small-town gay life and death : marketing infertility drugs : signals from the Pleiades : why helvetica is my friend : how not to breed

Friday, April 27, 2007

okay so three days in the life of an opthomologilyeaoowlogist. That's a cane shaped predeliction to organize carpet samples by the proximity to the ace of spades, or for those of you in the front row, organize period. Organization is what sets the human race apart from the rest of the animals, or didn't you realize. Hardy Harr.

So there was a story and it didn't begin with magnetic train toys.

It is set in Goodwill, maybe.

That hot hawaiian Lou - Ow! number might be among them. The difference between me and a pile of bricks: the bricks don't maintain balance on all occasions; they're much to busy keeping up with the storyline...
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