Books About Body Painting
Please write me if you know of other in print books I can add to this page.
Fascinating book-- instead of featuring a single artist, it features several-- with the bonus of detailed step by step photos and text of how the paintings were accomplished, in several different media. "Body Painting uses a wealth of photos to show just how the application of colorful paint can transform a child?s face or a woman?s body into another dimension. The best teachers are the men and women who have already mastered a skill. Body Painting uses interviews with the artists to explore their preference for tools, their favorite techniques and how they learned their skills. The discussion of paint choices includes airbrushed body make up, textile acrylics, liquid latex and even markers from companies like Crayola."
Paint A 'Licious: The Pain-Free Way to Achieving Your Naked Ambitions by Joanne Gair . I'm a film maker, not a makeup artist. So I like photographs that are more than just a documentation of the bodypainting theme. This is a really fun book, filled with trompe l'oeil paintings that fit their environments. Highly recommended, and a real bargain to boot.
Bodyscapes by Jean Paul Bourdier. Another book with the paintings and models placed in environments to make striking photographs.
Body Painting: Masterpieces by Joanne Gair Another book by the excellent Ms Gair, this one though isn't a single theme, it's a collection of twenty years of her collaborations famous actresses, models, photographers and artists.
"Painted Bodies" by Roberto Edwards. It is expensive, US$75, but is large and filled with hundreds of very well done pictures. Dozens of artists, traditional canvas painters, created these images. The printing quality is excellent. A real coffee table book--put legs on it, and you could use it as a coffee table!
Body Painting Kit: All You Need to Decorate the Body Beautiful (Paperback) by Sophie Hayes
An interesting instructional book and kit that comes with pens to do your own painting.
Body Painting by William Buis. Another volume of imaginative images from Europe. Very detailed work.
Veruschka Unfortunately, this book is out of print in the US.
It is an excellent volume. Only one model, Veruschka, is in this, and she is also the artist. A stunning work, that has been an inspiration to many people, from body painting artists, to music video directors.
If you find one, buy it. Good condition copies usually start at $150, if the owner knows what they have.
In The Paint by Sports Illustrated. Compilation of bodypainted swimsuit photos from Sports Illustrateds annual swimsuit edition.
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