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Friday, January 14, 2005
A test of roadworthiness for the portable pda and keyboard...happy to say, working great.
We're on the hghway back from the cabin in Boston Bar, Mark at the wheel, me at the keybaord.
New Year's resolutions have never been relevant, but this year I have one: To take it easier on myself; to be a little more open to alternative intents. To not feel guilty for not following through on every dreamed of project. So for instance I'm spending a day at the cabin with Mark and Sadie, instead of fussing over suitable fiction short stories etc for the RFD magazine. And meanwhile actually making progress on my comic, Transmigration, which turns out is a lot of fun.
The mountains around Chilliwack rise out of the flat farmland floor like totems, surrounding, enveloping; everything about them says, arise, look up, block out the sun, or would if it weren't for the clouds (the gloom making reading this tiny PDA screen easier than usual). They rise up dark green with occasional flanks exposed to the cold white ice; winter has her grip on to be sure, but the trees lower down are shed their coat of ice and snow, for the moment. Tomorrow morningI'll bet will be completely changeed. Fortuanetly by then I'll be snug at home.
Popkum Road? Spuzzum, Bridal Veil falls, Cultus Lake, Agassiz....names that like anywhere define a region, in this case one just a little c lsoer to if not heaven, then at least the top of the world.
Comic conflicts in the Transmigration story:
Trans? Any sex changes going on?
Cole found the Christmas ball in the grass...why? Sumas entered his subconcsious and suggested finding the ball; insuring he'd keep it with him as a decoy. Or better--the xmas ball is the sepulchre, Cole simply mistook it for a more ordinary object. The ball is found by Cole because Sumas suggested to him (unconciously) that he look for it. Or it could be mere chance that he found it. He and Ryan play with the sepulchre (which contains the resonator), hence the farm floats. Crystal had the real ball, the sepulchre, for a time, and learned how to float her sculpure with it, but failed to harness it further. How/why? Are women less willing than men to use tools to make life "better"? Perhaps Crystal saw nothing "better" about what she considered just another implement of technology. Sumas let her find the sepulchre, then, when she refused to use it as he wished, he took it away. She was the second try; Cole was Sumas' third try. The first try?
Antigravitation is accomplished through increasing the pull of a small body, to a point where it balances the gravitational pull of the earth (or large body). To do this, one merely needs to increase the presence of atomic particles to their maximum density, or nearly. To do this requires a resonator, something to make the atoms "behave". Where to the atomic parts come from? Protons and neutrons are extracted from nearly any adjacent material, even air is a suitable source (though it takes a lot of air to supply the needed atoms relative to say, rocks)
The resonator is inside the sepulchre; so what is it and how does it work? The resonator is a tiny piece of Orb technology. Think of its influence on atoms like that of gravity's influence on the particles in a snow globe. The influence of the resonator depends on movement. Just like shaking the snow globe temporarily counteracts gravity; so does shaking the resonator temporarily counteract the pull of the earth (and hence the farm's sudden bouyancy, after tossing the resonator about).
When Sumas gave the Ball to Cole, Crystal's scuptures held their own state of anti-gravity, much like snow globe snow, for a brief time. By the time her orbs started to fall, there was nothing she could do. Just so, by the time the farm started to fall, there was nothing Sumas could do.
We're on the hghway back from the cabin in Boston Bar, Mark at the wheel, me at the keybaord.
New Year's resolutions have never been relevant, but this year I have one: To take it easier on myself; to be a little more open to alternative intents. To not feel guilty for not following through on every dreamed of project. So for instance I'm spending a day at the cabin with Mark and Sadie, instead of fussing over suitable fiction short stories etc for the RFD magazine. And meanwhile actually making progress on my comic, Transmigration, which turns out is a lot of fun.
The mountains around Chilliwack rise out of the flat farmland floor like totems, surrounding, enveloping; everything about them says, arise, look up, block out the sun, or would if it weren't for the clouds (the gloom making reading this tiny PDA screen easier than usual). They rise up dark green with occasional flanks exposed to the cold white ice; winter has her grip on to be sure, but the trees lower down are shed their coat of ice and snow, for the moment. Tomorrow morningI'll bet will be completely changeed. Fortuanetly by then I'll be snug at home.
Popkum Road? Spuzzum, Bridal Veil falls, Cultus Lake, Agassiz....names that like anywhere define a region, in this case one just a little c lsoer to if not heaven, then at least the top of the world.
Comic conflicts in the Transmigration story:
