Specialties: Camera and Lighting for Streaming Video,
Ultimatte and Blue Screen Composites, Stereoscopic 3DSome of my videos are Here
Director of Studios and Facilities, Seattle Film Institute, Seattle WA.
In addition to teaching film production, I managed the building and studios, the IT, security and phones, plus the production equipment inventory and student checkout for the school.
Freelance Director of Photography, Film and HD, 3D - Seattle, WA
Since the fall of 2011, I have been doing lighting and Technical Director work on the Seattle Channel and KCTS/9 show "Art Zone with Nancy Guppy" I did lighting aa part of the prodcution crew to recieve and Emmy nomination for the National Record Store Day episode in 2018. I also did camera and lighting on the Seattle Channel show "City Inside Out", and T.D. work on Seattle Speaks and Seattle Voices.
DP on HD videos for Fluke Instruments , -- Future of Flight Museum and Premera Blue Shield--Sierra Media, Production Company
Instructor -Seattle Film Institute
2007-2011-Production Instructor for core full time and evening courses. Also webmaster for Drupal CMS Based website for SFI and for the Carolina Film Institute.
2007 - Also Part Time instructor, Intl. Academy of Design and Technology, Tukwila WA, 2007-08
Program Director, Film and Visual Effects Program, Collins College, Tempe Arizona
I headed up the new and growing Film program at Collins College. This BA degree program has 250+ students, and I supervised 10 full time instructors, plus a couple of part time instructors and several Student Assistants. As the program grew we offered traditional film instruction with Super16mm cameras, and top end HD with the Sony CineAlta 900 HDCam and the Panasonic Varicam, in addition to the smaller formats. We also started a thorough Visual FX program that covered more than just computer effects with Combustion and Flame; students also photographed models and live action. Our proudest accomplishment was construction of a 30k sq ft studios bldg, with the most best equipped stages in the state.
Freelance Director of Photography, Film and Video -- Seattle, WA
Digital Video Specialist, Dir of Photography at Sierra Entertainment, Bellevue, WA (Video game developer).
Designed and installed post production studio with non-linear editing, DVCPro50 and Betacam SP formats, Media 100 edit workstations. Performed direct capture of game play to digital videotape. Maintained SAN for storage of audio video files for shared use by Media 100s. Shot high speed film sequence for PGA2000 game; SWAT 3 Documentary/Tutorial on SWAT techniques at live fire training facility; Blue Screen plates for TrophyBass 3.
P.T. Film 100 Production instructor at Digipen Institute of Technology, Redmond WA, for two semesters, 2000 to 2001
Director of Photography, Film and Video -- Seattle WA
Floss, 35mm Feature Film / Microsoft studios, numerous projects, and weekly webcasts.
DP and Camera, Microsoft Studios, numerous projects, including several live US Web netcasts, MS Sitecast and "Shonen Knife" concert. / Shell Oil and Janet Church Associates - Camera, editing and compression for daily web posting covering activities of Shell employees at the Winter Olympics in Nagano Japan.
Instructor and Editor for DVision Online at 911 Media Arts Center
DP, Film and Video, Intelligent Life Inc./ DP for USWeb-Microsoft, Live Netshow videos / DP on Various other Microsoft video productions/ DP for two Sierra Online CD-Roms, Trophy Rivers and Downhill Skiing / DP, 16mm Short Film Cowboys and Indians Oates Productions
Instructor and Editor for DVision Online at 911 Media Arts Center
Produced and shot a seven
minute film for the Visitors Center at Kennedy Space Center. / DP on Discovery
series, Hollywood Goes To War, eight part series.