new optical tachometer kit based on Hans Wedmeyer's design will be available in two -three weeks. This kit will use optical sensor(s) and will be provided in several version. Great for any variable speed machine with RPM for 30 RPM to 5000+ .This kit will be a "must have" for any of the 3/1 dual motor machines, Sherlines, Maxnc, harbor freight or any full size commercial milling machine/lathe/drill press or application where you need to monitor one or two spindles. Watch this web site for more information. And as always this kit will be cheaper than anything on the market yet will have features not found even on commercial units
2. A new 5A single axis chopper driver will will soon be available. It will have added features like all windings off, automatic current reduction. Full/half step, jumper selectable with provisions for 1/4 stepping. The driver will use descrete N and P channel mosfets and will run with a motor power supply up to 40VDC. This new kit will make adding a 4th axis or putting together a 1,2,3,4,5 axis controller a dream. Prices as always will be very resonable.
Feb 2, 2000
Announced that the current 5A 3 axis controller kits and boards are sold out and will not be taking orders for them. Watch for a new replacement controller with added features. It is expected that the new driver kits will be available in <8 weeks.
Having a clearance sale on miscellaneous 200 s/r stepper motors. All of these clearance items are $5 each plus s/h.
JAN 22, 2000
Added or modified several new stepper motors now carried and added the note that the 5A 3 axis controller kit will be discontinued when the current batch is sold out.
JAN 7, 2000
Added the Sherline haedware installation kits.
DEC 29, 1999
Added or modified several new stepper motors now carried and added the article from Nuts and Volts At Home with CNC
July 7, 1999
Added a LINK to CNCPRO an excellent, well supported 4 axis stepper motor CNC G coder interperterprogram.
Added the DR0 2/4 axis PCB and kits.This low cost kit works with Tom Kulaga's DRO software that runs on a PC. That with this PCB (Kit) and some linear encoders will make a complete DR0 system that can be used on any Mill, Lathe, Mill/Drill, Mill/Drill/lathe,or just about any other machine where a low cost DRO is needed. This system has been tested on avariety of computers from a 386-12 to a 486-133. it works slick and has a full 4 axis capability with the 4th axis in degrees. Metric or Inch, Y axis Diameter or radius. Zeroing of any axis.
Mar 27, 1999
Added New dual shaft stepper motors. See product list.
Added additional information about the servo system.
Mar 3, 1999
Sold out the Vexta dual shaft motors.
The Servo amplifiers are now ready
FEB 10, 1999
Added Deskam and Shoptronics to the links.
The new servo system will be ready soon!
Dec 20, 1998
Brand New Superior Electric model M063-CE09, singlel shaft, double stack, 150 oz In 8 pin ,2.25V, 4..6 amp, NEMA23 ,200 S/R. Shafts are 250D and about .8" long. $35 each plus S/H
Removed the sigle-multiaxis 2 amp driver from the list of products due to the low sales volume.
Dec 4, 1998
Brand New Vexta model PH268-21B, dual shaft, double stack, 125 oz In 6 wire ,5.4V, 1.5 amp, NEMA23 ,200 S/R.Shafts are 250D and about .8" long. $40 each plus S/H
Brand New Superior Electric model M062-FD-8505E, dual shaft, double stack, 100 oz In 8 wire ,5.3V, 1.6 amp, NEMA23 ,200 S/R. Shafts are 250D and about .8" long. $35 each plus S/H
OCT 15, 1998 - The 300 oz in motors are sold out.
Juction board. This printed circuit board has a db25 male connector to mate with the computer parallel port. It has ( 4) five pin ramped headers that connect to your stepper motor driver inputs. Specifically designed to work with the new Maxnc 4 axis step and direction with cutter compensation. It will work with other software such as Supercam and Desknc. It has step, direction, signal ground, AWO and sync lines. It also has a 8 pin ramped header for inputs via pin 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,17. All input and step and directions lines have pull up resistors. There is a convient two pin ramped header for +5 and ground. $25 +$4 S/H
9-1-98!! 5AMP 3 axis stepper motor translator drivers - Introducing the worlds first 5amps
per phase bipolar stepper motor driver kit. Easy to assemble. Uses step and direction
pulses. Half step mode for finer resolution and anti-resonance.These 3 axis driver run 4,6
or 8 wire stepper motors. Will run stepper motors from .5A to 6A and for 40oz in to 600 oz
in. Great for mill/drills, lathes and mill. Works with MAXNC , Supercam, Dancam, Desknc
and other software. Header for step, direction , signal ground and +5 for connection to
microcontroller or PC.