Trans? Any sex changes going on?
Cole found the Christmas ball in the grass...why? Sumas entered his subconcsious and suggested finding the ball; insuring he'd keep it with him as a decoy. Or better--the xmas ball is the sepulchre, Cole simply mistook it for a more ordinary object. The ball is found by Cole because Sumas suggested to him (unconciously) that he look for it. Or it could be mere chance that he found it. He and Ryan play with the sepulchre (which contains the resonator), hence the farm floats. Crystal had the real ball, the sepulchre, for a time, and learned how to float her sculpure with it, but failed to harness it further. How/why? Are women less willing than men to use tools to make life "better"? Perhaps Crystal saw nothing "better" about what she considered just another implement of technology. Sumas let her find the sepulchre, then, when she refused to use it as he wished, he took it away. She was the second try; Cole was Sumas' third try. The first try?
Antigravitation is accomplished through increasing the pull of a small body, to a point where it balances the gravitational pull of the earth (or large body). To do this, one merely needs to increase the presence of atomic particles to their maximum density, or nearly. To do this requires a resonator, something to make the atoms "behave". Where to the atomic parts come from? Protons and neutrons are extracted from nearly any adjacent material, even air is a suitable source (though it takes a lot of air to supply the needed atoms relative to say, rocks)
The resonator is inside the sepulchre; so what is it and how does it work? The resonator is a tiny piece of Orb technology. Think of its influence on atoms like that of gravity's influence on the particles in a snow globe. The influence of the resonator depends on movement. Just like shaking the snow globe temporarily counteracts gravity; so does shaking the resonator temporarily counteract the pull of the earth (and hence the farm's sudden bouyancy, after tossing the resonator about).
When Sumas gave the Ball to Cole, Crystal's scuptures held their own state of anti-gravity, much like snow globe snow, for a brief time. By the time her orbs started to fall, there was nothing she could do. Just so, by the time the farm started to fall, there was nothing Sumas could do.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Ah well, its been a while. Actually over a month; and no apologies. As if "busy" even described the state I'm in. No complaints mind you; except for the maniac most of you decided belongs in the Whitehouse--again. Serves him right, I hope his legacy buries him.
Anywho, the holidays were good, nice to visit the family, nice to come back here. Last weekend we got up to the cabin and bus up in British Columbia, and I'm happy to say the bus is weathering her first serious Canadian winter without to very much trouble. After sitting for nearly a month she started right up (well on the third try but still). Batteries seem to be lasting, and I've yet to get a cord to mate up with the block heater plug. Maybe I won't even need it--which would be good, since it looks a little strange. Labelled for 20 amps, but not like any RV plug I've seen!
As always I'm anxious to get to some exterior painting; if only Spring would just skip ahead a few months. Got some new ideas that will hopefully tie the whole silly works together--unify the Trinity...
Otherwise some great pics taken on our drive up last weekend; weather was decidely delightful:
What I like about this is I don't even know the name of this peak; there's so many around that its just another one. Just another incredibly breathtaking mountain vista.
Those are trees. And rocks.
This is the fifth tunnel (I know because you can see the sixth tunnel just inside it).
Brag brag brag...yes I'm surrounded by some of the most breathtaking scenery in North America. And you're not.
Anywho, the holidays were good, nice to visit the family, nice to come back here. Last weekend we got up to the cabin and bus up in British Columbia, and I'm happy to say the bus is weathering her first serious Canadian winter without to very much trouble. After sitting for nearly a month she started right up (well on the third try but still). Batteries seem to be lasting, and I've yet to get a cord to mate up with the block heater plug. Maybe I won't even need it--which would be good, since it looks a little strange. Labelled for 20 amps, but not like any RV plug I've seen!

As always I'm anxious to get to some exterior painting; if only Spring would just skip ahead a few months. Got some new ideas that will hopefully tie the whole silly works together--unify the Trinity...

Otherwise some great pics taken on our drive up last weekend; weather was decidely delightful:

What I like about this is I don't even know the name of this peak; there's so many around that its just another one. Just another incredibly breathtaking mountain vista.

Those are trees. And rocks.

This is the fifth tunnel (I know because you can see the sixth tunnel just inside it).
Brag brag brag...yes I'm surrounded by some of the most breathtaking scenery in North America. And you're not.
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