small-town gay life and death : marketing infertility drugs : signals from the Pleiades : why helvetica is my friend : how not to breed

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hmm. Well I wanted to write about yesterday, but now its after 4pm and who knows what happened to today? Even without an exhaustive agenda its hard getting things done around here. The neighbor's garage sale did not help.

Yesterday I got to chat w/Kevin at cawfee regarding creating for yourself, versus creating for an audience. Clearly what I make is done out of a need to make it, nevermind who sees it. Still I don't think I'd be making this stuff if I lived alone on a desert island. Having a response pos or negative is nice. At any rate, given that the number of comments to this blog is zero, I guess I'll continue creating a blog for myself.

Also yesterday, I got to discuss getting art "out" there, in front of John Q Public, which was nice. Nice to be listened to by impartial strangers. I got to explain to them the concept of an artcar, basically. I'm not sure but it sure seemed as though they'd never heard of that. I wasn't driving it, so they had only my tiny business card photo to go on. My receptive audience included a local Fairhaven artist, and a gallery owner. Maybe they were just being polite but twas nice to climb on my soapbox for a spell. And, picturing us all 200 years from now. (That, being Mark's answer to stage fright).

Spent time in Edison, Washington, second hand shopping and chatting with anyone basically and flouncing about in my wacko grey Halliburton over-alls and a snappy cocktail dress that fits me perfectly. Oh, and loud spandex. A photo would be helpful here, but you'll just have to take my word for it. Whoever you are.

Instead, here's a photo from my homage to Warhol--this is what I do for fun. That's my friend Aarmese.

Anyone who reads this and knows Hagrid, give him a shout/email. I do worry about that man.

Cheerios, W

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