Plans with commerciall made PC board $40 +$4 S/H
Kits will are now available $225 +S/H
June 10, 1998 - Removed the 300 oz in motors from the products page because they have all sold. Were working hard on a new servo system and a 5 amp chopper. Soon!!
May 18, 1998 - Added New nema23 Superior Electric 60 oz in motors. Deleted 40 oz in motors because they have all sold.
April 7th, 1998 - Removed the Nema 42 Frame Motor from theroducts page because they have all sold.
March 19th, 1998 - Added an Images page and put all the images there. There is a new image of the new Single Axis Driver. Over the next week I will be upgrading the site map to reflect these changes.
March 16th, 1998 - NEW 3-3-98 SINGLE AXIS DRIVERS
FEATURES:* 2amp per phase Bipolar Chopper translator-driver
* Step and Direction input.
* Adjustable current with trim pot
* Jumper selectable Full-Half-Wave step
* Jumper selectable phase-Inhibit type chopping
* Jumper selectable reset
* All Winding Off
* OSC. Synchronization in muti-axis configuration
* Small size 2.5 X 3.5
* Shunt selectable master(Osc)/ slave
* 12VDC to 24VDC for high speed
Here it is! A NEW 2 amp chopper driver in a single axis modular form. You can set these stepper motor drivers up as single stepper motor drivers or ina multiaxis arrangement. 2.5 X 3.5. The convenient screw terminal makes it easy to connect your 4/6/8 wire stepper motors and your motor supply current. Runs
off of 12V to 28 VDC.
The Logic voltage is provided from a convenient two pin screw terminal. Simply provide +5 and GND.
The logic header make it easy to run the stepper driver from your PC or micro controller. The polarized header has a pin for synchronisation of multiple translator drivers, signal ground, step, direction and AWO( all windings off). With a junction board this controller will easily run a small CNC machine. Now it is possible to use these controller for a X, Y Y, Z configuration for gantry type CNC machines or add a 4th axis to existing machines.
This controller uses the popular L297/L298 chip set. The chopper runs at 19KHZ. The output current is adjustable from 100 MA up to 2 Amps using the trim pot for micrometer control. The ground clamp and flyback diodes have a Trr of 35ns. Step rates are determined by the motor supply voltage and the inductance of the motor used. Speeds of well over 400 RPM have been attained with this little but powerful translator/driver using just 12VDC. This controller works with most step and direction software.
Discontinued 12-20-98
Camtronics Inc
18230 130th PL NE
Bothell, WA 98011-3118
February 5th, 1998 - Web Site Update.
Added Link to Wirz Electronics web site. We need to modify it so that it doesn't show up trapped in the Camtronics frame.
Reconstructed the Products page from scratch in hopes of eliminating problems with viewing that page.
October 24th, 1997 - Camtronics Update.
Since I wrote that article for Nuts and Volts nearly 3 years ago , I have come a thousand miles in developing the techniques of CCNC. Major improvements were made with the 3 axis chopper
driver kit. It increases performance dramatically. I also have designded and built a higher performace 2.5A chopper driver that uses standard low cost modules. These were placed in a case with silkscreened front and back panel. The case has a 24VDC 11 amp power supply. Best of all it has a manual and computer control mode. For running my full size milling machine it is a wonderful feature. It has an X-Y-Z selector switch and a direction switch. A speed control pot varies the speed as needed. It is great for a three axis power feed.
Yet a flip of the Mode select switch will shift to the computer for CCNC control. I will post pictures of the controller on this web page but you may also see some of my other pictures at http://www.metalworking.com . Simply click on the check pictures box.
September 26, 1997 - Rebuilt web page using Microsoft Front Page.